Funny Birthday Wishes for Husband

55 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy birthday, my dear husband
You’re funny, sweet, simply the best
You make me laugh and smile
You’re better than all the rest!
You get the best gift every day, husband
I’ll love you even when you’re old and gray
Happy birthday to my husband who is smart, funny, and gorgeous, and who reminds me a lot of myself! I guess that’s why we make the perfect pair because we share so many wonderful similarities!
The best gift you’ll ever receive
You're lucky to have a wife like me
Happy birthday, my lovely husband!

I’ll be honest, I thought about teasing you
on your birthday this year. After all, as your
funny wife, not only is it expected from me
but it’s kinda my responsibility, too!

But I realized the fact you’re turning
another year older and becoming so
so old is enough in itself, so I’ll give
you a break this year!
Happy birthday to my funny husband
My husband's jokes get older with age
Weird and wonderful, funny and unique
In you, I found my most perfect match
Never is there a moment that’s bleak.

Happy birthday to you, 
My husband and soulmate!
Happy birthday to my handsome
husband who still isn’t showing
his age, or acting it either!

I guess really I’m lucky my hubby
hasn’t changed and that he’s still
the same great man I met and fell
in love with all those years ago!
Birthdays are a time to be thankful, husband
You’re ageing like a fine wine, husband
Happy birthday to my ageing
But still handsome husband!

No matter how old or gray,
Or however bald you become
I will always love you
Until the end of time!
A husband who has it all
My husband deserves a medal
For better or for worse
Even if sometimes
You might annoy me
You’re the husband I want
Today, tomorrow, forever
You always have been
And you always will be!

I’m sending you birthday wishes 
Filled with lots of love on your
Special day this year, my dear!
Today is your birthday but to tell you the truth, I’m the real winner because I ended up with a husband like you! Happy birthday, my love!
Out of all the billions of people in the world, what were the chances that two crazy souls like ours would meet! Happy birthday, my dear soulmate and husband!
Of course I think you’re beautiful, my handsome husband, but if beauty is in the eye of the beholder then surely that means I’m beautiful too! I guess that’s why we make such a beautiful pair!

Happy birthday, hubby!
Happy birthday to you today,
my incredible man!

You are the sweetest, kindest,
and most loving human I know,
so I have no idea what I did to
deserve a husband like you!

I’m a very lucky lady indeed!
I wondered what gift I should get for
such a sweet, loving husband on your
birthday but then I realized something…

What more could you possibly want
or need when you have a wonderful
wife like me! Happy birthday, my love!
It simply wouldn’t be your birthday if you didn’t receive some wishes from your dear wife teasing you about your age!

Happy birthday, my handsome old man!
It can’t be easy having a wife who is always the center of attention, so seeing as it’s your birthday I’ll take a day off and let you have the spotlight for a change!

Happy birthday to you, my love!
Happy birthday, hubby! You truly won the jackpot ending up with a wife like me, one that will keep paying out for a lifetime as you’ll always be stuck with me!

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