Top Funny Birthday Wishes for Best Friend Girl

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Funny Birthday Wishes for Best Friend Female

It’s that time of year again when your best friend’s birthday comes around. As her number 1 bestie and most fabulous friend, it’s your job to make her laugh with the funniest birthday wishes!

Luckily, we’ve got you covered with a witty selection of funny one-liners, hilarious jokes, and sarcastic birthday wishes for your best friend that will put a big smile on her face and have her giggling with glee on her special day!

32 Short Funny Birthday Wishes for Best Friend Girl

  • Everybody has that one crazy friend, and I’m proud to say that you’re mine, girl! Happy bday! 🤪
  • Happy birthday to a funny friend of mine who still isn’t showing her age… or acting it either!
  • Happy birthday to my sometimes crazy but always fabulous best friend! 😆
  • You can’t avoid getting older, bestie, but that doesn’t mean you have to grow up!
  • My birthday gift to you today is that I won’t reveal your true age, bestie! 🤐
  • Smart, funny and super cute… But enough about me, today’s your special day! Happy birthday, bestie! 💅
  • Happy birthday to a very special person who knows all my flaws yet continues to be my best friend anyway!
  • May your special day be just as amazing, funny, and as crazy as you are, girl! 😜
  • I don’t think there’s another pair of weirdos more perfectly matched to be best friends than us!
  • We know too many of each other’s secrets not to be best friends, birthday girl! 🤐
  • Happy birthday to my beautiful, funny, fabulous friend who reminds me a lot of myself in many ways! 
  • Happy birthday to a girl who can make me laugh uncontrollably, and always at the most inappropriate times! 😜
  • You might be another year older, but you don’t look it! Nobody would guess you’re so old, girl!
  • Congrats, birthday girl! Age may not be on your side, but you can be sure your BFF always will be! 🙌
  • Happy birthday to my weirdly wonderful, always funny, crazy best friend! You’re my favourite weirdo!
  • Today we celebrate another year of your life and another year of saving each other’s sanity! 🥳
  • Happy birthday to my best friend in the world! May the frosting on your cake be as sweet as you are!
  • Age hasn’t been kind to you, girl! Luckily you have a fun friend like me to help you feel younger! 💁

happy birthday wishes

Happy birthday to my bestie; the holder of all my secrets! I promise not to reveal your true age if you agree not to reveal mine!

  • I’m usually laughing with you but today, my friend, I’m laughing at you as you freak out about turning another year older!
  • May our friendship last so long that we reach an age where we can no longer remember each other’s birthday!
  • I can’t be sane because I don’t know anyone else crazy enough to endure you! Happy birthday, girl!
  • Age hasn’t been kind to you, my friend, but I always will be. Happy bday, bestie!
  • Happy birthday, girl! Looks like this is the birthday you’ll stop being asked to show ID!
  • Another birthday and you’re not getting any younger, girl. Best start planning for your retirement! 🧓
  • Happy birthday to my fav girl! There’s never a dull moment when you’re around, bestie!
  • What did I do to deserve a best friend like you? Whatever it was, it must’ve been pretty bad!
  • You don't look another year older, bestie… You look more like you’ve aged by several! 😉
  • Who needs lots of different friends when I have a cute best friend like you! You’re worth a thousand friends!
  • HBD, friend! I’ll give you a break as it’s your birthday and try not to be so annoying and sarcastic!
  • Remember, age is just a number. It just so happens that yours is becoming a pretty big number, girl!
  • Happy birthday to my crazy best friend! I couldn't wish for a better BFF than you!

Funny Birthday Messages for Female Best Friend

Happy birthday, bestie!

Out of all the gifts that you might
receive today, know that you’ve 
already got the best of them all: me!

My friendship is a blessing, girl!

Happy birthday to someone who knows all
my imperfections, all my deep dark secrets,
and everything else about me and despite
all this, still chooses to be my friend!

That’s true friendship!


happy birthday wishes

Many happy returns to the birthday girl!

Age may not be on your side, but you can be certain that I always will be!

Happy birthday, my dear best friend! 

If you’re wondering why your cake is starting to sag, it’s because it can’t take the weight of all those candles on top of it! 

Happy birthday to my unique best friend!

I mean, you really are a one of a kind girl.
You’re funny, sarcastic, a little annoying… 

You’ve got your own unique style unlike
that of anybody else I’ve ever met, and 
I wouldn’t change you for the world!

Happy birthday to my sometimes crazy but always fabulous best friend!

Having a fun gal pal who is always full of life like you means that there’s never a dull moment when you’re around. You’re always the life and soul of any party!
You know all my flaws
Happy birthday to my sanity-saving friend
Happy birthday to the only girl who can make me laugh uncontrollably, and usually at the most inappropriate times! 😜
Age hasn’t been kind to you, my friend
I must be crazy
Happy birthday, bestie!

Everybody has that one crazy friend who
is always making everyone laugh, and
I’m so proud to say that you’re mine, girl!
The holder of all my secrets
You don't look another year older, bestie
I often wonder what the recipe is to a
long-lasting friendship like ours. I mean,
we’ve been best friends for such a long
time we must have the answer!

Well, when you give it some thought
it’s quite obvious really… We’ve simply
told each other far too many secrets
over the years!

We’re locked into this friendship for life!

Happy birthday to you, bestie!
Happy birthday to the world’s best gal pal!

I can only hope that the frosting on your cake is as sweet as you are!
We make a perfect pair, bestie
Today’s your special day, not mine
Happy birthday to a glamorous lady
who still isn’t showing her age…
or acting it either!

Enjoy your special day, girl!
Happy birthday to my crazy best friend
Happy birthday to my wild and crazy friend
Wishing you a very happy birthday, bestie!

My birthday promise to you today is that I’ll do everything in my power to conceal your real age!
Loyalty, trust, and a shared sense of
humor are just some of the attributes
that make a friend a best friend, and
you’re so lucky that you have all of
that and more in me!

Happy birthday to you, girl!
Girl, you’re the big yellow sunshine
in my life that warms my heart and
brightens my days!

I’m sending you the most beautiful
birthday wishes today, my lovely
best friend!
Turning another year older doesn’t
have to be all doom and gloom!

Sure, you’re not getting any younger
but look on the positive side: you’re
a year closer to retirement!

Think of all the good times we’ll be
able to have with all that free time!
I’m so lucky to have a funny female friend like you to always keep me entertained. There’s never a dull moment when you’re around, bestie!

Happy birthday to you!
I often ask myself, what was it that
I did to deserve a friend like you?

Well, the conclusion I always come
to is that I must have done something
severely wrong in a past life to
deserve such a punishment!

I’m just messing with you, bestie!
Happy birthday to you!
Isn’t it funny how most people mature and grow up as they age, yet you cleverly continue to defy getting older by not doing those things!

I guess that must only mean you’re getting younger then, bestie! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, my wonderfully weird
best friend! May your special day be
just as amazing, funny, and as crazy
as you are, girl! 😜
Happy birthday to a beautiful, funny,
and charismatic friend of mine who
reminds me a lot of myself in many
ways! We’re so similar that it’s no
wonder we get along so well!

I hope you have a fabulous birthday
today, at least as fabulous as we are!
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