Top Funny Birthday Wishes for Best Friend Girl

Happy birthday to my unique best friend! I mean, you really are a one of a kind girl; you’re unlike anybody else I’ve ever met!

Whether that’s due to reasons better or for worse, I’ll leave that up to you to decide!
You must be crazy, girl
Happy birthday to my favorite weirdo
I know that it’s your birthday 
today, yet I can’t help but feel 
like it’s also sort of mine too 
seeing how I’m the lucky one 
to have a best friend like you!

I hope you have a totally 
fabulous birthday, girl!
I hope our friendship grows old with us
We were destined to be best friends
Happy birthday to the best gal pal!

My wish for your birthday is to make
you smile and laugh, but that’s not
really any different to having me
around on any given day! 
Age may not be on your side
I could never miss your birthday,
my friend, as you are someone
who is simply unforgettable!
Whether you’re memorable for
good or bad reasons, the jury’s
still out on that!

I hope you have a fabulous
day full of celebration, girl!
Who needs lots of different friends
when I have a best friend like you!
To me, you’re worth a thousand
friends, bestie!
If you’re wondering why your cake is starting to sag, it’s because it can’t take the weight of all those candles on top of it! Happy birthday, bestie!
Today I am wishing a very happy birthday
to my bestie who seems to age more
gracefully than anyone else I know!

Honestly, if you were to bottle and sell
your age-defying secret you would
instantly become a millionaire, girl!
They say that you’re only ever as old as you
feel and, seeing as you certainly don’t act
your age, I think it’s safe to say that you’ll
always be younger than you really are!

Happy birthday to you, bestie!
Happy birthday, girl!

I’m so lucky to have a best friend like you!

I mean, obviously I’d be luckier if I had a
celebrity or a socialite friend who could
get me into exclusive parties, but you’ll do!
Gal pals are a dime a dozen but you’re worth your weight in gold, my dear!

Not that I’m saying you’re heavy, just gold is very valuable! Happy birthday, bestie!
Everybody needs a little bit of crazy
in their life and I’m blessed to have
that in you, bestie! 😜

You are my ray of sunshine and
source of endless happiness! 
Don’t worry about wrinkles or laughter lines, my friend! They’re just the mark of a life well-lived!

Sending all my love to you on your special day today!
Happy birthday to someone who knows of
all my imperfections and everything else
about me yet still chooses to be my friend!

You are extraordinary, my dear!
Happy birthday, bestie! Simply knowing somebody as fabulous as me should be the only gift you need on your birthday!
Happy birthday, bestie!

Always remember that age is just a
number, girl. It just so happens that
in your case it’s quickly becoming
a pretty high number! 

I wouldn’t stress about it, though.
The best gift a person can receive
is another year of life!

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