Having a smart, funny, and wonderful person as a best friend must be something truly special and a great gift in itself. You really are quite lucky, my man!
I’m wishing you all the best on your birthday today, pal!
You might want to forget about your birthday but I never could! I’ll take any opportunity to remind you that you’re getting older, my friend! Happy birthday!
I’m sorry to be the one to tell you but we’ve had a call from the fire department to say that they know how old you’re turning today and that your birthday cake is for sure going to be a fire hazard!
We’ll just have to find some other, safer way to celebrate this grand age of yours!
I am a true friend, buddy. I’ll always remember your birthday but as a courtesy and out of respect for you, I’ve chosen to stop keeping track of your age!
In my mind, you’re only as old as you feel! Happy birthday to you!
Make sure you smile for every photo that’s taken of you today, my friend, so at least that way you’ll have something to look back on in a few years and remember what it was like when you used to have your own teeth!