Funny Birthday Wishes for Cousin Sister

53 happy birthday wishes found:

We must be related because you have so
much style and sophistication just like me!

If people didn’t know any better or that
we’re cousins, they would definitely think
that we’re sisters!

Happy birthday, my dear! I hope you enjoy
your special day today!
Happy birthday to my cousin who
funnily enough happens to have
the best cousin in the world!

How crazy is that!
Families are filled with many magnificent wonders, but there are few things as wonderful as being blessed with a truly precious cousin.

You must feel pretty lucky to have that in me!

Happy birthday to you today, my dear!
There are few things in life as special as family, and you’re doubly blessed to have someone as spectacular as me in yours! Happy birthday, cuz!
Happy birthday to my favorite cousin!

Very few cousins are made like you
Who mean as much as sisters do!
Happy birthday, my dear cousin! Congratulations on still maintaining your youthful looks despite the many, many, many years that are against you!
Happy birthday to a unique
Cousin who’s as funny as you
I’m thankful for the laughs
And your true friendship, too!
Girl, each year you become more
beautiful and more fabulous than
ever before! I'm just hoping that's
something that runs in the family!

Happy birthday to you!
I didn’t think it was possible since you’re already pretty awesome but with each passing year, you just keep getting better and better!

Happy birthday, my sweet cousin!
Wow, another birthday already, cousin?
With all these years behind you now,
perhaps you’ll finally start to grow up soon!

I’m just kidding with you! I wouldn’t change
your fun and playful personality for the
world! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you, my sweet cousin!

Seeing as it’s your special day, I’ll let you in on a little secret: I know your true age! Well, with us being as close as we are what else would you expect!
When two cousins are as close and as inseparable as we are, you might as well just call them siblings!

Happy birthday, my dear!
If I didn’t know any better I’d never guess it was your birthday today as you don’t look a day older, let alone a year! Happy birthday, my beautiful cousin!
Happy birthday to my sweet cousin!

I wholeheartedly believe that we have a better relationship than most sisters, probably because we didn’t live together growing up!

I’m sure I would’ve grown tired of you had we been in each other’s pockets 24/7!

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