Funny Birthday Wishes for Sister

164 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy birthday, little sis!

We’ve shared many laughs
Too many times to quote
With a dear sister like you
I’ll always be able to gloat!
People say that you get more beautiful with age, but surely they mean you become more beautiful on the inside because the cracks are certainly starting to show on the outside!

I’m just kidding with you, sis! I hope you have a wonderful birthday today!
Happy birthday to my beautiful younger
sister who still isn’t showing her age…
nor is she acting it yet, either!
Happy birthday, sis!

There might have been a time when we
were younger that I would’ve traded you
for something as small as a chocolate bar,
but now I wouldn’t trade you for the world!

I’ve come to love and embrace the fact
that you’re my annoying little sis and you
always will be! I wouldn’t have you any
other way!
Happy birthday, sis! Although you can’t rewind and get any younger, at least we can stop counting from this year onwards to make sure you don’t get any older!
Happy birthday, sis!

The years might not be on your
side, but I always will be!

I’ll be there for you no matter how
old, gray, and wrinkly you get!
Happy birthday, little sis!

I’m blessed to have had
such a wonderful sidekick
like you all these years!

May you continue to follow
in my fabulous footsteps!
Don’t let another birthday get you down,
sis! After all, what difference does one
more year really make at this point!
Happy birthday, sis!

Remember, today is your special
day and it’s all about you!

Come to think of it, so is every
other day actually!
Happy birthday to you today
my dear, ageing sister!

Looks like we might have to
get two cakes this year to
accommodate all of the candles!
There is no gift in the world more precious than a beautiful and unique sister like you, and there is no gift good enough for someone as incredible as you.

That’s exactly why I didn’t get you anything this year, sis! Happy birthday!
It might feel like you’re getting older by the minute, but no matter how old you get you’ll always be my sweet little sister!

Happy birthday, sis!
While you might be getting older, sis,
you can always look at me to remind
you what young looks like!

I’m just kidding with you! You look
really good considering your age!

Happy birthday to you from your
hilarious and beautiful younger sister!
Congratulations to you on your
special day, sis!

Your birthday is always a welcome
time for me because it’s just one more
reminder that you’re older than me!

I know it’s not my birthday, but that’s
the best gift you could ever give to me!
Happy birthday to you!

How is it that each year you get older, yet you become more and more beautiful, little sis!

Well, I’ll tell you why… It’s because you’re related to me! It runs in the family, my super gorgeous sister!

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