People say that you get more beautiful with age, but surely they mean you become more beautiful on the inside because the cracks are certainly starting to show on the outside!
I’m just kidding with you, sis! I hope you have a wonderful birthday today!
There might have been a time when we were younger that I would’ve traded you for something as small as a chocolate bar, but now I wouldn’t trade you for the world!
I’ve come to love and embrace the fact that you’re my annoying little sis and you always will be! I wouldn’t have you any other way!
Happy birthday, sis! Although you can’t rewind and get any younger, at least we can stop counting from this year onwards to make sure you don’t get any older!
There is no gift in the world more precious than a beautiful and unique sister like you, and there is no gift good enough for someone as incredible as you.
That’s exactly why I didn’t get you anything this year, sis! Happy birthday!