60+ Funny Birthday Wishes for Girlfriend

How do you do it, my love? How do you defy nature and manage to look younger with each passing birthday?!

It’s supposed to work the opposite way!

Love you!
I was going to buy you a pretty piece of jewellery this year for your birthday to compliment your jaw-dropping beauty, my love, but then I thought how unnecessary it would be when you’re already as pretty as you could be!

Happy birthday, my gorgeous girlfriend!
Happy birthday to my gorgeous, hilarious, incredible girlfriend!

No wonder we’re such a perfect match!
Happy birthday, sweetie!

After today, it’ll no longer be your
special day but not much will change.
All of the attention will still be on you
like it always is!
Happy birthday, my gorgeous gf!

It’s not often you find a guy
With both beauty and brains,
So you’re super lucky to have 
Found both those qualities in me!
Happy birthday, sweetie!

A love as heart touching as ours
A love so wonderful and unique
Two truly odd humans like us
Were always destined to meet!
Happy birthday to my lover girl!

To me, you are so much more
Than simply just my lover
You’re the one whose company
I enjoy more than any other!
Out of all my girlfriends, past and present,
you are definitely in my top 3!

That’s a pretty huge honour considering
how many girlfriends there have been
before you!

Wishing you a very happy birthday today,
my extremely gorgeous girlfriend!
If you’re wondering why I wrapped myself up as a present this year, it’s because I wanted to get you what your heart most desires! Happy birthday, my love!
Happy birthday, sweetie!

You truly are a very special girl
to put up with a guy like me…

You must really love me a lot!
Happy birthday, beautiful one!

I figured that for your gift 
On your special day this year
I could write you a funny letter
I could send you a silly card
But really all you need to see
Is my face to make you laugh!

The image of that gift is one 
That you can carry around 
With you wherever you go!
Happy birthday to my girl!

To me, you will always be so much more than just a lover, girl. You’re somebody I actually enjoy spending time with!
I don’t know what I did to deserve such an incredible, funny and beautiful girl like you, but I will be forever thankful that we found each other.

I love you with every inch of my heart, my love! Happy anniversary!

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