Funny Birthday Wishes for Younger Sister

52 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy birthday to my little sister who only seems to get more beautiful each year! Either that or my eyesight is getting worse with age!
Growing up we might have fought
We’d annoy each other non-stop
We got on each other’s nerves
For any other sibling I’d swap.

But I’ve grown to learn I’m very lucky
As baby sisters like you there are few
And deep down the truth is that 
I’d never trade a sister like you!

Happy birthday, my dear sister!
The fact that you’re turning another year older simply makes me feel older than ever! Thanks a lot, little sis!
Happy birthday, dear sister!

We used to fight, squabble, and argue, we would laugh together and make fun of each other. Actually, come to think about it, not a lot has changed really, little sis!
Happy birthday, little sis!

I hope your birthday is equal parts
crazy and fabulous, just like you!
Wow, sis, you’ve had so many birthdays now that I’m starting to lose count!

What’s worse is that I’m older than you, so what does that say about me! Happy birthday!
You can’t stop getting older, little sis,
so your only hope is that you grow old
gracefully like me! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, baby sister!

Like the finest wine you just keep improving with age, sis! Just like your elder sister, then! 
As your elder sibling, it’s my duty to boss you around and act as though you’re always bothering me but seeing as today is your special day I’ll give you a break!

Happy birthday to you, little sis!
Happy birthday, little sis! You keep trying to catch up with me but you never will! I’ll always win when it comes to being older than you!
Happy birthday, lil sis!

You might be another year older but you’d never be able to tell. I wish I’d inherited the youthful genes that you clearly got!

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