Funny Birthday Wishes

1090 happy birthday wishes found:

My gorgeous man is getting older and
older! Gradually turning grey and ever
closer to becoming a handsome silver fox!

Happy birthday, my love!
Happy birthday to my gorgeous girlfriend who is more than just a pretty face!

You are smart and witty, too!

People might not realise that straight away, because they’re just dazzled by your mesmerising beauty!

Wishing you a fabulous birthday, my love!
Happy birthday to my lifelong best bud!

You’ve been with me from the beginning and you’ll be with me forevermore! There’s no getting rid of me now!
People say that you get more beautiful with age, but surely they mean you become more beautiful on the inside because the cracks are certainly starting to show on the outside!

I’m just kidding with you, sis! I hope you have a wonderful birthday today!
As your boyfriend, it’s my duty to keep all
your secrets under wraps so I’ll make sure
I add your age to the ever-growing list!

Happy birthday, sweetie!
On your birthday this year, little brother, I propose we make a pact. I won’t reveal your age, so long as you don’t tell anyone that I’m even older than you!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to the world’s most awesome cousin!

Wait, I meant to say happy birthday from the world’s most awesome cousin! You’re lucky to have someone as wonderful and as cool as me in your life, cuz!
A friend like you
Is hard to find
You truly are
One of a kind!

Happy birthday,
For better or for worse
Even if sometimes
You might annoy me
You’re the husband I want
Today, tomorrow, forever
You always have been
And you always will be!

I’m sending you birthday wishes 
Filled with lots of love on your
Special day this year, my dear!
Happy birthday to you today,
my dear best friend!

You, my friend, are a truly unique
guy and anything but ordinary.
You’re simply unlike any other!

I mean, for example, most
people tend to get wiser with
age but nope, not you!
Happy birthday to my beautiful younger
sister who still isn’t showing her age…
nor is she acting it yet, either!
I am a true friend, buddy. I’ll always remember your birthday but as a courtesy and out of respect for you, I’ve chosen to stop keeping track of your age!

In my mind, you’re only as old as you feel! Happy birthday to you!
Today is your birthday but to tell you the truth, I’m the real winner because I ended up with a husband like you! Happy birthday, my love!
Happy birthday to my boyfriend who
has excellent taste!

I mean, he chose me as his girlfriend,
so that kind of says it all!
Happy birthday, old man!

Gray hairs may be emerging and
wrinkles starting to form but try and
enjoy your special day all the same!

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