Funny Birthday Wishes

1090 happy birthday wishes found:

Today marks the birthday of someone very special: me! Don’t forget to wish me well and tell me how great I am!
Happy birthday to a glamorous lady
who still isn’t showing her age…
or acting it either!

Enjoy your special day, girl!
Wishing you a very happy birthday, bestie!

My birthday promise to you today is that I’ll do everything in my power to conceal your real age!
My man is getting older today. Another year and so many memories. Happy birthday, dude!

From the bottom of my heart I’m wishing you the best, and I'm hoping time starts to slow down or else you'll soon become an old man!
Many girls can only wish for the
perfect guy but luckily for you, that
dream came true when you met me!

Happy birthday, my beautiful love!
On your special day, I wanted to
tell you just how much you mean
to me, in a way that you’ll be able
to understand and relate to.

So I thought long and hard, and
decided that I love you even more
than you love football, and that’s
saying something! I long for the
day when you give me as much
attention as you do when you’re
watching a football match!

Have a very happy birthday today,
my love!
Out of all the billions of people in the world, what were the chances that two crazy souls like ours would meet! Happy birthday, my dear soulmate and husband!
Age may not have been kind to you,
uncle, but at least you can always
rely on me to help you feel younger!

And, when the time comes, you’ll
also be able to count on me to
push you around in a wheelchair!

Happy birthday to you today!
Happy birthday to you, my best buddy!

Make sure you smile for every photo that’s taken of you today, my friend, so at least that way you’ll have something to look back on in a few years and remember what it was like when you used to have your own teeth!
I could never miss your birthday,
my friend, as you are someone
who is simply unforgettable!
Whether you’re memorable for
good or bad reasons, the jury’s
still out on that!

I hope you have a fabulous
day full of celebration, girl!
Just warning you there will be a party later, I didn’t want to throw you a surprise party and give you a heart attack. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, sis!

There might have been a time when we
were younger that I would’ve traded you
for something as small as a chocolate bar,
but now I wouldn’t trade you for the world!

I’ve come to love and embrace the fact
that you’re my annoying little sis and you
always will be! I wouldn’t have you any
other way!
People say that you must have the
patience of a saint for putting up
with me, and they’re right!

Thank you for always being the
calm and composed person that
you are, and for bringing but serenity
and happiness into our lives!

Have a very happy birthday,
my love, my saint!
Happy birthday, sis! Although you can’t rewind and get any younger, at least we can stop counting from this year onwards to make sure you don’t get any older!
Of course I think you’re beautiful, my handsome husband, but if beauty is in the eye of the beholder then surely that means I’m beautiful too! I guess that’s why we make such a beautiful pair!

Happy birthday, hubby!

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