Funny Birthday Wishes

1090 happy birthday wishes found:

If you’re wondering why your cake is starting to sag, it’s because it can’t take the weight of all those candles on top of it! Happy birthday, bestie!
Don’t let another birthday get you down,
sis! After all, what difference does one
more year really make at this point!
I’m glad you were there to witness the discovery of fire. You will need it to light all of those candles later. Happy birthday, friend!
Age might not be your friend, cousin, but I always will be! You can always rely on me for sisterly support no matter how old you get!
Nephews and nieces are a dime
a dozen, so to be lucky enough to
have a stand-out one like me is the
best gift you could receive!

That’s also the reason why I didn’t
get you any other kind of present
this year! Happy birthday!
Great friends should be treasured,
especially the ones of your age that
are a little more fragile!

I’ll always be here to look out for you,
dude! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, sis!

Remember, today is your special
day and it’s all about you!

Come to think of it, so is every
other day actually!
Happy birthday to you today
my dear, ageing sister!

Looks like we might have to
get two cakes this year to
accommodate all of the candles!
Happy birthday, teacher!

I’m going to miss you when you retire,
which can’t be far off now, right?!
I’m not saying you are old, but you
used to have a dinosaur for a pet!

Have a great birthday, old friend!
Another year has passed us by, dear uncle, and you continue to be living proof that you don’t necessarily become any wiser the older you get!

That’s okay, though! You don’t need to become any wiser because you’re already wise enough!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, man! My gift to you
on your special day this year is that
I’m sending you a wish for each year
that you’ve been on this earth for…

Well, you’d better get started then
because it looks like you’ve got a lot
of wishes to make today, my friend!
Wishing you a very happy birthday, bestie!

Looks like all of the attention will be on you today, which isn’t any different from any other day really, is it!

I hope you enjoy yet another special day that’s all about you!
Happy birthday to you today, my friend!

You truly are a best friend like no other. I mean, who else would still want to be my friend after knowing all of my crazy quirks! Perhaps you're the crazy one after all!

I hope you have the best day this year, bud!

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