Funny Birthday Wishes

1090 happy birthday wishes found:

Having a smart, funny, and wonderful person as a best friend must be something truly special and a great gift in itself. You really are quite lucky, my man!

I’m wishing you all the best on your birthday today, pal!
My favourite blood relation
Another trip around the sun for my wife
Happy birthday to my absolute
favourite teacher!

You are so smart, wise and so
incredibly funny but out of all
your remarkable qualities, the
thing I admire most about you
is your generosity.

For example, the amazing grade
you’re probably going to give me
because of this sincere, heartfelt
birthday message I took the time
to write for you!

Have a truly wonderful day!
You're older but not any wiser, sis
The holder of all my secrets
For a wonderful boyfriend
So funny and cute
I’m hoping your birthday
Is truly a hoot!
People usually think you're the younger one
I’ll love you even when you’re old and gray
If I’m a funny husband it’s only because I have such a funny wife! You are my inspiration and the driving force behind everything that I do. I truly am blessed to have found someone who is as special as you. 

Happy birthday, my sweetheart!
Happy birthday to my baby sister who
is so cute and funny, which is probably
why she reminds me so much of myself!
We’re so alike it’s scary!

Happy birthday from your equally
wonderful elder sister, sis!
Cousin, you get more awesome with age
My cheeky little sister is growing up
Happy birthday, brother! It’s funny how each year you become another year older, yet you never really seem to grow up!

I wouldn’t have you any other way, though! You’re the best brother a sister could ask for!
You’re lucky to have a younger sister like me
A cousin who still isn't showing her age
Weird and wonderful, funny and unique
In you, I found my most perfect match
Never is there a moment that’s bleak.

Happy birthday to you, 
My husband and soulmate!
You’re funny and cute,
You make me laugh
I could definitely see you
As my other half!

Happy birthday, gorgeous!
Happy birthday from one wise
elder sister to her younger and
more beautiful baby sister!

I was trying to think of something
funny or witty for your birthday
message this year, but all I could
think of was silly jokes and cliche
anecdotes. I guess you got the
gift of being both the younger
one and the funny one, sis!
Happy birthday to my gorgeous
girlfriend who really lucked out
in the boyfriend department!

You’re a very lucky girl to have
someone as wonderful and as
funny as me!
Happy birthday to my dear wife, so sweet and funny. Your love makes every day of my life so warm and sunny! 😎
Happy birthday to the guy who
brightens my days and fills my life
with laughter! I’m so lucky to have
a boyfriend as funny as you!
Your classes are always funny and entertaining, teacher!

I don’t know if you intend them to be that way, but they always leave me in stitches!

Happy birthday!
I’m one of the lucky ones to be
Blessed with a crazy cousin like you
A super funny dude who’s like a 
Brother through and through!

Happy birthday, buddy!
Sending the best birthday wishes to my brother from the funniest sister! You’re lucky to have such a spectacular sibling who is as funny as I am!

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