Funny Birthday Wishes

1090 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy birthday, sister!

Enjoy your youthful beauty while you
still can, little sis, because once you
get to my age that all starts to change!
Happy birthday to my cousin who
funnily enough happens to have
the best cousin in the world!

How crazy is that!
Families are filled with many magnificent wonders, but there are few things as wonderful as being blessed with a truly precious cousin.

You must feel pretty lucky to have that in me!

Happy birthday to you today, my dear!
Each year that you get older,
It always amazes me how you
Haven’t grown tired of me yet!
I’m so very lucky to have found 
A truly wonderful wife like you
Who is still willing to put up
With all the silly things I do! 

You have the patience of a saint,
My love! Happy birthday to you! 
Happy birthday to the world’s best wife, from the world’s most wonderful husband! Together, we truly make a dream team, my love!
Happy birthday, uncle!

You’re the life of the party, there’s never a dull moment when you’re around, you bring the fun with you more than anyone else I have found!
Everybody needs a little bit of crazy
in their life and I’m blessed to have
that in you, bestie! 😜

You are my ray of sunshine and
source of endless happiness! 
Happy birthday to the most relaxed,
laid-back teacher ever!

You are without a doubt my favourite
teacher, and not just because you let
everyone get away with anything!

Don’t get me wrong, you’re definitely
not a pushover! Everyone respects
you and your liberal teaching style,
and that you allow more freedom
in the classroom!

Wishing you all the very best on your
special day, teach!
Happy birthday to my dear elder brother!

Just so you know, when the time comes
I’ll be more than happy to help you out
with whatever you might need, and I’ll
even push you around in a wheelchair!

Come to think of it, I don’t reckon that’s
too far off actually!

All the best, bro!
You are by far the smartest person I know, which is why it’s hard to understand why you chose to become a teacher! Happy birthday to you!
I can still remember how excited you
used to get as a kid every year when
your birthday would come around.

Years on and not much has changed!
I’m glad to see that you’re still
enthusiastic about getting older!

Happy birthday!
After all these years of marriage, my smile still reaches my eyes whenever I see you!

Happy birthday, my dear wife!
When I think about how long we’ve
been best friends for it just makes
me realize how old we are!

At least today is your birthday,
so you’re the one getting another
year older and not me!

Happy birthday to you!
Today I’ll be fulfilling my birthday duty
of eating more cake than should be
humanly possible!
If there’s one birthday
I would never miss
It’d be the birthday of
My sweet little sis!

I’d never pass up
The opportunity to
Remind you that I’m
The older and wiser one,
And I always will be!

Happy birthday!

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