Funny Birthday Wishes

1090 happy birthday wishes found:

Having a best friend like me is worth not one, but three! I hope you know just how fortunate you are to have me!

Happy birthday, bestie!
At times you might be annoying
Sometimes you drive me mad
But you’ll always be my sister
And really, you’re not all bad!

I guess if I’m totally honest
I wouldn’t choose anyone else!

Happy birthday to you, sis!
I’m pretty lucky to have a wife
like you but you’re so, so incredibly
lucky to have a husband like me!

Happy birthday, my sweetheart!
I’ll admit that when we were
growing up together there
were times when I used to
think that you were the worst…

You’re still not perfect but hey,
you’re not far off!

Happy birthday to you today,
my near-perfect sister!
It’s my birthday!

If you didn’t already know, you do now!
The fact that you’re turning another year older simply makes me feel older than ever! Thanks a lot, little sis!
Who would have thought that my
arch-nemesis growing up would
someday turn out to be one of
my closest and best friends!

Happy birthday, sis! I’m sending
you lots of love as you celebrate
your special day today!
I understand that you’re probably feeling a little sensitive about your age today, sis, so I’ll be kind and refrain from making any age-related jokes!

Just remember, though, that tomorrow is another day and all bets are off!

Happy birthday to you today!
You might be another year older,
little brother, but you definitely don’t
look it and you certainly don’t act it!

You’ll be able to fool people with
your age for many years to come,
I’m sure of it!

Happy birthday from your forever
wise elder sister!
You are so much more to me than merely just an uncle. In fact, I’d say that you’re more like a grandfather to me on account of your age!

I’m just kidding with you! I hope you have a wonderful birthday today!
Today is the anniversary of the day
the most beautiful human entered
the world! Happy birthday!

I want you to know that I’m thinking
of you on your special day today,
and come to think of it, pretty much
every other day too!
Happy birthday, bestie!

We truly were made for each other and destined to be best friends, as I don’t know anyone else who would be able to handle us! We’re lucky to have each other, girl!
Happy birthday, girl!

Out of all the great gifts that you might
receive today, know that you already
have the best of them all: me!
If you’re wondering why everyone is being extra nice to you at work today, it’s only because they want a slice of your delicious birthday cake! Happy birthday!
May your birthday be just like the day you were born: with you screaming and everyone making a fuss of you!

Happy birthday, sis!

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