Funny Birthday Wishes

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It hasn’t been an easy road, but I have finally perfected the art of being fabulous!
Happy birthday!

Someone as outstandingly beautiful as you should have a birthday that’s almost as stunning, too!

I say almost because nothing can come close to your remarkable beauty! 
Happy birthday! Another year brings the hard reality that you’re not getting any younger, hubby!

At least each year you’re getting closer to retirement and finally living the easy life!
Happy birthday, my lovely sister!

Don’t think of today as getting 
another year older, instead think 
of it as getting another year wiser.

And I mean let’s face it, you can 
use all the wisdom you can get!
My fondness for you grows at the same
rate that you do so the older you get,
the more adored you become!

Happy birthday, my dear!
Today’s all about me, which isn’t much different to any other day really!
I’m laughing at the fact that you’ve
just turned another year older today,
brother, but I’m sure I won’t be
laughing when it’s my turn next!

Happy birthday!
It’s amazing how after all these years you still aren’t showing your age, uncle! It’s equally amazing that you haven’t started to act your age yet, either!

I’m not complaining, though! I probably couldn’t have an uncle who’s more fun than you!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you, bestie! 

You are a girl who has the power
to do anything you wish for in life
and be anything you want to be.

Unless of course the thing you wish
to be is younger, because even you
couldn’t make that happen!
Happy birthday, bestie!

I don’t know that we would be 
buddies now had we not been 
such good friends when we 
were younger. 

You’re far too cool for me now!
I know that turning another year older might make you a little emotional and you might even want to cry, but it’s not all that bad… just think of the positives, like the fact that you have an amazing girlfriend to comfort you in your time of need!
Happy birthday, my dear friend!

You know some people are like great wines, as time passes they acquire a more complex taste, a fuller body and are greatly desired.

And you know other people are like mature cheeses, despite looking older and developing a more intense smell, there are many people yearning for them.

But you, my friend, all these years have made you complex and given you a fuller body like a great wine, but also, like great cheese, you look older and have an intense smell, and no one really seems to be interested in you.

So, I guess you're stuck with me!
Happy birthday to the most caring teacher!

It’s no surprise that some students
accidentally call you mom because
you’re a great mentor and guide!

Thank you for all of your care, and all
the support and attention you give to
each and every one of us!

We hope you have a fantastic birthday!
Happy birthday, my lovely!

Don’t be offended if people start buying you anti-ageing products as birthday gifts - they just want your youthful looks to last forever!

Just make sure they include a gift receipt so that you can exchange them for something better!
I was going to plan you a surprise party, but then I reconsidered as it could quite easily give you a heart attack at your age!

Happy birthday, bestie!

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