Seeing as it’s your special day, I’ll let you in on a little secret: I know your true age! Well, with us being as close as we are what else would you expect!
Cousin, you’ve completed yet another trip around the sun and boy is that journey starting to take its toll! You’re really starting to show your age now!
What better gift is there than a sweet, thoughtful, and touching birthday message written from the heart? Something so truly sentimental that money simply cannot buy.
Okay, yeah, you guessed it… I forgot to get you a gift!
Of course, had you thrown a big party on the actual day and invited me, I would have wished you a happy birthday there and then... But, as you didn’t, I’m wishing you a late happy birthday instead!
Many see getting older As something that is Annoying and a bore But to me, I think it’s Only a good thing As I only like you better Each year more and more!
Happy birthday from your Favorite younger brother, sis!
You’re not just a cousin but a brother too, but don’t be fooled into thinking that means you’ll get two birthday gifts this year! Happy birthday to you, bro!