Funny Birthday Wishes

1090 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy birthday, my soul sister!

Few friends are as close as we are, girl!
In fact, some would say that we’re too
close... but they’re just jealous!
Roses are red
Violets are blue
There aren’t many boyfriends
Who are as wonderful as you!

Of course, that means there 
Must be some that are better,
But let’s not focus on that part!

Happy birthday to you, my love!
You’re another year older
Where has the time gone
You used to be so handsome
But now you’re getting on
Age eventually takes its toll
With wrinkles and grey hair
But you never need to worry
Because I’ll always be there.

Happy birthday to you, my love.
You’re the best cousin ever, better than any big brother since we get to hang out and have fun but I don’t have to live with you! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the best kid brother a sister could wish for! You might be crazy and sometimes annoying, but I wouldn’t trade you for the world!
Close your eyes and think of the thing that your heart most desires. Then when you open them, the thing you most desire will be right in front of you: ME!

Happy birthday, my love! ❤️
They say you can’t put a wise head on young shoulders. Well, you don’t have to worry about that anymore. If anything, your shoulders are too wise for your head.

May you have a fantastic day and many more to come!
Out of all the people in the world, what were the chances that two crazy kids like us would meet! In you, I truly found my soulmate.

Happy birthday, my love!
Happy birthday, my love! Hopefully you’ll find these birthday wishes as cute as I find you!
Happy birthday, bro!

You deserve a very big and extra special gift on your birthday for surviving another year of putting up with an annoying sister like me! 
Happy birthday, lil sis!

You might be another year older but you’d never be able to tell. I wish I’d inherited the youthful genes that you clearly got!
Happy birthday to my boyfriend
who turns another year older yet
no more mature than before!
You’re another year older
So what can I say
It’s best not to think about it 
And just celebrate your day!

Happy birthday! 🎂 
Happy birthday, my dear friend!

Knowing all your secrets never stopped
me from wanting to be your friend or
from getting to know you better. It should
have, but it didn’t.

There is most certainly something wrong
with me, but that’s ok because there is
something wrong with you too!

Have an awesome birthday, you lovely weirdo!
I wish you a happy birthday,
my friend! I am, however,
eager for that slice of cake.

I would like to congratulate
you and all that, but again,
I’m mainly interested in the cake.

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