Funny Birthday Wishes

1090 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy birthday, brother!

Your cake this year is definitely going to
be a fire hazard, bro, so we’d better have
a fire extinguisher on hand just in case! 
Everyone has a fun uncle, don’t they? 

What a shame I wasn’t lucky enough 
to be blessed with one, though! 

Happy birthday to you!
Now more than ever you should be
living life to the fullest, making each
day count, and never looking back
with regret because the fact is at
your delicate age you just never
know exactly how much longer is
left on the clock!

Happy birthday to you, uncle!
Your special day may have slipped my
mind, but I’m thinking of you twice as
much today! I hope that makes up for it!

Happy belated birthday to you!
You were always there for me when we were kids so I hope you find comfort knowing that I’ll be there for you throughout your imminent old-age!

Happy birthday, sis!
We might have fought and argued as kids but as it turns out, you’re not half as bad as I once thought!

Happy birthday to you, sis!
From the moment you enter the
classroom, everyone knows there’s
fun to be had and a great lesson is
about to happen! I can assure you
that this isn’t the case with every
class we have!

Happy birthday to a unique and
wonderful teacher.
Happy birthday, girl!

We might not be able to stay out all night partying like we used to, but that’s just one of the side effects of yet another birthday! It’s to be expected now that we’re getting older!

I hope you have a fab day, bestie!
Happy birthday, sis!

When we were younger, there were definitely times where I couldn’t stand to be around you. Nowadays, I can’t stand being away from you!
There’s no point in being annoyed or
dwelling over the fact that I forgot your
birthday; it’s in the past now!

Happy belated birthday, my friend!
They say that friendship is a great
foundation for lasting love and romance,
and I’d say we’re pretty good friends!

Happy birthday! I hope you have a
lovely day today!
Happy birthday, sis!

It might appear obvious who’s the
youngest between me and you, but
only we really know the truth!

I’m happy to keep the secret if you are!
Happy birthday to my fabulous sister who is so generous and forgiving, and quite simply the nicest person I know!

Your big heart and kind nature are actually very lucky for me, as I may have forgotten a small but important detail this year: to get you a birthday gift!
Today, I’m wishing a very happy birthday
to my sister who has everything she could
ever wish for, including a wonderful sister
like me, most importantly of all!

Enjoy your special day, sis! I hope that it’s
as special as I am!
It can’t be easy being the brother
of someone so amazing, but I hope
that today makes you happy since
it’s your birthday.

After all, it’s the one day of the year
where all of the attention will be on
you for a change!

Happy birthday, bro!

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