Birthday Wishes for Girls

970 happy birthday wishes found:

To have someone as meaningful as you
in my life is the greatest blessing I could
ever wish for. I am one of the lucky ones,
as you are quite simply the best friend
a girl could hope for.

I’m sending you only the very best wishes
today and hoping that your special day
may warm your heart for the year ahead
and more, my dear.
Happy birthday to the cutest little princess
Wishing you all that your heart desires
Happy birthday to my best friend in the whole wide world!

I am so grateful for the friendship we have formed, and I vow to cherish it always, girl. We have a truly special bond; one that will last a very long time and that simply can’t be broken.

I can’t wait for all the wonderful moments ahead, all of the memories that are yet to be made in our fabulous friendship.
A strong and independent young woman
A romantic birthday wish for a secret crush
Happy birthday to our little girl!

Each year you get more beautiful and cuter than ever, and we just keep getting prouder of you!

We hope you have a lovely day today and a year filled with happiness to follow. Lots of love from mommy and daddy, sweetie!
Wishes for my long-time best friend
7 wishes for a very special little girl
Hip hip hooray for the birthday girl!

I’m sending my best wishes your way as you embark on your next 365-day journey today!
For the most beautiful girl in the
whole entire world, I’m wishing a
birthday that’s just as great and
gorgeous as you!

Happy birthday, sweetie!
May you sparkle and shine
Birthday wishes for a special little girl
The sweetest little girl is growing up so fast as today she celebrates her seventh birthday already!

I hope that your year of being 7 doesn’t go by too quickly and is as magical and wonderful as can be!

Happy birthday to you, sweetie!
Happy birthday, my forever best friend
The first time I held you in my arms
Happy birthday, sweetie!

A special girl like you deserves the
most unique wishes made just for you!
So as you blow out your birthday
candles today, may all your hopes
and wishes come true!
Happy birthday and many
congratulations to the birthday girl!

Remember, today is your day and
yours alone so enjoy it to the fullest!
For a special girl like you 
Who is turning twenty-one
I hope your big day
Is overloaded with fun!

Many congratulations
To you today, my dear!
I'm sending big hugs and kisses to my girl today! May your special day surround you with lots of love and warm your heart!

Happy birthday, my sweetheart!
Today, I’m sending some truly special birthday greetings to one extraordinarily unique birthday girl!

Happy birthday to you on your 7th birthday today, and I hope that you are blessed with all the happiness in the world just as you deserve it to be!
Happy birthday, bestie.

There’s no other day more perfect than your birthday to tell you just how meaningful and touching your friendship is to me. I want you to know that you are so much more than just my best friend. To me, you’re more like a sister I never had.

I’ll always be grateful that I was blessed with someone as special as you in my life. You’re my soul sister and best friend forever, girl.
I was so blessed when you came into
my life, and I have been ever since as
I've watched our friendship grow and
blossom into something truly beautiful.

I’m beyond lucky to have a best friend 
like you, girl. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday, girl! I hope you have
the most fabulous day today as you
truly deserve it.

You are such a special friend to me as
you are quite simply my inspiration, my
source of happiness, and everything
that is good in this world.
Happy birthday, girl friend! On your special day, I just want you to know how important you are to me and that I’ll always hold you close to my heart!

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