Birthday Wishes for Girls

970 happy birthday wishes found:

Your beauty adds a touch of elegance to
the class and you never fail to brighten
the room with your luminous personality.

You truly are a joy to be around and a
really great friend.

I hope all your wishes come true today.
Happy birthday to you.
If today was Valentine's Day I’d be asking if you’d be mine, but as it’s your birthday and your special day to receive all the wonderful gifts to your heart’s content, just know that I’m yours.

Happy birthday, sweetie!
Happy birthday, my dear friend.

May you have a blessed birthday
today and I hope you create many
wonderful memories to cherish for
all the years to come.
The future looks bright for you, my dear, with so many exciting adventures yet to come! I wish you the very best for everything that awaits you!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the one I love!

I am so lucky to have a beautiful
shining star like you in my life ⭐️
For someone as meaningful to me as you, I wanted to send an equally meaningful birthday message.

Your friendship is something so special and unique, and something I cherish dearly. I carry it with me in my heart each and every day, and I am just so grateful to have a best friend as wonderful as you.

I’m sending only the most special birthday wishes your way today.
Happy first birthday to a little princess!

A whole year has passed since you were born, and you are becoming even cuter by the day!
On your birthday this year, I hope you’re
surrounded by all the love and happiness
in the world, my dear!

Just know that you never have to look far
for love, sweetie! For instance, the man
of your dreams is closer than you think!
Happy birthday, my love. 

You are my heart, my passion,
and the one I am most blessed with.
I’ll be forever grateful for you. 
Happy birthday, my love.

I could search far and wide for the perfect gift for your birthday, but the truth is that there is no greater gift than a love like ours. We truly are very fortunate to have one another.
There are two types of people:
those who count their years, and
those who make their years count.

Always be the latter of the two,
my friend. Happy birthday.
Few are as lucky as us
To share a connection
Formed by genuine love
And deep understanding.

We truly are the lucky ones.

Happy birthday, my love.
Happy birthday to my bestie who oozes glamour, sophistication, beauty, and grace! I’m truly blessed to have such a lovely person like you in my life!
I’m lucky that I found you, bestie, as friendships like ours come around but once in a lifetime! I’m wishing you the most fabulous birthday today!
A friendship as true as ours will last a lifetime. I’m wishing you the loveliest, most wonderful birthday possible today, bestie!

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