Birthday Wishes for Girls

970 happy birthday wishes found:

Congratulations on surviving another year,
my dear! I am so thankful to have such a
kind and caring school friend like you to
help get me through each school day too!

Happy birthday, I hope you have a
fabulous day today.
A very sweet and special little
princess is celebrating 7 fab years!

You’ll need an extra deep breath to
blow out all those candles on your
birthday cake today, sweetie!
Sweet, bright-eyed, and 
adorable are just a few 
words to describe the 
little miracle that is you:
the cutest little toddler,
a wonder so true.

Happy 2nd birthday, cutie.
May the years ahead bring
you happiness and joy. 
Happy birthday, bestie.

My birthday wish for you
This year is that you may 
Always love, laugh, and cry.

When you love, may it be pure
When you laugh, may it be loud
And if you must ever cry, may it
Only be with tears of happiness.
We’re blessed
That we have
A love so true
We’re lucky to have
Found each other
Me and you.

Happy birthday,
My love.
I’m wishing you the happiest of all birthdays on your special day today, my love. May it warm your heart just as you put the fire in mine ❤️
You are the spark that ignites my passion and the warmth that fills my heart. I’m so lucky to have you in my life. Happy birthday, my love. 
Happy birthday to my bestie who is anything but ordinary! I’m so lucky to have an incredibly sweet and beautiful friend as unique and special as you!
Our friendship is a thing of beauty,
much like you are, bestie!

I’m sending you all my love and
wishing you a fabulous birthday today!
To the sweetest little princess in the
whole wide world, I’m sending lots
of birthday love and cute wishes
on your very special 7th birthday!
Isn’t it funny and ironic how for years you
wanted to appear older than you really are
but now that you’ve finally turned 21, from
now on the only fake ID you’ll ever want is
one to make you appear younger!

Happy birthday to you!
The most beautiful little star is shining particularly brightly today as she celebrates her very first birthday! Sending lots of kisses your way today, sweetie!
Happy birthday, bestie!

Just by having my favorite gal pal
in the same class as me instantly
makes it better and more enjoyable.
The most beautiful princess in all the land is celebrating birthday number 7 today!

May you continue your reign in the kingdom of my heart for many more years!
Don’t simply count your life by the year, measure it by all of those you hold dear!

Happy birthday to you!

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