Happy Birthday Dear

839 happy birthday wishes found:

I have only the utmost love and admiration for you, my dear big brother! Wishing you the happiest birthday possible today!
Well, I seem to have forgotten
your birthday again.

I simply missed your birthday,
my dear friend! I have no excuse!

Happy belated birthday!
Wishing a very happy birthday to my
round the bend friend!

You don’t take yourself too seriously
and that’s what makes you so fun to
be around!

I hope you have a day that’s as
amusing and bonkers as you are,
my dear!
Happy birthday to my dear sister who I’m actually quite fond of now!

She’s not nearly as bad as I used to think she was when we were younger!
We’ve all heard the saying that
it’s better to be late than never,
but in truth, it’s always better
to be early!

Happy birthday in advance, my
dear friend!
Happy 30th birthday, my dear!

I know that you have been
dreading this birthday for a while
now, but you really needn’t!

You are in the prime of your life
and everything you have been
aspiring for up until now will soon
become a reality!

Wishing you all things great on
your very special birthday this
year, my dear friend!
Someone so special
Someone so dear
I hope that your birthday
Brings you a great year!

Happy birthday, my friend!
I wanted to send these wishes to you just before your special day, partly because you’ll have enough to focus on during your celebrations!

But really it's mostly because I didn’t want mine to be just one of the many messages that you’ll receive, and end up getting lost among all of the others!

So, my dear friend, I am wishing you a very happy birthday!

I hope that your day is as special as it can be and that all of your hopes and dreams come true over the course of this new year of your life!

You’re very special to me and I value your friendship greatly. You’ve always been there for me and I appreciate it immensely!

Hope you have the best time!
My dear stepson, I know that it took you
some time to warm up to me, but now we
are the closest of friends!

I am so happy and blessed to have you
in my life, and I am so thankful to have
gained you as a son and as a friend.

I wish you the very best birthday today and
a lifetime of happiness as you so deserve!
Happy birthday, my dear stepbrother!

When our parents married and our families merged you became my brother not through blood, but through a union of love. It’s not important how it happened, but just know that I’ll always see you as a true sibling!

Enjoy your special day, bro!
Dear sister of mine, I’m hoping that your
special day is a truly wonderful one that
warms your heart and fills you with joy.

My only wish is that I could be there
with you to celebrate. We’ll make up
for it soon, I promise.

In the meantime, I’m wishing you a
happy birthday from here, my dear. 
A bond as strong as ours 
That comes from the heart 
Means that even with great
Distance we’re never apart.

Happy birthday, my dear brother.
Happy birthday, my dear brother.

If everyone had a sweet brother like
you their lives would be so much sweeter.
I can say that from experience.

You make everything brighter and so
much more fun. I’m lucky to have you
around, bro.
I know that it isn’t your birthday today, but it’s close enough that I can wish you well for your upcoming special day!

I hope you have an amazing time and that your birthday party is a blast!

All the very best, my dear friend!
We may not share the same mother,
but within us deep at heart, you will
always be my true sister.

I’m wishing you the loveliest birthday
today, my dear!

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