Birthday Wishes for Her

1581 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy 2nd birthday to my little princess: the loveliest little girl in the whole world!

I have only the sweetest birthday wishes for a beautiful baby girl like you, on your very special day that sees you turn two! 
Sweet wishes for a heart-touching best friend
The best friend a girl could wish for
There’s simply no better time than
your special day to remind you that
you’re not just my lover, girl, you’re
the most special person to me.

Enjoy your birthday, my love.
Wishing you a beautifully fab birthday
I always look forward to our classes together
What does a beautiful girl who already has everything even need on her birthday? Nothing. That’s why I didn’t get you anything at all. 

You already have it all, my love! A charming, handsome, courageous, clever and funny boyfriend, and you also have a lot going for yourself, too!

Happy birthday, my dear girlfriend! I hope you have a truly wonderful day!
Today you turn 18 and I couldn’t be prouder
A fab birthday for a super special girl
Happy birthday to a fabulous person 
and a fabulous ex-girlfriend! 

Oh, what could have been had we just 
been a little bit older and more mature! 
We were just kids back then, still
figuring life out! 

Still, I hope life always treats you well, 
and that you always find happiness! 

Enjoy your special day, hun!
Today, I’m sending all my love and best wishes to the birthday girl! To me, you only get more beautiful and more glamorous than ever with each year!
I'm so glad to have you around
The woman who made my life whole
Happy birthday to my fun study buddy! There’s never a boring class when you’re a part of it, girl!
Your love will always be safe with me
Everybody should have a friend like you
Beautiful girl, you are a ray of sunshine on a rainy day, a hot summer breeze on a cold winter morning.

You are my special girl and I want to wish you a happy birthday and many more glorious days to come!
Happy birthday, girl!

I am so proud of you
and how much you
have grown as a person.
I feel very privileged to
have a best friend like you.
Happy 1st birthday to a happy,
giggly little girl! Your smile is the
most innocent, endearing thing in
the whole world, sweetheart!

I hope you stay this adorable forever!
My sweet, adorable little princess,
today you turn 2 and I couldn’t have
any more love in my heart for you
than I already do.

Happy birthday and may you always
be happy, baby girl. 
Happy birthday, bestie.

It is such a blessing to have a friend so loyal and true who is so completely genuine and trustworthy, too. I found my very best friend in you and I’m truly grateful for that.

I’ll always be thankful that the stars aligned and our paths crossed, starting a friendship that would blossom into something so much more. You’re like a true sister to me, girl.

I hope you enjoy your special day this year and look forward to many more to come.
Happy birthday, my dear! Always believe in yourself and don’t be afraid to go for what you desire.

You should be so incredibly proud of the fantastic woman you’re becoming!
May your 2nd birthday be just like a fairytale, little one, where you’re the prettiest princess in all the land. Really though, the truth is that you’re a princess each and every day as you rule the kingdom over our hearts.

Happy birthday, sweet baby girl.
May you be granted 7 wishes to come true as you reach the seventh year of your life, sweet girl!

I’m wishing a very happy birthday to you!
My gorgeous girlfriend, you’re so lucky to have what every GF wishes for: a wonderful boyfriend who is also a built-in BFF! Happy birthday!

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