People say everything that has a beginning has an end, but they have never seen a friendship like ours, girl. Our wonderful friendship was made to last. We have been friends for so long and we will continue to be for many years to come.
I wish for this special day of yours to be as wonderful as our friendship. Happy birthday, my dear friend!
It’s difficult to describe exactly what our friendship means, as you are simply a best friend unlike any other. I am very blessed to have had you in my life for so long and to me, you’ll always be more like a sister.
Birthdays are a special occasion but yours is even more special simply because of the fabulous girl that you are. You’re the best gal pal anyone could wish for and I’ll be grateful for your friendship for as long as I shall live.
Happy birthday to you, my best friend forever. I’m sending you sweet wishes from the bottom of my heart.
I thank God each and every day for blessing me with a daughter like you. You fill me with immense pride in everything that you do and I couldn’t be more thankful for you!
Happy birthday, my beautiful girl. I’m wishing you many years of happiness ahead!