Birthday Wishes for Her

1581 happy birthday wishes found:

Your birthday isn’t just a day to celebrate the wonderful woman that you are, but it’s also a day for me to celebrate the incredible mom you are too.

Happy birthday, my amazing mom.
For everything you do for me
I want you to know on your
Special day that you mean
The world to me. You’re the
Best mom a girl could wish for.

Happy birthday 💕
Happy birthday to my beloved
friend, who I have so much
sisterly love for!

Have a great day, girl!
I have decided that you don’t
need any candles on your
birthday cake this year, my love.

I mean, what else could you
possibly wish for other than
having an amazing girlfriend,
which you already have!

Happy birthday, my lucky man!
My love for you is constantly growing. Every day I find new reasons to love you more. You keep reinventing yourself and fueling the flame of our love.

You are the best husband a woman could have. Have a great birthday, my love!
Today I become an even prouder aunt as my beautiful niece turns another year older and more wonderful! Happy birthday, my gorgeous girl!
Any girl can benefit from having a great friend and brother-figure in their life, and I’m so lucky that I found mine! Happy birthday to you today, my dear!
Happy birthday, girl! You’re another year
older and another year more fabulous!

Each year spent with a friend like you
brings more magical moments and
memories that’ll never fade.

I’m glad to have had someone like you
around since we were kids to experience
so many great times with.
Happy birthday to my dear best friend
who is almost as fabulous as me!
Don’t worry, girl, a few more years and
you’ll get there too!

I’m sending you lots of love and wishing
you the best on your special day, bestie!
Happy birthday, my darling girl!

There are many uncertainties in life, my
princess, but you can always be sure of
one thing: I will love you forever.

That is something that will never change.

Big hugs and kisses from daddy!
Today I am celebrating the anniversary of the day that my pride and joy entered this world. Happy birthday, my baby girl!

Each year of celebrating your birthday is such a blessing. You are so smart and kind; you’re everything a dad could hope for in a daughter.

I’m wishing you a birthday that’s as amazing as you are, sweetie!
Happy birthday to my sweet darling!

You bring such happiness to my life
and my heart will always be full of
love for you, my lovely girl! 
Girl, each year you become more
beautiful and more fabulous than
ever before! I'm just hoping that's
something that runs in the family!

Happy birthday to you!
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Happy birthday to you!

There are only a handful of boys as
remarkable and kind, which is why a
friend like you is so rare to find!

I hope you know just how much you
mean to me, and that I consider myself
to be a very lucky girl for having such a
sweet guy friend like you in my life.
To my eye, you will always be the same girl I fell in love with all those years ago! Wishing you a very special birthday, my lovely wife!

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