Birthday Wishes for Husband

188 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy birthday, my perfect man!

Sometimes I think you’re too good to be
true, but then you go and do something
that brings me back down to earth!

I’m just kidding, I really am very lucky to
have ended up with a husband like you!
Happy birthday, my dear husband.

Other than our anniversary, of course,
your birthday is the most special day
of the entire year. In my eyes, there
isn’t a better reason or person to
celebrate than you.
Happy birthday to my favourite husband!

There are lots of good things that come
with age, but the very best part of getting
older is that each year the cake has to get
bigger to accommodate the extra candles!
For a husband as sweet and as loving
as you, I’m hoping I can make your
birthday special and romantic too!

Sending lots of love and wishes of
happiness your way on your special
day, hubby. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, my hunky husband!

Today might well be your birthday,
but I feel like I’m the one getting the
greatest gift of all as you truly are a
treat for the eyes!

I don’t know how you do it but each
year you only appear to get more
handsome, which is super lucky for
me… Seems like I made a good
investment after all!
Happy birthday to you over there, my
dear. I hope you have a spectacular
birthday today, at least as spectacular
as you are. Someone as truly special
as you are deserves all the joy and all
the happiness in the world.

Sending you lots of lovely wishes and
a big long-distance kiss, my love!
It simply wouldn’t be your birthday if you didn’t receive some wishes from your dear wife teasing you about your age!

Happy birthday, my handsome old man!
It can’t be easy having a wife who is always the center of attention, so seeing as it’s your birthday I’ll take a day off and let you have the spotlight for a change!

Happy birthday to you, my love!
My love, my life, my everything.
Today we celebrate one more year
of the true blessing that you are.

I am so lucky to have a marvellous
man like you to brighten my days
and sweeten every moment that
we spend together. I’m truly
grateful for you, my dear.

Happy birthday, hubby.
Happy birthday, dear hubby!

Through good and bad times, through thick and thin, you are always by my side. I can always count on your support and tenderness.

I feel so blessed for having you in my life. You are the husband every woman desires and the loving father every kid deserves.

Loving you forever! Have the happiest birthday of all!
I want to wish a happy birthday to my biggest treasure, the man who brings but joy into my life. May all your dreams come true, dearest husband!
While this distance makes it difficult for me
to get you anything for your birthday this
year, you can bet that the best gift in the
world will be right here waiting for you
when you come home: your beloved wife!

Happy birthday to you, my sweet husband!
Happy birthday, my lovely husband!

I’ll be honest, I thought about teasing you
on your birthday this year. After all, as your
funny wife, not only is it expected from me
but it’s kinda my responsibility, too!

But I realized the fact you’re turning
another year older and becoming so
so old is enough in itself, so I’ll give
you a break this year!
Happy birthday to my ageing
But still handsome husband!

No matter how old or gray,
Or however bald you become
I will always love you
Until the end of time!
I count my blessings often for having a wonderful and loving husband like you, but on that one particularly special day every year that your birthday comes around I thank my lucky stars that I was fortunate enough to spend another year with you by my side. I’m forever grateful for having you in my life, my love. 

Happy birthday to you with lots of love from your ever-adoring wife.

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