Birthday Wishes for Kids

453 happy birthday wishes found:

The world is full of sweet princes and
beautiful princesses, but none of them
compare to you, my dear!

You will always reign in the kingdom
of my heart, for there is nobody more
special to me than you!

Wishing you the happiest birthday!
Another birthday already? You're growing
up so fast, my dear!

Please slow down a little otherwise you’ll
be all grown up before we know it!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the most terrific toddler in the whole wide world! I hope your special day fills your heart with as much love as you fill mine.
Happy birthday, kiddo! Don’t forget to make some big wishes on your special day today, and may all of those dreams come true for you throughout the years ahead!
Happy 6th birthday to the cutest kid!

I hope your birthday and your party are as fun as they could possibly be! I’m sure there’s going to be lots of tasty cake!

Sending you lots of love on your birthday this year, cute one!
Happy birthday from mom and dad’s
favorite child! Don’t worry though,
sis, you’re a very close runner-up!
Happy birthday, my dear cousin!

We have so many funny and precious
childhood memories that I realized it
would be impossible for me to pick
just one as my favorite!
Today is a very special day as I have the
absolute pleasure of wishing a happy 2nd
birthday and sending sweet wishes to the
most beautiful and cutest kid in the world!

May your 2nd birthday be as adorable
as you are, baby girl!
Happy birthday!

As you turn seven today
I want to remind you to
always dream big, kid.

You can achieve anything
that your heart desires!
Happy 18th birthday!
You’re no longer a kid!

Have an awesome birthday and
enjoy the exciting times ahead!
Having a cousin like you growing up meant that I had the best childhood possible.

To me, I’ll always see you not only as my cousin but also as a best friend and sister.

Happy birthday to you, and thank you for all the happy memories, my dear.
Wishing a very happy birthday to
our parents' second favourite child,
from their first favourite child!

Don’t worry, elder bro, you’ll always
be my favourite!
Happy birthday to someone very special to me who I grew up with, went to school with, and who made my childhood so meaningful!
You may be our daughter-in-law, but in our eyes, you are like our own child. We love you greatly! Happy birthday, dear daughter!
My kid is turning 7-years-old today! It seems like only yesterday that he was still in diapers!

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