Birthday Wishes for Kids

453 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy birthday, sweet kid!

May your life sparkle as brightly and as beautifully as you do in my heart! 💖
You’re fast approaching double-digits, little dude! Make the most of enjoying all the magic and wonder that comes with being a kid while you still can!

Happy birthday!
Your final birthday of being a kid
It’s the very last one
So may it be awesome
And filled with so much fun!

Happy 12th birthday!
It’s such a privilege to be friends with the
coolest kid in school. Seriously, you must
feel honored to be friends with someone
as cool as me!

Stick with me and I’ll always make sure
you’re a member of the cool club!

Happy birthday!
Happy 12th birthday to the sweetest kid!

May all of the 12 candles on your big birthday cake this year each grant you a special wish. A kid as wonderful and as special as you deserves all of your dreams to come true.
Happy birthday to the sweetest child who is turning 4-years-old today!

I’m wishing you a lifetime of happiness because you deserve it, my dear!

I hope you have a lovely birthday and enjoy opening lots of exciting presents and eating lots of cake!
Happy birthday, sweetheart! Year after year you never cease to amaze me with what a lovely person you are becoming.

You always were sweet, even as a young child, but the older you get the more caring and understand you become, it would seem.

You certainly make me a proud father and I hope you never change, my darling!

Wishing you a sweet birthday!
Happy birthday to the
coolest kid in school!

I hope your birthday is
as awesome as you are!
Happy 25th birthday today! You are well and truly an adult now, but I still can’t help looking at you as though you’re still a kid!

I’ve known you your whole life, and I think that you will always be that sweet little kid in my eyes, no matter how old you get!

Enjoy your very special day and congratulations on reaching this very special milestone in your life with all of your achievements so far!
Now that you’re fourteen, you can
choose whether you want to be a
big kid or a tiny teen! It’s your
special day so the choice is yours!

Whatever decision you make, I’m
wishing a very happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to the happiest child
I know: my beautiful granddaughter!

It fills my heart with so much love
and happiness every time I see your
lovely big smile! Just knowing how
happy you are makes me as happy
as I can be.

Have the most fabulous birthday
today, my dear! I hope that it is filled
with many magical moments!
Today’s the 12th birthday
Of someone seriously cool
So for this awesome person
I’m wishing the best day of all!
Happy birthday to you today, sis!

Isn’t it funny how when we were
younger we would annoy each other
and never want to hang out together,
but nowadays all I wish for is that we
could spend more time together! 
Happy birthday to you!

Having a big bro like you to protect and guide me growing up was one of the things I’ll cherish most through life. 
Wow! Look at how big you’re getting, kiddo! I’m wishing you the happiest 5th birthday ever!

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