Birthday Wishes for Kids

453 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy 14th birthday, my dear!

I still can’t believe you’re a teen already. It feels like only yesterday that you were just a kid, and the image of you becoming a teenager felt like a million years away!
If 50 is the new 30 and you feel 10 years younger, it means that you are 20.

So, instead of celebrating all of your life’s achievements, I’m just going to say that you still have all of your life ahead of you and that you are destined for even greater things, kid.

I hope you have a fantastic day and a fantastic year to come!
Happy 2nd birthday to my beautiful grandson.

I am so blessed to be the grandma of such a sweet child. You truly are the light of my life.

May you continue to grow up as perfectly and as wonderfully as you have been for the past 2 years.
People say that with your second birthday
comes the start of the terrible twos, but I
don’t believe it to be true with you, cutie!

You must be the exception, surely! You are
so sweet, adorable, and well behaved that I
don’t see how it’s possible for you to throw
a tantrum or get in a strop!

Rather, with your second birthday, I think
that we’ll just see you starting to develop
your wonderful personality, little one!

Wishing you a blissful childhood filled with
happy moments and a very happy birthday
today, tiny tot!
Happy birthday to an incredibly
cute baby girl!

You are a pleasure to be around
as you hardly ever throw tantrums
and you’re always smiling!

That’s very rare to find in a child
of your age! Never stop being as
adorable as you are now! 

Wishing you a very happy birthday
today and a lifetime filled with
happiness, sweet girl!
A separation of parents can be hard on any kid, but you made it so much easier with your incredibly tender-hearted and caring nature.

Thank you for stepping in and being a mother to me. Wishing you pure happiness today on your birthday!
Happy 12th birthday to you! Just one more year now until you’re a teenager! I hope you enjoy your final year of being a kid!
Happy birthday, kiddo! I hope that your 7th birthday is filled with exciting party games, lots of presents and best of all lots of cake!

You are such a sweet kid and you deserve all the happiness that life has to offer!
Happy birthday to my dear cousin!

I’m so grateful to have had you in my
life since we were kids! 

You are everything I could ever wish
for in a cousin and more. In truth, I
have always seen you as more of a
sister figure in my life than a cousin.

I hope that you know you can always
rely on me, the same way I know I
can rely on you!

Have a fantastic birthday, sis!
To the woman who has acted as
my protector, my counselor, and
my mentor, I am wishing you a
very happy birthday today!

You have been with me every step
of the way, guiding me through life
ever since I was a child.

You truly are a remarkable lady and
I simply can’t thank you enough for
everything you have done for me!
My dearest wife,

These years together have been the best. Endless moments of tenderness and beauty have we shared. I feel like the luckiest man on earth. Thank you for our wonderful children and for always keeping me in the light.

A happy, happy birthday, at least as happy as you make me!
Happy birthday, my lovely child! Grow as you will, you'll always be my baby. Wishing you tons of happiness, love and health.
Fifty years and what a great legacy! A successful career and a lifetime of achievements.

You have it all: a great spouse that still loves you after all these years, kids who have since grown up and started their own professional projects and families, grandchildren who adore you and think you are the best, and a career filled with only great moments.

To the one who has it all, I can only wish for more great years to come!
My parents may not have given
me any siblings growing up, but 
I certainly had a brother in you
all throughout my childhood.

I still look at you now more like
a brother than a cousin, because
you’ve always been there for me
come rain or shine.

I hope you have the most incredible
birthday today, as you are such a
kind-hearted soul that deserves
the very best!
Teachers come across hundreds of different kids throughout their career and some stand out more so than others.

I can safely say that you are one of those who will always stick in my mind, and for good reasons rather than bad!

Happy birthday to you today!

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