Birthday Wishes for Kids

453 happy birthday wishes found:

My dear grandson, I want to wish
you a very happy birthday today!

I see so much of how I was when I
was a kid in you, you really remind
me of myself when I was young.

It’s a joy to see, and you could
definitely do worse than to grow
up to be like your old grandpa!

Have a fantastic day, kid, and enjoy
your many happy years to come!
Happy birthday, our beautiful little boy!

Today is your 5th birthday which means you can now count all of your years on one whole hand!

You’re a little cracker of a kid and we are so very proud of you!

Lots of love from mommy and daddy!
Happy birthday to my snuggle buddy!

When you curl up into a ball and fall asleep on my lap my heart completely melts from the cuteness! I know you feel safe and content there, and it makes me happy to see you sleeping so peacefully.

You are so much more than a pet, you are more like a child of my own! Loving you always, my cutie!
Sure, there were times when you used to get on my nerves when we were growing up together, but I wouldn’t have traded you for the world!

I’m sending you lots of love and wishing you the happiest birthday possible today, my dear kid brother!
Happy birthday to the kind and gentle man who changed my life for the better!

When you entered our family I was only little, but I have the best childhood memories thanks to you.

I hope your birthday today creates some wonderful memories for you, too!
Congratulations to a prize student! You simply are a lovely kid and a genuine pleasure to teach!

I hope you enjoy your special day today!
Seeing you become a woman today is a true highlight in my life, my beautiful niece.

I’m so proud to be your aunt and it has been a real privilege for me to watch you grow up so wonderfully. You always were a happy kid and I just hope that continues into adulthood for you too.

Happy 18th, my sweetheart.
Teachers don’t usually hand out gifts as knowledge is a gift that keeps on giving!

I feel privileged to have been given the opportunity to teach such a wonderful kid like you this year!

I’m wishing you a very happy birthday today!
A very happy 16th birthday to you!

This is probably the first crucial turning
point in your life, where you become
less child and more adult!

Wishing you a future filled with success
on your very memorable sweet sixteenth
birthday, my dear! 
Happy birthday to my cheeky sister!

No matter how old we get, you always retain that childish playfulness that you’ve always had!
Happy birthday to the sweetest sister ever. I can’t thank you enough for all of the love, devotion, and affection you’ve shown me since we were just kids.

You truly are the most incredible sister and one who I’ll always look up to.
My darling child, you have already spent
two whole years on this earth!
Each day you have given me but happiness
and just when I think I couldn’t love you
any more than I do, my heart tricks me and
my love for you just continues to grow with
each passing day.
You are so special to me, and you will
always be the most important human
being in my life.
I wish you the happiest life possible, and
of course a very happy 2nd birthday!

I love you with all my heart, little one!
Today, I am wishing a very happy birthday to a particularly special little girl!

You are growing up to be such a kind and beautiful kid and I hope all of your birthday wishes come true for you this year, little one!
We’re so lucky, little brother! We had a great childhood filled with amazing moments. Always playing around and having fun. Our parents were the best, they always seemed to know exactly what to say and do. Then there's our amazing and warm family that would always get together on those special days.

But, I’m afraid to say that, out of the two of us, you’re the luckiest. It’s true; you’re the luckiest because you also have a sibling who absolutely adores you and would do anything for you. Someone who is capable of moving heaven and earth for you.

I adore you, little bro! Have a wonderful birthday!
Happy birthday to the best
cousin in the world!

You mean so very much to
me. I followed you around
when we were kids and I
hope to follow in your
footsteps growing up, too!

Have a wonderful birthday
as you so deserve, cousin!

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