Birthday Wishes for Kids

453 happy birthday wishes found:

A fabulous uncle like you is worth more than just one, more like two! You have the combined love of a hundred uncles in that big heart of yours!

I hope your special day today is a happy one, just like my childhood which you filled with so many happy memories that I still cherish to this day.

Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to our
darling granddaughter!

We didn’t think it was
possible to love anyone
as much as our own child,
but then you came along
and proved us wrong!

You do us proud each and
every day and we love you
with all of our hearts!

Lots of love from the
world’s proudest
Have an absolutely
wonderful day!
Happy birthday, nephew! 

When you were born I didn’t just gain a nephew, but a son and little brother, too!

I got someone who I could play with like a little brother, but also someone that I could educate and care for like a son. 

It goes without saying that you are an incredibly important part of my life, kid.

Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and all the joy possible on your special day!
Happy birthday to the best kid brother a sister could wish for! You might be crazy and sometimes annoying, but I wouldn’t trade you for the world!
Today you turn 18.
You think you know everything
About what makes the world turn
But there is so much more yet to learn.

What a great kid you were,
Today still a teen you are,
Though it’s no secret of the occult,
You will be a fabulous adult.

Welcome to maturity.
Welcome to reality.
But keep a bit of the fantasy
For tonight it's time to party!

Have a great 18th birthday!
Out of all the people in the world, what were the chances that two crazy kids like us would meet! In you, I truly found my soulmate.

Happy birthday, my love!
Who would’ve thought 
That at the age of just 8, 
You would already be 
So wonderful and great! 

Happy birthday, kid!
Out of all the 12-year-olds 
Celebrating their birthday today,
I’m hoping that yours is the 
Best in every possible way!

Happy 12th birthday, kid!
Today I am wishing the happiest of birthdays to a truly great man and a wonderful friend!

Ever since childhood, we have been best friends and I can’t thank you enough for the great memories! A friendship like ours is sure to last a lifetime!

Enjoy your special day, my dear!
We’ve always been
joined at the hip,
playing together
since we were kids.
Most people say we
were separated at
birth, as we really
are just like twins!

I see you as a brother,
the greatest guy I know,
and for everything you do
I’m eternally grateful to you.

Have an awesome day, bro!
Happy birthday from the favourite child!

You might be bigger than me, but everyone knows the younger child is always the preferred one!

Love you, bro!
Having a younger sibling like me is tough competition and while you may not have won the title of favorite child when we were growing up, you’ll always hold the prestigious position of fav sister to me!

Happy birthday to you!
As kids, you always took care of me
but now the time is approaching
where I’ll soon be looking after you!

You know, because you’re old!

Happy birthday, elder bro!
Becoming 18 means you are legally an adult, but your relatives still treat you like a kid. Have a fabulous birthday!
9 today, hooray! You are well and truly a big kid now and I have to tell you that I am so incredibly proud of you, my dear!

You are growing up to be such a wonderful and beautiful person!

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