Birthday Wishes for Kids

453 happy birthday wishes found:

A bright young kid like you has the whole world at your feet and your entire future still ahead of you!

Remember, always follow your heart and work hard to achieve your dreams!

Wishing you a very happy 7th birthday today, my dear!
You were always there for me when we were kids so I hope you find comfort knowing that I’ll be there for you throughout your imminent old-age!

Happy birthday, sis!
Happy birthday, kid!

I hope you know that I have always seen
you as my own son, even if on paper you
are my stepson.

You will always be just as special to me as
if you were my birth son.

My only regret is that I haven’t known you
longer since you were born, because
watching you grow up has been one of the
highlights of my life!

Wishing you the happiest birthday yet, son!

I hope you have a day filled with laughter
and joy! Love you lots!
We might have fought and argued as kids but as it turns out, you’re not half as bad as I once thought!

Happy birthday to you, sis!
Happy birthday to the trendiest
teen I know!

You’re a trendsetter in the truest
sense, always leading the way
for new styles and quirky ideas.

Everyone wants to be like you;
you’re the coolest kid around!

Hoping your birthday brings you
another year of unique inspiration!
You would never be able to guess that you just turned 40! Mainly because of your childlike sense of humour, but also because of your youthful looks!

I’m so lucky to have such an uplifting human in my life such as you! I hope you enjoy this special birthday of yours - I am certainly wishing you the best, my dear!
Happy birthday, my dear!

I honestly believe that by meeting as sisters later in life and not having each other around to annoy one another when we were growing up has made our relationship better for it!

Luckily, we missed out on all the petty arguments and childish tiffs!
Happy birthday, kid!

Everyone knows that 7 is the best
age in the universe and today you
become just that!
Happy sweet sixteenth to a very stylish
little lady! You’ve gone from an adorable
little kid to the beautiful, sophisticated
young woman we know and love today!

Never stop being the fabulous person
that you are, my dear!

I wish you all the very best for your future,
and I hope that all your hopes and dreams
come true, sweetie!
Happy birthday to the most
magnificent nine-year-old I
have the pleasure of knowing!

You truly are a marvellous kid
with such a bright and promising
future ahead of you.

I wish you the best today,
tomorrow, and always, my dear!
Happy birthday, cousin!

You may be another year older but you’d never be able to tell! I’m glad you’re still the same fun guy as when we were kids!
8 and all grown up! Today, I have the absolute pleasure of wishing the kindest and nicest kid the happiest eighth birthday ever!

I hope today is everything you hoped it would be, and that all of your dreams and wishes come true!
Happy birthday to a very
special nine-year-old!

You are a truly unique kid
and so extraordinary in
every way possible!
A very special child is celebrating their 3rd birthday ever today: you!

I hope you grow up to know just how unique and remarkable you are, my dear! You are surrounded by so much love that I’m certain you will be reminded of it often!

I'm sending lots of love to you today on your 3rd birthday and congratulations to your lovely parents!
The days of being the new kid at
college as a freshman are long
behind you, as you’re a senior now!

I’m sure you’ll smash this final year
and make us all proud!

I’m wishing you a very, very happy
birthday today.

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