Happy Birthday Little Brother

67 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy birthday to my not-so-little brother!

Of course, you’ve had a great role model to follow but I truly am so proud of the man you’re growing up to be.
Happy birthday to a naughty younger brother
A little brother who reminds me of myself
Happy birthday, my sweet little brother!

I always thought that the day I became a big sister was the happiest day of my life, but since then we’ve shared so many great moments it’s hard to choose just one.

You’re such a special person in my life and I hope you know that in me, you’ll always have a friend and sibling you can count on.
You're not so little anymore, bro
Little brother, you’re older but no wiser
There’s no love comparable to that of what I have for you, little brother. I’ve always been there to look out for you and I will be forevermore. Happy birthday!
You’re like a little brother to me, cousin
You're not all grown up just yet, little brother
Today is no ordinary day for today is your
birthday, little brother!

Some things will remain the same as ever,
though. For example, all of the attention
will be on you just like any other day!

Wishing you the best, bro!
Happy birthday to you, my dear kid
brother! I’m wishing you all the
happiness in the world as you turn
another year older today!

I must say that you really are growing
up to be a wonderful person, just like
your elder sibling!
Happy birthday, little bro!

Each year, just when I think you couldn’t
get any better, you go and surprise me
by becoming even more magnificent!
Happy birthday, baby bro!

Growing up with each other, we shared so
many great times and I’ll always cherish
those wonderful memories we made.

I’m glad that we still continue to share
amazing moments together, creating
even more memories to treasure!
Happy birthday, bro!

Year after year, I see it becoming
more evident that as you grow up
you’re becoming more and more
like our father!

You’re making everyone so proud
of the wonderful man that you’re
growing up to be!
Happy birthday to the life 
And soul of the family:
My dear younger brother! 

You’re funny and entertaining 
Kindhearted and sweet. 
There’s no one quite like you
Nobody else can compete!

May you have the very best
Celebrations this year!
I’m wishing a birthday that’s as magnificent as can be, for my dear kid brother who is simply the greatest blessing to me!

May your special day fill you with all the joy and happiness that you’re so deserving of.
Happy birthday and best wishes
to you today, little bro!

It feels like only yesterday that we
were just carefree kids running
around and having fun.

Time moves fast but I’m glad that
we’ll always have those unforgettable
childhood memories to hold on to,
and I’m just so proud of the guy
you’ve grown up to be today.
My sweet younger brother,
today you turn another
year older and I couldn’t
be prouder of the wonderful
man that you’re becoming.

I wish you nothing but the
very best in life, full of many
incredible achievements, and
I hope you have an amazing
future ahead of you.

I’m sending oodles of big
birthday love to you today,
dearest brother of mine!
Happy birthday from your loving and protective big sis! Since you were born you’ve been the most important person in my world and you always will be!
Sure, there were times when you used to get on my nerves when we were growing up together, but I wouldn’t have traded you for the world!

I’m sending you lots of love and wishing you the happiest birthday possible today, my dear kid brother!
I’ve known from the very start that nobody in the world would be more special to me than you. Love you to the moon and back, little bro! Happy birthday!

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