Happy Birthday Little Brother

67 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy birthday, lil’ bro!

I hope you have a magnificent birthday
this year surrounded by all of your
favorite friends and family members!
You could receive an endless amount
of gifts, more than you’re able to count,
but really the best gift of all and the
only one you need is a wonderful
elder sibling like me!

Happy birthday to you, little bro!
Whoever would have thought that we
would grow up to be such good friends,
given how much we used to argue!

Happy birthday, little bro!
Siblings exist 
All over the place,
Many common,
Others ace.

But if there’s one thing 
I can proudly declare
It’s that to you, my dear, 
None can compare!

Happy birthday!
You may be getting older but in my mind, you’ll always be the mischievous little guy I grew up with!

I hope you’ll always keep a little bit of playfulness about you, no matter how old you get!

Happy birthday to you today, bro!
Luckily for you, you don’t need to worry about how you’ll turn out when you’re older as you have a perfect example to follow! Happy birthday, bro!
Growing up together wasn’t always a breeze, but there’s nobody else in the world I’d have chosen as my little bro! Happy birthday, my man!
Happy birthday to you from the better-looking sibling!

While I was blessed with the striking good looks in the family, you were blessed with many other great but less obvious characteristics!

For example, you'll always have youth on your side and you’re the kindest and funniest person I know!

Sending a big hug to you today, bro!
Happy birthday, my dear brother!

As your elder sibling, it’s my job to always protect and take care of you. You can always count on me for that!
I didn’t get you a present because the
fact I’m always going to be older than
you is a blessing and a gift in itself!
You’re welcome!

Happy birthday, bro!
You used to enjoy being naughty and mischievous when you were little, brother, and I’m glad to see that hasn’t changed since! Happy birthday from your sweet sister!
The day you entered the world will always be one of the best days of my life, as I was gifted the most amazing younger brother I could ever wish for. Ever since then, you have been touching my heart in so many ways and brightening each and every one of my days.

I truly am blessed to have a little brother like you to love. Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday, cuz! Sometimes I forget that you’re my cousin, as you’re much more like an annoying little brother!
Happy birthday to you today, my
dear little brother.

I can’t begin to tell you how proud
I am of you and everything you
have achieved in your life to date.

I’m wishing you many years of
success, and may you continue
on this wonderful path that you
are paving for yourself.
We’re so lucky, little brother! We had a great childhood filled with amazing moments. Always playing around and having fun. Our parents were the best, they always seemed to know exactly what to say and do. Then there's our amazing and warm family that would always get together on those special days.

But, I’m afraid to say that, out of the two of us, you’re the luckiest. It’s true; you’re the luckiest because you also have a sibling who absolutely adores you and would do anything for you. Someone who is capable of moving heaven and earth for you.

I adore you, little bro! Have a wonderful birthday!

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