Happy Birthday Little Brother

67 happy birthday wishes found:

Getting older doesn’t necessarily
mean that you’re growing up…
You’re still the same kid I’ve always
known and loved, little brother! 

Happy birthday!
My dear brother,

Earth has travelled once more around the sun, which means it’s time to celebrate again.

Many orbits ago I was an only child, but one brilliant day, on this drifting space rock, a new baby was born.

He was blessed with stardust and I was blessed to hold him in my arms. Your eyes were brighter than a thousand supernovas, deeper than the deepest black hole and as powerful as the big bang.

You were a tiny little star, which grew to amass a galaxy of your own. Nevertheless, little brother, you will always be the sun to me.

Have a stellar year!
Happy birthday, my dear little brother!

I know you better than most seeing how I watched you grow up, so my birthday gift to you this year is that I’ll continue to keep all the things I know about you to myself and not reveal any of your secrets!

There aren’t many gifts as good as that!
Happy birthday, bro! 

Like lots of little brothers you were
naughty, mischievous, cheeky, and
sometimes annoying growing up,
and I’m so glad to see that nothing
has changed since then!

May you never change, my dear
younger brother!
I’m so blessed to have both 
a brother and a buddy in you
all rolled up into one cute, 
adorable, tiny package! 

Happy birthday, little man!
Little brother, you’re growing up so
fast that it won’t be long before you
overtake me! In maturity, that is!

Have a great birthday! 🙌
My naughty little brother isn’t so little anymore, but he’s still just as naughty!

May you always have the cheeky and playful personality that you’ve always had since you were small! Happy birthday to you, my dear kid bro!
May you never grow up
My sweet little brother
As that would also mean
I wouldn’t get older, too!

Happy birthday from your
Favorite elder sister!
The day you entered the world as my younger brother truly was one of the greatest blessings in my life, and that feeling has only grown stronger since. I’m very lucky to have a little brother as wonderful as you are.

From my heart to yours, I’m wishing you the very best and happiest birthday possible.
What better birthday gift than a loving and heart touching birthday wish from your little brother?

I hope you like it because that’s your whole gift! Happy birthday to you!
On your birthday this year, little brother, I propose we make a pact. I won’t reveal your age, so long as you don’t tell anyone that I’m even older than you!

Happy birthday to you!
Today is a very special day for me. Today is the day we celebrate the birth of my little brother and best friend. What a joy it was when you were born, I was little, but I recall the joy I felt when I first laid my eyes on you. I knew from that moment on, I had a best friend for life.

Have the most wonderful day, dear brother!
Do you remember how much we fought? Do you know how much we bickered? Do you have any idea of how much we yelled at each other growing up? Can you give me a ballpark figure of how many kicks were given under the table? What's the number of objects we eternally borrowed from each other?

Now multiply all of this and you might get close to how much I love you! Happy birthday, little brother!
Happy birthday, bro!

A little brother like you is actually a blessing
in disguise… At first I thought I was unlucky
to have a younger brother, but now as the
years go on I feel like the luckiest big sister
in the world!
Happy birthday, little brother!

Younger than me
You will always be
But never in my shadow
Will you ever be, kiddo!

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