50+ Heart Touching Birthday Wishes for Little Sister

To me, you’ll always be that precious little kid I grew up with who I’d watch over with all the love and care in the world. Happy birthday, sis!
An adorable little star in my life
A little sis who is big in my heart
Happy birthday, little one! I know that having a remarkable elder sibling like me must be such a privilege, so you’re welcome for that!
You're the most precious gift
Happy birthday to my younger sister
who is hardly ever annoying anymore!

I hope you have a spectacular day of
celebrations today, sis!
Happy birthday from the older
and much better-looking sibling!

Just kidding, sis! I hope you
have a wonderful birthday today!
Happy birthday, sis!

Today is your special day so I won’t
make it all about me, but as you turn
another year older I can’t help but be
reminded of the fact that I’m even
older than that! Thanks a lot!
Happy birthday, little sis!

You should know by now that I’m always one step ahead of you… in age! It’s a sad truth for me, that I’ll never be able to deny!

I hope you have a great one today!
We may have argued at times growing up, sis, but I wouldn’t have changed a thing about our childhood! I’m wishing you the happiest birthday possible today!
You’re the spitting image of our mother
A wonderful attribute given to you
You remind me of each other
In everything that you do!

Happy birthday, baby sister!
We might’ve been the greatest foes growing up together, but I’m so pleased that I can say you’re my best friend today! Happy birthday, sis!
Sister, you may be too old now for me to boss you around but I will tell you one thing. Make sure you have an incredible birthday today!

I’m sending you all my love, big kisses, and the best birthday wishes possible!
You were such a bratty little sister, always trying to take my things and tag along everywhere I went. Things had to be done your way or you would throw a tantrum.

Despite this, I want you to know that I love you to bits.

Have a fantastic birthday!
Little sister, you’re getting older each
year but that doesn’t necessarily mean
you’re growing up!

I hope you always stay the funny and
cheeky little girl I know and love, and
who growing up with was a total blast!

Happy birthday to you today!
Wishing the very best birthday in the world to my adorable little sister!

May all of your dreams come true, sis!
Happy birthday, little sister!

I was going to make a joke about how you’re getting older, but that immediately backfires as I’m always going to be older than you! At least we can make fun of each other as we grow old together!
Happy birthday to my baby sister who sometimes is so annoying that I wish she was far away, but deep down I know I would miss her after just one day!

Happy birthday from your elder brother!

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