Popular Birthday Wishes

A ladybird has 7 beautiful spots,
just as you have 7 beautiful years!
Now, spread your wings and fly,
my darling niece!

Happy birthday!
To my absolute best friend in the world, I’m sending you lots of beautiful birthday wishes to help you celebrate your special day today!

A gal pal like you is hard to come by, which is why I’ll hold onto you forever and never let you go!
This is no ordinary birthday, it’s a
very special birthday as today we
are celebrating 60 glorious years
of the sweetest, dearest woman
I know: my lovely mom!

May all the years ahead be as
beautiful as these past 60 have
been for you, mom.
You are there and I am here, but
I am still thinking of you on your
special day, my dear.

No matter how far away from each
other we may find ourselves, you’ll
always be on my mind and forever
in my heart.

Happy birthday, my beautiful sister.
Happy birthday to you today
My pride and joy, my son.

However old you become
However big you grow
My heart will always belong to you
That I want you to always know.

I’m sending you all the love a
Father could have, my boy.
Happy birthday to the greatest guy
around who has the warmest heart
and the kindest soul!

Anyone would be lucky to have you
in their life, and I’m certainly grateful
to have you in mine.

May your special day be as special
as you are to me.
For the great person that you are
And for all the good that you do
I’m wishing the most wonderful
And happiest birthday to you.
There are many types of gifts in the world,
but one gift that even money can’t buy is
a wonderful elder sister like me!

Happy birthday, little brother!
The countdown is on
Happy 15th birthday to me! That’s right, today I turn the fabulous age of fifteen! Don’t be shy to wish me a happy birthday!
Happy 2nd birthday to my sweet and adorable granddaughter. You are the most precious person in my life and I will love you unconditionally with my whole heart today, tomorrow, and forevermore.
For someone who has been there for
me like a mother since the day I was
born, I’m wishing a huge heartfelt
birthday with lots of love.

Enjoy your special day, aunty ❤️
My grandfather is the sharpest and smartest man I know. No matter what the question is, he always knows the answer. No matter how complicated the problem, he always seems to find an easy solution for it. There is no subject too hard for him. There isn’t anything that he can’t put in easier terms.

Whenever I have a doubt, it’s you that I go to. Whenever I need advice, I look for your wise words.

I hope one day I know at least half of what you know. You are the reason why I always study hard and always want to know more.

I hope you have the greatest birthday of all!
Hi everyone! Thank you so much for all the thoughtful words and amazing messages you have given me on my birthday. I’m so blessed to have such a wonderful group of friends. You really made my day great.

Hugs and kisses!
I enjoyed growing up in your shadow, big brother. It felt like the safest place to be. I wish you all the best on your special day!
Today we are celebrating
the birthday of my one true love,
my soulmate, my everything!

Happy birthday, my beautiful!
You’re 18 already!? Happy birthday!

Oh how you’re growing up so fast!
It seems like only yesterday you
were running around in diapers!

Enjoy your special celebrations today!
Happy birthday to the greatest principal there is!

Our school is such a smooth running place, and that is without a doubt because of your organization and direction.

We are very fortunate to be able to attend such a magnificently run school!

Thank you so much on behalf of all the students and teachers for your fantastic efforts over the years!
Happy bday to my fabulous roommate today! I hope you spend your day the very best way that you can!
Today reminds me more than any
other of all the amazing times we
shared together, dad.

I miss you so much, but I’m lucky
that I will always have those
memories to look back on.

I hold them so very dearly in my
heart and they will never fade.

Happy birthday, dad. I’m sending
all my love to you today.
Today is our birthday, bro!

Our connection far surpasses that of any other siblings. It is so strong that if we were ever to be separated from each other in life, I would feel as though half of my soul was missing.

You are the single most important person to me and I want you to always know that!
One year ago today we were blessed with the most gorgeous grandson! We love you, baby boy!
Here’s hoping that your birthday cake is as sweet as you are, my wonderful goddaughter! I’m wishing you a fabulous birthday today!
You may be far from home on your
birthday this year, but that doesn’t mean
your special day should go by unnoticed!

A very happy birthday to you today!
Don’t worry about all of the candles on
your birthday cake this year, sis. I have a
fire extinguisher on standby just in case!

I’m only messing with you! Happy birthday,
I hope you have a truly fabulous day today!
Having you nearby is a great comfort to me as you have always been there for me whenever I’ve needed anything. You truly are a very special neighbor indeed.

I hope you know that I’m always here for you, too. Happy birthday, my friend.
Thank you for always being that friend I can rely on no matter what. I’m blessed to share a home with such a wonderful human being.

Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you today, my dearest. I hope you have a truly spectacular day today as you genuinely have the kindest heart of anyone I know.
Happy birthday to a special someone who certainly doesn’t look her age. No wonder people are surprised when they discover you’re a senior!
Happy birthday, my love.

We may be apart from each other in this
small moment in time, but we will have
the rest of our lives to enjoy together.

In the meantime, enjoy what is likely
your last birthday as a bachelor!
Happy birthday, doc! For someone who
is always looking out for everyone else,
I’m prescribing you a huge dose of
happiness and a day filled with joy!

I hope your special day this year is a
truly unforgettable one!
You make a handsome sidekick, my love
My birthday message for you today,
dearest priest: for all that you do for
everyone else, take this day to enjoy
just for you.

My very best wishes to you.
Words alone simply cannot express
the impact you’ve had on my life.
You’ve guided me and helped me
walk the right path.

Happy birthday and thank you for
everything, priest.
For a friend so wonderful
So truly great and dear
I’m getting my birthday 
Wishes in early this year!

Happy birthday to you in
Advance, best friend!
I’m wishing a heartfelt happy birthday to my dear brother today as he turns another year older and more wonderful than ever. Best wishes to you from your adoring sister.
Today, I’m wishing a very happy birthday to the absolute best person to be around.

It goes without saying that an amazing person such as yourself deserves a birthday that is a truly wonderful celebration of you and all of the good that you do.
Many happy returns to a truly great man.

May you have the happiest of birthdays just as you deserve, as there are few men out there who are as genuinely amazing as you are. 
Happy birthday, my absolute bestie!

May this birthday of yours be another fabulous one in a long line of beautiful celebrations and magnificent milestones in your life! A best friend as truly dear as you are to me deserves as many glorious moments in her life as possible.

I’m sending lots of lovely wishes your way today!
Thank you everyone for your lovely wishes and beautiful blessings on my birthday. It meant the world to me to hear from all my wonderful family and friends 🙏
You’re not just my BF, you’re
my BFF (boyfriend forever).
There’s no escaping me, ever!

Happy birthday! 😘
I owe you a lot, and I care for you even more. You’re not only my boss, but a dear friend of mine. Happy birthday! Wishing you the best!
From now on, people will refer to you as someone of a certain age, old pal! I wish you the greatest of birthdays!
It takes a long time and it’s not an easy
task to build a solid relationship like ours!

Happy birthday, old friend!
A miniature hug
A little kiss
Your tiny cuddles
Fill me with bliss!

Your little giggle
Your adorable smile
Are things that make
Parenting worthwhile!

Wishing you a 2nd
Birthday full of joy
And a lifetime of
Happiness, my sweet
Little toddler!
Happy 6th birthday to the cutest kid!

I hope your birthday and your party are as fun as they could possibly be! I’m sure there’s going to be lots of tasty cake!

Sending you lots of love on your birthday this year, cute one!
Here comes trouble! It’s your 13th birthday today! Happy birthday, my cheeky and mischievous teen!
A special little kitty is celebrating another birthday today!

I hope that it’s a purrfect one!
Happy birthday to the only person
I’d choose to be stranded on a
desert island with!

Well, I wouldn’t ever choose to be
stranded anywhere, but if I had to
choose someone to be stranded
with it would obviously be you!

Happy birthday, bestie!
Happy birthday to a very special one in my life! You make my days infinitely better; just thinking about you makes me smile!