Popular Birthday Wishes

A special little kitty is celebrating another birthday today!

I hope that it’s a purrfect one!
Happy birthday to the only person
I’d choose to be stranded on a
desert island with!

Well, I wouldn’t ever choose to be
stranded anywhere, but if I had to
choose someone to be stranded
with it would obviously be you!

Happy birthday, bestie!
Happy birthday to a very special one in my life! You make my days infinitely better; just thinking about you makes me smile!
Happy birthday to my favourite old lady!

There are so many reasons to love and admire you, but one of the most notable things has to be that even though you’re getting on a bit now, you refuse to let age define you!

You’re young at heart and I hope you continue that way for many more years!
Happy birthday to a fine woman,
an antique lady!

You deserve to be treasured for
the magnificent and precious
person that you are!
Husband, even though you’re far away on your special day, I’m sending you the happiest and most heartfelt birthday wishes possible.

With all my love, always.
Today I become an even prouder aunt as my beautiful niece turns another year older and more wonderful! Happy birthday, my gorgeous girl!
You’re always watching over me, so I know that you’ll see me lighting a candle in your honor today.

Happy birthday to you, my beloved father.
My wonderful son turns 18 today
and my heart couldn’t be any fuller.
Seeing my dear child go from a
little boy to a great man truly is
my greatest achievement in life.

I am so proud to be your mom, son,
and I always will be. I’m wishing the
happiest of birthdays to you today.
My love, may these sweet birthday wishes fill you with joy and touch your heart. You are the centre of my universe today, tomorrow, and always. 
Many happy returns to you. 

I’m sending special wishes your way this year, for yours is a birthday I hold dear.
One could only imagine all of the wonders a son would bring into their life. Nowadays I know a tad more about it, as I now have a lovely son who came into my life dazzling like the brightest star. Today, we celebrate the special moment that he became part of our world.

Happy birthday, my son, my love! May your day be filled with joy and may your wishes come true. I love you unconditionally, and forever my happiness will be linked to yours.
Happy birthday to the most gorgeous chic!

I want you to know you’re not just my
cousin but more like a sister to me!
Your birthday reminds me of all the great times we’ve had together! We’ve shared more laughs, more happy moments and more incredible experiences together than anyone else I can think of!

You’re a great friend that I’ve been lucky enough to have in my life for many years, and who I hope to have in my life for many more years to come!

Wishing you a very happy birthday today, my dear friend!
A teenager without an attitude just wouldn’t be a teenager at all!

Luckily for us, you have a great attitude and a lovely personality!

Have an awesome birthday and may this year be the best yet of all your teenage years so far!
Today is the birthday of
an irresistible baby boy!
Happy birthday! 

I also extend my wishes to
the parents who created such
an adorable little human!
All throughout your life you were a saint so I am sure that you have settled into heaven perfectly and peacefully.

Sending all my love and best wishes up there to you today on your special day. Happy birthday, my lovely mother.
The best thing about sharing your birthday with your twin brother is that there’s double the amount of cake! Happy birthday, bro!
Happy birthday to a kind man and dear friend of mine who deserves the world!

I hope your birthday this year is a spectacular one!
Happy birthday, my beloved!

You are the love of my life, the one who has opened my eyes and my heart. I never truly knew what love was until I met you.

May you have the fabulous birthday that you deserve and a blissful year ahead!
Today, my dear
You’re turning 4
And I’m wishing 
You happiness 

May your special day
Be full of presents,
Love, laughter and,
Of course, lots of cake!
Happy birthday, uncle!

I’ve learned so much from you, although
not every lesson you've taught me might
be considered appropriate or useful!
On your eleventh birthday, my dear daughter, I’m wishing you all the happiness in the world. May your special day greet you with joy for the year ahead.

Best wishes and lots of love from mom. Have a very happy birthday, my sweetheart.
Happy 21st birthday from mom, my dear.

Today, you truly become a woman, and a wonderful woman at that. I am so blessed to have a grown up daughter like you who makes me an even prouder parent each year.
Happy birthday, my sweetheart. Marrying you was the smartest decision I’ve ever made as since then, you’ve truly brightened each and every day for me.
Happy birthday to my pretty pussycat!

Every year that your birthday comes around just reminds me of how lucky I am to have a feline friend like you in my life!

You bring me so much love and happiness and I am so grateful to you for that!

I hope we have many more years of friendship ahead, my lovely!
Happy birthday, my lovely!

Don’t be offended if people start buying you anti-ageing products as birthday gifts - they just want your youthful looks to last forever!

Just make sure they include a gift receipt so that you can exchange them for something better!
Happy birthday to you!

May God bless you with all of life’s
most enchanting pleasures that you
are so deserving of.

I have every faith that this coming
year will be kind to you, my dear!

Enjoy this blessed day!
Happy birthday to my sweetness, my princess, the one I absolutely idolize!

Each day is so much sweeter and more delightful for having you in it!
Happy anniversary, my handsome man!

We’ve experienced so many great and wonderful things this past year and made some everlasting memories!

Everything in life is better with you beside me. I truly am so lucky to have you.

Here’s to us and to another fantastic love-filled year ahead!
Happy birthday to the sarcastic guy with a great sense of humour that I once fell for!

Sending all my love to you on your special day today!
There’s no one else in the world who has touched my heart the way you have. I’m wishing you a beautiful birthday today, my special one!
Happy birthday to my soul sister! I hope you know that you are so much more than just a good friend to me!
Happy birthday to the loveliest, kindest nurse! You are a beacon of hope for so many with your calm, reassuring manner and caring nature.

I’m wishing you many more years of blessing many more people who come under your care!
It’s your 29th birthday again? How
many times can one person turn 29!

I’m just joking with you, my friend! I
hope you have a blast on this very
special birthday of yours!

Sending all my very best to you today!
Happy birthday to my 
Favourite teacher!

There are so many reasons
Why you’re the best
You’re ten times better
Than all the rest!
Happy birthday, girl!

We’ve been there for each other through thick and thin, which is why you’ll always be a super special friend and such an important person to me!
Happy birthday and many
birthday blessings to you on
this special day of yours!

May God continue to bless
you with the knowledge,
strength, and wisdom you
require in order to mentor
your following as
exceptionally as you do.
As your father, it gives me great pleasure to be wishing you well on your most special day of the year.

I wish only the very best for you in your life today, tomorrow, and all days that follow.

Happy birthday, my dear son.
Today’s a special day for a certain kitty cat, who turns yet another year older and wiser! I promise to shower you with treats and attention, my furry little friend!
Happy 60th birthday to you!

You might well be turning the grand
old age of 60 today, but you’re still
very much young at heart.

You’re so full of life and the person
with the most youthful soul out of
anyone I know!
Many congratulations to you as you
celebrate your big 6-0 today!

May this very special milestone birthday
bring lots of joy to your heart and many
wonderful memories for you to cherish
for all the years to come!

Happy birthday!
I’m sure your birthday will be
a gouda one, but it can easily
be made grate simply by
having some delicious
cheesecake to go around!
Happy birthday big brother from your visibly younger, funnier, and more attractive sister!

Don’t worry, you also have some good attributes too - they're just perhaps a little less obvious!
It’s difficult to describe exactly what our
friendship means, as you are simply a best
friend unlike any other. I am very blessed
to have had you in my life for so long and
to me, you’ll always be more like a sister.

Happy birthday, girl.
Happy 70th birthday to you!

You must share your secret of how to
stay looking young that you seem to
have perfected over all these years!
It truly is an art that you’ve mastered!

Here’s to you and many more
youthful years ahead!
The birthday boy turns 12 today!

May the candles on your cake this year
grant you a dozen wishes to enjoy!
Happy birthday, my love.

Today and every other day,
I wish you pure happiness.
So if you must ever cry,
May it be with tears of joy.
Happy birthday to a very special best friend! Thank you for being my number 1 girl, bestie. A better friend than you simply doesn’t exist.
I’m one of the lucky ones to be
Blessed with a crazy cousin like you
A super funny dude who’s like a 
Brother through and through!

Happy birthday, buddy!