Popular Birthday Wishes

We started our journey together as great friends but after living together for some time, you’re much more like family to me now. I don’t even want to imagine a time where we might be living apart.

I’m wishing you a fab birthday today, my dearest friend.
Getting older agrees with you as you’ve never looked more radiant than you do now. May that continue for many years to come. Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to my beautiful daughter who turns 20 today! I’m so thankful that your teenage years are finally over, sweetie!
Happy birthday to a man after my
own heart: my dear twin brother!

We’ve been through everything
together and I couldn’t have wished
for anyone better to have experienced
it all with. Not only are you my twin
and my brother, but you’re also my
very best friend in the world.

I’m sending you my best today, bro.
My dear mom, as you celebrate another
birthday today, I just want you to know
how special you are and how much
you mean to me.

I am so grateful for everything you’ve
done for me, and I always will be.

Happy birthday, mom.
From sunrise to sunset
She’s the most beautiful one
Her eyes shining brightly
They glisten in the sun
And as the moon rises
Once day becomes night
They sparkle and twinkle
In the soft moonlight. 

Happy birthday, my sweetheart.
Congratulations on becoming 14!

Now that being a teenager is nothing new
to you, I’m hoping that you effortlessly sail
through the rest of your teenage years,
making many wonderful memories along
the way.

I hope you enjoy your special day.
Brother, you are so much more than simply
a sibling to me; you are a good man who
continuously inspires me each and every day.

I am so proud to call myself your sister,
and I always will be. Thank you for being
the brother that every girl needs.

Happy heartfelt birthday, with sweet
wishes from my heart to yours.
I have only the sweetest birthday wishes for the sweetest birthday boy today! May your 2nd birthday ever be even better than the 1st!
Happy birthday!

May this day of all days be extra special for you, my love!
Happy birthday to a great man who
took me under his wing as his own:
my dear father-in-law.

I’ll be forever grateful for you. 
Only a husband can protect like a father,
be as fun as a brother, and share good
times like a friend. You are everything
that makes a great man.

Happy birthday, my love.
When I was growing up, you were more like an older brother: always playing around, showing me new things and sharing your interests. You made me feel equal and not different from you.

There were times when you took the role of a father: caring, loving and educating me, and giving me invaluable advice. My respect for you grew exponentially.

Whenever I needed, you were a friend: someone who would listen, share experiences and never judge me.

You were reliable. I could always count on you for whatever I needed and you helped me countless times.

You are all of this and more. You are the best uncle in the world!

Have the greatest birthday of all!
Happy 18th birthday! It has been a long road to get here, but there's an even longer road up ahead. Watch out for those speed bumps.

I wish you an amazing birthday and many more happy years to come!
Happy birthday, madam!

May I say, how in awe I am of all of your accomplishments! You are an incredible influence of whom I very much wish to follow in the path of, and if I am able to achieve even half as much as you have thus far, I will consider myself incredibly successful indeed.

Here’s to a great mind and a great inspiration! Cheers, madam!
Happy birthday to the greatest man that ever lived: my father. Sending the sweetest birthday wishes up to you in heaven today.
I want to take a moment on your special day to congratulate you for all of your achievements over the past year!

Here’s to another successful year ahead! Happy birthday!
You strive for greatness and work hard to achieve just that! Your commitment shines through in those you coach, and it doesn’t go unappreciated!

So, on your birthday today, I just wanted to say a big thank you and wish you the very best on your special day!
Happy birthday, coach! Give those muscles a rest and just take today to kick back and chill!
On your birthday today, my dear, I am praying that you are blessed with all of the most beautiful and wonderful things life has to offer! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to a truly amazing person who I’m lucky enough to call a friend!

Sunshine seems to follow you around, my dear, and my heart is always full because I have you in my life. I hope you have an especially fabulous birthday this year!
To say you have been a good friend to me would be a huge understatement. You have been the greatest companion possible and I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate you.

Thank you for being the wonderful person that you are and happy birthday to you, my dear friend!
I couldn’t let the birthday of a dear friend like you go by unnoticed, so I’m sending many congratulations your way today and extending my very best wishes to you!

I hope your special day is a fantastic one, full of celebration and joy!
Happy birthday to a very special
goddaughter! You are, without a doubt,
the best present life has ever given me.

I am thankful each and every day for the
wonderful gift that you are!

I’m wishing you a great birthday today
and many happy years ahead, my dear!
Happy birthday to a wonderful guy and an even better friend! I’m very fortunate to have an amazing person like you in my life!
My dear girl, today you turn another year older so we must celebrate the fabulous woman you’re becoming! A very happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you, my dearest friend!

I owe a great deal to you as day after day, year after year, you remain the one person in my life who I can always count on.

You truly are the ultimate friend and I don’t know what I would do without you!

I hope your special day is as magnificent as you make our friendship!
Happy birthday to you today, mam! You are more than just a teacher; you are the driving force that pushes people forward and allows them to excel!
Happy birthday, sweetie. It wouldn’t be my choice for your birthday wishes to be coming from far away this year, but I’m sending you all my love and more.
Happy birthday, handsome!

I’m not surprised that people don’t believe you’re my boyfriend at times; I have a hard time believing someone so perfect can be real too sometimes!
Happy birthday, cutie!

The birthday fairy has come to grant you 3 magical wishes this year, my dear! May each one be as sweet as the last!
It’s your 12th birthday, sweet girl! Congratulations!

You deserve a truly special birthday this year, as not all 12-year-old girls are as grown up and as special as you!

So for a beautiful princess like you, I’m hoping and wishing that all of your dreams come true!
Happy birthday, my handsome hubby!

Of course I know I’m blessed to have a husband like you, but really you’re the lucky one to have bagged a wife like me when you did because just like a bottle of fine wine, I only improve with age!

So really it’s only right that you treasure and appreciate me more and more with each passing year!
Happy birthday to an 11-year-old
Who’s as unique as they are cool
May this double-digit birthday
Be the very best one of all!
I have only the brightest wishes
For you as you turn 18, my son
For all of your accomplishments
And everything you have done.

Happy 18th birthday.
To the world’s greatest and most
spectacular son, I’m wishing a
very happy birthday from mom.

May your special day be as
special as you are and may
all of your hopes, dreams,
and wishes come true today.
Happy birthday to you today, my love.

I hope you know just how special you are
and how much you mean to me. You are a
guy who makes my heart flutter, and time
spent with you is time always cherished.

I wish time would stand still when we’re
together, as I never feel as good or as
happy as I do when I’m with you.
My love, I’m wishing you a birthday full of love and a year ahead full of joy. For the wonderful man and magnificent husband that you are, you deserve the world and more. Happy birthday, sweetheart.
Happy birthday to a true blessing to the masses. You are a spiritual guru full of wisdom and the first person I turn to for advice and guidance.
Wishing the happiest of birthdays to the person I have known for longer than I can remember! Have a fantastic day, my friend!
Today marks another year of our remarkable journey, my love, and really we’ve only just begun!

You've given me everything that my heart could ever need and you’ve made me the happiest guy on the face of the earth.

Thank you for all that you are and all that you do for us.

A very happy anniversary, my beautiful! 
Happy anniversary, my glam gal!

You’re just as beautiful as the day I first met you, if not even more so!

Love you always!
Happy anniversary, my lovely man! I can’t believe we’ve been together for this long - it feels like so much longer!
Wishing the happiest of birthdays to
my stunning stepsister! You’re always
gorgeous, and forever glamorous!
Happy birthday to you!

I might not tell you daily
What a wonderful friend
You’ve always been,
But your birthday brings a time
Where I can tell you exactly
How much you mean!

Thank you for your friendship
And always sticking with me!
Happy birthday to a top-notch teacher!

You are the best in your field and I’m very grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from you!
Happy birthday from your loving and protective big sis! Since you were born you’ve been the most important person in my world and you always will be!
My beloved twin sister,
We share a connection 
That runs deep, 
A bond truly unique
Built strong enough
To last all eternity.
You’re a faithful companion
Through and through, and
I know I’ll always have
A true friend in you.
Happy birthday, my beloved father-in-law!

Over time, you have grown more and more significant to me and I can say with great joy that I look at you like you are my own father. Thank you for being such an important figure in my life.
Stepsister, my only wish for you on your special day this year is that all of your hopes and dreams come true, as I have so much love for you.

May you have the happiest birthday possible, my dear.