Popular Birthday Wishes

Whenever we are together, big brother, I still feel the urge to follow you around, hoping to experience great adventures. Have an awesome birthday, big bro!
May you have a day filled with more happiness than you can contain!

Happy birthday to you, sweet little girl!
My darling son, I want to wish you a very, very happy birthday today!

I know I tell you all the time, but I am so proud of you and everything that you are. You fill me with pride each and every time I look at you. You really are the best gift life could’ve given me.

Enjoy your day, and enjoy being spoiled rotten with lots and lots of gifts today!
Today is the birthday of my darling cat! Happy birthday, my lovely!

I find it so endearing when you try and communicate with me, kitty. Be it meowing at me, rubbing up against my legs or just your little head-bumps, it fills my heart with warmth each and every time.

Thank you for filling my life with so much happiness!
Another wonderful year has passed by, and it’s a pleasure as always to be able to share your special day with you, my dear.

You are such an important figure to me that not celebrating your birthday together is simply unthinkable!

I am so lucky to have you in my life, my heart would be empty and my soul unfulfilled if my existence lacked a human as incredible as you in it.

You are the one person I know I can always rely upon. Thank you for always being available whenever I’ve needed you.

Wishing you the very happiest birthday possible today, my dear.
For a truly fantastic person, I want to wish a truly fantastic birthday!

Here’s to you, my dear! Cheers!
Each year that we celebrate your birthday without you is never easy, as it reminds me that we won’t be able to add to those wonderful times we shared and the great memories we made together.

It makes me sad but then I feel grateful for the times we did get to spend together.

Happy birthday, mom. Love you always.
Happy birthday to my BFF!

I am so lucky to have such a wonderful friend like you in my life!

I’m wishing you a fantastic day today!
Today is all about this one!

So, just like any other day really!
My baby girl is celebrating her very first birthday today! You truly are the light of my life, my darling daughter.
I’m wishing for all things great and wonderful to bless you as you celebrate your special day this year, my dear! A very happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to my all-time favourite
godson! To me, you will always be like
one of my own.

I hope you know that you can count on
me for anything you might need. Lots of
love from your ever-adoring guardian!
Today, I’m wishing the happiest of
birthdays to the man who introduced
me to the endless list of cool and
wonderful things that made me the
woman I am today!
To a true blessing of a brother, on your special day, I’m wishing you the most magnificent birthday possible today. Happy birthday to you!
A teacher like you deserves a super special birthday. Many happy returns to you.

May you have a day filled with joy and happiness that touches your heart as much as you touch the hearts of each and every student you teach.
As you celebrate your birthday today, I just want you to know what a fabulous influence you have been on me and the impact you have made on my school life.

I have learned more than I ever could’ve imagined with you as my teacher, and I’ll always be grateful for everything that you’ve taught me.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Happy birthday to the coolest
teacher around!

Whereas other teacher’s classes
seem to drag on, yours are always
fun and I never want them to end!

If only more lessons were like
yours, maybe more people
would think school is cool!
Happy birthday, dad. 

Thank you for always being there for
me. You’re a fantastic father and so
much more than just a father-in-law.
I just wanted to leave a quick note to show my appreciation and say thank you for all the lovely birthday wishes I received today. I cherished each one as they truly touched my heart and brought a smile to my face. 
I grew up looking up to you because you were so tall. Today, I’m taller than you and still I look up to you. Have the best day ever, old man!
You are a wonderful cousin and a great friend. You are a rock I can hold on to whenever I’m in trouble. Thank you for putting up with me and for always being by my side.

Have a great and wonderful birthday as you deserve!
Happy birthday to the most mature 18 year old I know!

You are wise beyond your years, but don’t go around thinking you know everything. Living is constantly learning and your age is but the number of the lesson.

So, enjoy life like a good book, only stop when you get to the end.

Have the most amazing day of all!
My dear wife, your birthday is here, and all it means is that my heart has grown another year fonder of you.

Happy birthday, my love. I wish you all the joy today, and I hope you are always as happy as you make me!
Today I am wishing you a very happy
birthday, my dear granddaughter,
one as beautiful as you are!

Every grandparent thinks that their
grandchild is the most special person
in existence for one reason or another,
but the truth is none of them are as
special as you!

You have demonstrated this time and
time again with your kind, sweet, caring
and thoughtful personality - you are
nothing short of perfection, my dear!

Hoping your day is filled with as much
happiness as you bring to all those
around you!

Big kisses from your grandma!
To my magical princess of a granddaughter
who is growing up to be a beautiful queen,
I wish you the happiest of birthday’s today!
My dear grandson, I want to wish
you a very happy birthday today!

I see so much of how I was when I
was a kid in you, you really remind
me of myself when I was young.

It’s a joy to see, and you could
definitely do worse than to grow
up to be like your old grandpa!

Have a fantastic day, kid, and enjoy
your many happy years to come!
As your 25th birthday arrives,
I want to wish you a future filled
with many great successes and
accomplishments, my friend!

You are a go-getter and I truly
admire that about you!

I have no doubt that the years
ahead are going to be nothing
short of amazing for you!

All the very best to you and
many happy returns!
Happy birthday to a focused coach who is always on the ball! Wishing you a fab day of fun and celebration!
You might not be happy about the fact you’re another year older, but to me, you only become better with age!

More refined and more handsome than ever, getting older looks good on you!

Wishing you a lovely birthday today, you gorgeous guy!
I’m wishing an incredible birthday to my
main man today!

You can tell that our friendship is true
as I can always be myself around you!
I know that you’re the kind of friend
who is in it for the long haul!
My gorgeous goddaughter, today you turn one year older and I have never been prouder of you!

You are growing up so beautifully and your many achievements make me absolutely beam with pride!

I’m wishing you a very happy birthday today and many years of happiness ahead!
Happy birthday to my adorable goddaughter! May the frosting on your cake be just as sweet as you are!
As one of many of your faithful
parishioners, I’m extending my very
best wishes to you today, dearest father.

May you continue to lead our church
congregations for many more years,
showing us hope and guiding us with
your pastoral care.

A very happy birthday to you and, as
always, I am praying for you and your
blessed family.
It’s only right that I thank you for having a birthday today, my friend, because as you know I love any excuse for a party!

All the best, buddy!
Happy birthday to you!

Today you turn seven, but you have your whole life still ahead of you!

Always follow your dreams and shoot for the stars, my dear. Nothing is impossible for a wonderful kid like you!
If I was asked to pick my favourite moment that we’ve shared, it would be impossible as I have so many great memories of us together! Happy birthday, bestie!
If there’s something you should know about turning 20, it’s that this first year of your twenties will see you embark on a new and exciting journey of adventure, full of many wonderful opportunities!

Happy 20th birthday to you! Enjoy this magical decade to the fullest!
Today, I’m wishing a happy long-distance
birthday to my husband-to-be!

I’m sending you lots of kisses and big
birthday wishes, sweetheart!
I’m wishing you all the luck in the world on your birthday this year. I have so much faith in you and I’m sure you’ll surpass even your own expectations.
Stepsister, my only wish for you on your special day this year is that all of your hopes and dreams come true, as I have so much love for you.

May you have the happiest birthday possible, my dear.
With 60 brightly burning candles on your cake today, it is definitely going to be a hazard so we have the fire department on standby! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, my man! Seeing as I’m the best friend around, I’ll hold back on the jokes about how old you’re getting on your birthday this year!
Happy birthday to a lovely lady with
the most perfect personality and the
sweetest soul!

I feel very blessed that I was lucky
enough for our paths to cross.

I hope your birthday this year is
just as special and as amazing as
the person you are.
Happy 17th to the birthday boy and greatest teenager around! You’re growing up to be quite a remarkable young man!
It's hard to believe that it was 14 years
ago today that we welcomed you into
the world as the cutest little baby.

How time flies, and who would’ve thought
you would grow up to make such a huge
impact on so many lives already.

Happy birthday from your proud parents,
mom and dad.
On your special day this year, I wanted to
send you a birthday message that lets you
know that to me, you are so incredibly dear.

Our friendship is one-of-a-kind, it’s like no
other. I am truly blessed to have a best
friend like you in my life, girl.

I’m wishing you the very happiest of
birthdays and a year ahead full of joy.
A brother like you is a dream come true,
if your dream is to have a super annoying
brother, that is!

How is it possible that with each passing
year, you find more new ways to bug me...
I guess you’re getting more experienced
with age, bro! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to my soul sister; my best friend in the whole world.

You are a true inspiration and the perfect example of how to live life to the fullest and wholeheartedly. No one does it better than you, and there are few female friends as truly wonderful as you.

I am so grateful to have a bestie who is as fabulous you, and I will cherish and hold on to our special bond for a long, long time yet to come. Sending you lots of love on your special day, girl.
Your very first trip around the sun and 1st birthday on this planet must be celebrated for the special occasion and incredible milestone that it is!

I’m sending you lots of love on your special day and wishing you a lifetime of happiness ahead!
A boyfriend is someone you can trust with
all your heart and share all of your inner-
most thoughts and deepest secrets with. 

In you, I found that person who I can
entrust with all those things and more.
You’re my everything, my love.

Happy birthday,
Your loving girlfriend.