Popular Birthday Wishes

If laughter is meant to keep you young and make you live longer, then you’re in luck because you have a hilarious girlfriend like me to keep you laughing!

Happy birthday to you, my marvelous man. Here’s to many more hysterical birthdays to come!
You know your best friend is a
true friend when they insult you
on your birthday and you can
both laugh about it!

That’s why I know I can make
all the jokes I want today without
any risk of offending you!

Happy birthday, my friend!
Today is a very special day as it’s the birthday of the most amazing woman!

I’m sending my best birthday wishes to you, mom!
Happy birthday, my dear sister!

How is it possible that as the years advance, you somehow manage to look younger and younger! I hope that’s something that runs in our family, sis!

May you have the best birthday today!
A very sweet and special little girl is
becoming even sweeter and more special
today as she’s turning 7-years-old!

Happy 7th birthday, princess!

I always wish the very best for you each
and every day, but I’m wishing you just
that little bit extra for today!
I’m wishing a very happy birthday to you today, dearest priest! May the frosting on your cake be as sweet and delightful as your sermons are!
I’m so happy and excited 
To celebrate you turning 16
May your remaining teen years
be blessed with love, happiness, 
and everything in between!

Happy 16th birthday!
My friend, I don’t need a reminder to tell me that it’s your birthday. In fact, I’m so on top of it that I’m wishing you a happy birthday in advance this year!

I hope your special day is everything you wished it would be!
Happy birthday, brother!

I didn’t get you a gift this year, but
never fear because I’m here! I mean,
what better gift is there than me!
Happy birthday to the only girl I trust with all of my secrets: my sister from another mister!
For an elder sister like you
And for everything you do
I’m wishing you a great birthday
And a wonderful year ahead too. 
May it be full of surprises
And many special moments
May it warm your kind heart
Just as you’ve warmed mine.

Happy birthday, sis.
I might be far away on your special
day today, but know that I hold you
close in my heart wherever I go.

Happy birthday from dad,
my dear daughter.
Sending sweet wishes your way today on your very special 70th birthday, aunty. 
Happy 70th birthday to a very special lady! May all of the greatest gifts in life come your way on your very special day!
Happiness, surprises,
lovely smiles, beautiful
people around you,
that’s what I wish for you,
my dearest nephew.

Today, tomorrow and
forever, may you always
be happy and thrive.
Have a wonderful birthday!
Big brother, you are the most inspirational person I know, and you deserve nothing but the best on your special day. Happy birthday and here’s to another great year!
For my most special niece,
on your most special day,
I wish only happiness
and good comes your way.

May each day of this year
be as great as you are,
I adore you, it’s true,
you’re my most precious star.

Happy birthday, my dear.
May you prosper on this year ahead, madam! Wishing you all the very best on your special day.
Happy sweet 16! I hope that you treasure
every single second of your very special
sixteenth birthday!
Happy birthday!

Now that you’re 21 years
old there’s no longer the
need for a fake ID! 

Enjoy your new-found
freedom, my friend!
A simple birthday wish
For a dear friend of mine
I hope your day is wonderful
And you have a great time

You’re so very special to me
I hope you know that
Loyal, trustworthy and honest
Are qualities you excel at

Happy birthday, dearest friend!
There aren’t many teachers
like you left; most of the good
ones have retired already! 

Happy birthday, teacher!
Happy 2nd birthday to the cutest, most lovable little toddler! Wishing you a day filled with delightful and happy moments!
Your seventeenth birthday may not seem
like much, but the truth is that each year
of your life is as important as the next!

Happy 17th birthday!
We’ve been friends since childhood
and I just can’t seem to get rid of you!

Just kidding, I love our friendship!

Happy birthday, bestie!
My inspiring little lady is turning another year older today!

I can't begin to tell you how blessed I am to be the father of such a lovely young lady.

You’re doing so great in everything you set your mind to and you are really coming into your own. I simply cannot express to you how pleased I am to see what a smart, mature woman you are becoming!

I’m sending all my love to you today on your special day, my dear, and wishing you all the love and happiness for the future!

Happy birthday!
My funny, quick-witted girl,
I want to wish you the absolute
best birthday possible today.

All my love,
Happy bday, buddy! I hope you receive lots of lovely gifts and a ton of birthday wishes on your special day today!
If your goal in life is to reach 100 years of age, then today you’ve hit the 25 percent mark! Happy 25th birthday to you!
Today signifies that you have been providing us with 15 years of joy!

I hope this joyous day of celebration is filled with pure happiness, enjoyed with all those who love and care for you so dearly!

A very happy 15th birthday to you!
You have said time and time again what a privilege it is to coach us, but the real privilege is being coached by you! Happy birthday to you today!
That time each year when your birthday comes around gives me the perfect opportunity to tell you just how much I value having an incredible man like you in my life, my dear friend!

I’m sending big kisses to you today and wishing you the very best for the year ahead! A very happy birthday to you today!
29 years young! Happy birthday to you!

I hope that this year is just as great as all the other years that have preceded it!
You should consider yourself very honored and particularly lucky that you are one of the few people whose birthday I can remember by heart! You must be somewhat important to me, I guess!

Have a fantastic birthday this year, buddy!
You’re not old per se, you’re a
young woman simply trapped
in an old lady’s body!

No matter how old you get, you
will always be young at heart
and that’s all that really matters!

I’m wishing you a fabulous
birthday this year, my dear!
Happy 8th birthday to the best son
in the world! You are my pride and
joy and the apple of my eye, my boy!
Happy birthday to you today, kid!

Turning nine is a very big deal! It’s
your last year of truly being a kid
and being able to get away with
things before you enter your tens!

I hope you enjoy this special year
to the absolute max!
For someone who fills me with love every
day, I’m wishing a birthday that’s love-filled
and great! Happy birthday, my sweet one!
There are said to be seven wonders of the world, but then there’s also you! You too are a remarkable creation that amazes and delights anyone who has the privilege of being in your presence!

I’m wishing you a marvellous birthday today!
Birthdays bring many gifts, but there
is no gift that matches the kindness,
presence, and support that you’ve
shown me throughout my life so far.

You have gone above and beyond that
expected from an uncle, and I am
sincerely thankful to you for everything.

Happy birthday. I hope you have a
splendid day surrounded by all of your
loved ones who cherish you most!
Not one nor two, not three but four! That’s how many years you are today, little one!

Happy 4th birthday to you!
I’m thrilled to be wishing you a happy
birthday today, mam!

You are such a kind and friendly teacher
who makes learning a pleasure!

Your lessons have been so meaningful to
me and I just want to thank you from the
bottom of my heart!
We must be soulmates because nobody else gets me like you do! I hope you have the most fantastic birthday today, my dear!
Your birthday wouldn’t be complete without a birthday wish from your favorite ex-boyfriend! I hope you have a wonderful day my dear, truly.
Happy 18th birthday, my fabulous niece! Now you’re actually old enough to do some of the things I’ve been letting you get away with for some years already!

I hope you enjoy this new age of yours and the new-found freedom and privileges that come with it!
You’ve cared for me since
I was tiny and little
Which is why you will always
Be my absolute hero.

I respected you then
I look up to you still
I always have
And I always will.

Happy birthday, mom.
Happy birthday to a sensational
boss lady who knows what she
wants and just goes for it!

You’re a true inspiration to
women everywhere!
I’m wishing you a truly delightful day full of celebration on your special day today! May your 16th birthday be just as sweet as you are, my dear!
Happy birthday to the one
Who fills my heart with love
The one I’m constantly
Always thinking of.

Best wishes to you, my dear.
Another year of you
Is a reason to celebrate
For you’re someone special
Who to me is simply great.
A love like ours
Is one in a million
Yet to me it feels more
Like one in a trillion.

Happy birthday, my sweetheart.
I’m so incredibly lucky to have
Someone like you in my life.