Popular Birthday Wishes

Congratulations to you on your birthday
today, my friend! I’m wishing you a very
happy and fun-filled day!

This special occasion is also the perfect
time for me to let you know that I’m truly
grateful for you and your friendship.

I don’t know how I would’ve gotten to our
senior year or through college without a
caring and supportive friend like you!
As we count down the hours
Until your very special day,
I’m sending you hugs, kisses,
And pre-birthday wishes!
Happy birthday to the one
Who fills my heart with love
The one I’m constantly
Always thinking of.

Best wishes to you, my dear.
Happy birthday to you today, my sweet grandchild. Turning 11 is a very special occasion, so I’m sending you some extra special birthday wishes this year.

May you enjoy each and every magical moment that this wonderful year may bring.
Happy birthday to the most special man in my life: my dear boyfriend. Anyone would be lucky to have someone as special as you in their lives. I know I am.

Here’s to you today on your special day, and to many more long years of enjoying each other’s company and making memories together. Wishing you happiness every day, my love.
Happy birthday, boyfriend!

Guys like you with a sweet soul and a kind heart don’t come along often, which is why I consider myself to be very lucky to have a wonderful guy like you in my life. You truly are my happiness.
Happy birthday, my one true love.

There are not enough words nor are there any sentiments long or strong enough to convey the message of just what a huge and meaningful part of my life you are. I can’t fully express the immense love that my heart holds for you.
Happy 70th birthday to a very special lady! May all of the greatest gifts in life come your way on your very special day!
Although my birthday
has ended, I still feel a
wave of warmness from all
of your congratulations
lingering in my heart.

Thank you all for being
there and always
making my life a little
better and much easier!
Dear aunty,

Throughout the years you have been my trusty companion. Whenever I was upset with mum and dad, I would go to you for protection and care, and that is exactly what you gave me: protection, care and a whole lot of love.

I felt free to share my deepest thoughts, all of my wrongdoings and fears with you.

You would listen attentively, take a moment to think it over and reply with such pragmatic advice. Sometimes, just a hug would be enough. Your hugs were warm and reinvigorating.

Today I want to give you a hug like the ones you used to give me. Happy birthday!
You may be our daughter-in-law, but in our eyes, you are like our own child. We love you greatly! Happy birthday, dear daughter!
On this day I want to acknowledge someone who believes in me the most, my dear mentor!

You always kept your faith in me. You stood by me and always cheered me up, and even when I wanted to give up on myself, you didn’t. It was your belief in me that made me who I am today.

Thank you and happy birthday!
My darling boyfriend, it’s no secret
that you can be the most annoying
person ever and may get on my
nerves sometimes, but the truth is
that I wouldn’t change you for the world!

Happy birthday, my handsome guy!
I love you with all my heart!
To my dear girlfriend, the most beautiful
woman in the world, I want to wish you
the very best birthday today!

You mean so much to me and without
you I would certainly be lost. You are my
guiding light and everything that is good
in my life!

I hope this birthday brings you but joy
and happiness, just as you deserve!
Happy birthday, my loony friend!

You know it, I know it, and anyone that
speaks to you knows it; you are totally
barmy, bestie!

It’s your signature trademark, though,
and I wouldn’t have you any other way!

I hope you have the happiest birthday
today, my dear!
Turning seven means but one thing,
You’re older now than you’ve ever been!

Happy 7th birthday, my dear!
Wishing a very joyous 27th birthday to you, my dear friend! I’m looking forward to celebrating it with you later on! Cheers!
On your 27th birthday today, I am wishing for the same amount of consideration and kindness that you constantly bless everyone else with to be reciprocated!

You deserve to be showered with love every day, but just that little bit more today! Happy birthday!
Your absence is felt day in and day out,
but your birthday brings around a time
of celebration where everyone can
remember you for all the joy and love
you brought to our lives.

Happy birthday to you up in heaven
today, mom. 
Wishing you the best on your special day today! Friends as incredible as you are such a rarity to find, and I am so thankful to have a bestie like you!

Thank you for bringing so much happiness and laughter into my life!
Happy birthday, bro! Growing up with a
twin by your side is beyond awesome!

Sure, it’s fun to trick people and pretend
that you have a doppelganger, but my
best memories are of us hanging out,
spending time together and just having
a laugh!

You mean the world to me and I hope
you know that I'd do anything for you!
Wishing a happy birthday to someone who is funny, charming, beautiful and unique!

It’s these qualities of yours that makes you such a wonderful person, my dear!
A wonderful woman who I’m fortunate to call my godmother is celebrating another birthday today! I am truly blessed to have a guardian like you!
I would have baked you a cake
for your birthday this year, but we
both know that wouldn’t have turned
out so well!

So, instead, I’m sending you this
beautifully heartfelt birthday message!

I’m wishing you the world on your
special day today, bestie!
The world is a much more beautiful place for having you in it, sweet girl!

I'm wishing you a joy-filled birthday today!
Today, I am wishing a happy birthday
full of love to my significant other!

On this very special occasion, I want
to take the opportunity to say just
how grateful I am for having such an
incredible person like you in my life!

Thank you, from the bottom of my
heart, for making my life so much
sweeter and more meaningful!
Happy birthday, my soulmate!

With marriage comes commitment, no matter how close or far away we are from each other. My love for you stretches farther than any distance!
There are said to be seven wonders of the world, but then there’s also you! You too are a remarkable creation that amazes and delights anyone who has the privilege of being in your presence!

I’m wishing you a marvellous birthday today!
I’m thrilled to be wishing you a happy
birthday today, mam!

You are such a kind and friendly teacher
who makes learning a pleasure!

Your lessons have been so meaningful to
me and I just want to thank you from the
bottom of my heart!
For a special girl
On your special day
My only wish for you
Is that all of your hopes 
And dreams come true.

May you have the most
Remarkable birthday today, 
And here’s to a wonderful 
Year ahead for you.
My birthday wishes to you
This year are full of emotion
As you are someone I have
But a ton of love and devotion.

May your days always be happy
Filled with joy and delight
I wish you only the best
A future so great and bright.
Your big 5-0 has finally come around, and I want to be the first to wish you all the very best on this super special occasion! Happy birthday to you!
A wonderful girlfriend and a beautiful girl like you deserves a gift that’s equally as beautiful, but seeing as nothing can even come close to your beauty, I wasn’t able to get you anything for your birthday!

You’re simply too gorgeous to shop for!

Happy birthday, sweetie!
Today I have the pleasure of wishing a
very special friend of mine a fabulous
40th birthday!

I hope you enjoy celebrating this very
significant milestone in your life!
My greatest birthday wishes are reserved for the best senior in college today!

May your birthday bring you all the strength and luck required to see you through to finals!
Baby boy, it’s your very first birthday today!

One whole year has passed since you
entered the world and our hearts, and
what an adventure we’ve had so far!

You are the light of our lives and the most
precious little person, and we promise to
always love and protect you until the very
end of time.
Happy birthday! For 19 years now, you have been putting smiles on people's faces, making people happy, and blessing the lives of all those around you. You are a true ray of sunshine who has the ability to brighten anyone's day.

May you continue to blossom as beautifully as you have done so far, my dear.
12 years old today! Congratulations and a great big happy birthday to you!

For the best pre-teen around I’m hoping that all of your wishes come true today as you blow out your birthday candles, as you continue to grow up and become more amazing each year!
Dear son, your special day has come around once again but in reality, each and every day should be special for a kind, sweet, and wonderful boy like you.

Happy birthday to you, and may all of your days be happy and full of joy.
Happy birthday, my gorgeous man!

I’m just dropping you a short line
to kickstart your special day and
to wish you a happy birthday!
Happy birthday, my lovely man.

One more year has come and gone
which can only mean one thing: it’s
one more blessed year that I’ve had
you in my life for, my love. One more
heart-warming year full of making
lasting memories and building an
even stronger relationship together.

You’re the best boyfriend a girl could
wish for. Here’s to many more
beautiful years like these.
Happy birthday to the only girl I trust with all of my secrets: my sister from another mister!
Whenever my birthday comes around, I’m always humbled to be reminded of just how wonderful my family and friends are. Thank you everyone, you all mean the world to me.
A husband like me
Who’s so fantastic
Can too be both
Funny and romantic!

Happy birthday,
My lovely wife!
Happy birthday to my girl! I’m sending you lots of lovely wishes on your special day today, filled with all the love in my heart.
I don’t know what I did to deserve a
girlfriend as wonderful as you, but I’ll
be forever grateful for all that you do.

Happy birthday, sweetie. 
You are one of the most amazing gifts life has given me. So, on this day, I hope life showers you with great gifts.

I have so much to thank you for; you are a friend, a father and a teacher. I admire you for always being true to your principles.

I hope life blesses you with happiness, health and many more years!

Have a great birthday, grandad!
On your special day, I want to thank you for everything. Your guidance and your leadership truly made me who I am today.

May life bless you with health and success for many more years to come. Have a wonderful birthday!
Today I wish to celebrate one of the strongest women I know, my daughter-in-law!

You are a great wife and a great mother. Everyone around you just loves and admires you.

I hope you have many more happy days to come!
To one of my nearest and dearest,
my sister by affection, I wish you
the happiest birthday ever!