Popular Birthday Wishes

Happy birthday to a genuinely special guy! Not only that, but you’re also an incredible friend too!

I hope that your birthday this year brings you all the wonderful things you’ve been wishing for in life because you truly deserve them all, my man!
Teachers don’t usually hand out gifts as knowledge is a gift that keeps on giving!

I feel privileged to have been given the opportunity to teach such a wonderful kid like you this year!

I’m wishing you a very happy birthday today!
Some friendships are short-lived while others are strong and made for life. Ours was created when we were just kids and even back then I knew it had been built to last.

So today I have the pleasure of wishing one of my oldest friends a very happy birthday!

Many congratulations to you on your special day, my dear friend!
Since it’s almost always better to be early rather than late I thought I’d wish you a happy birthday now, plus I also simply couldn’t wait!

All the best for your upcoming celebrations. I hope your special day is a super magnificent one!
Thank you for the birthday wishes
Two already and look at how big you’re getting! You’re going to be such a big boy in no time!

Happy 2nd birthday to you, my dear!
You bring nothing but joy
And brightness to my days
You’ve touched my heart
In so many wonderful ways
So for that you deserve
Everything you wish for
A spectacular birthday
And so much more.

Happy birthday, my special one.
On your very special day, I’m sending only the best and most heartfelt wishes your way.

Happy birthday, dear brother.
The day you entered the world as my younger brother truly was one of the greatest blessings in my life, and that feeling has only grown stronger since. I’m very lucky to have a little brother as wonderful as you are.

From my heart to yours, I’m wishing you the very best and happiest birthday possible.
A wonderful person like you doesn’t come along every day, which is why I praise you so highly and cherish you always. You are a ray of sunshine that makes everything brighter.

May you have the spectacular birthday that you’re so deserving of, my dear. 
I can’t think of anyone better to have as a best friend than you, as you simply are the greatest because of everything that you do. You are a truly fabulous blessing in my life and in my heart. I love you, girl.

May you have a birthday that’s as special and as wonderful as you deserve. Best wishes to you. 
Happy birthday to my wonderful wife: 
my one and only, the love of my life!

I could never forget your birthday, 
my love. After all, it wouldn’t be 
worth the repercussions! 
We hope you never retire because we need you to continue guiding us for the rest of our lives.

Thank you for being the best boss there is!

I wish you a happy birthday and many more amazing years to come!
The big 5-0! If life were a football match, you would be killing it! I hope you continue to score many more goals! Have a fantastic birthday!
Don’t worry if you gasp or experience shortness of breath while blowing out all of those candles. No matter how many candles remain, your tears will put them out.

I hope you have a fantastic day and a fantastic year to come, my friend!
My wish to have a sister has come true, for now I have you. So I wish all your wishes may come true on your birthday, dear sis-in-law!
Happy birthday,
my gorgeous guy!

Even with you being
so far away, just hearing
your voice makes it feel
like you’re close.

I love you!
My dear classmate, today I want to wish you a fantastic birthday and I hope you have a very happy day!

Your big smile and positive personality make each school day better and brighter, so thank you for being you!
Happy birthday to my fabulous, smart
and amazing granddaughter!

You are the spitting image of your
mother when she was your age! You
remind me of her in so many ways;
no wonder the two of you are by far
my favourite people!

I hope you have a wonderful birthday,
and many happy young years just like
your mother had!

Lots of love,
Happy birthday to my favourite teen!

Remember, you won’t be young forever,
so enjoy your teenage years as they
only come around once!
Wishing the loveliest lady who has always been there for me the most wonderful birthday ever today!

You are more than a friend to me, you are like family. I sometimes wonder if we are sisters who were separated at birth!

Happy birthday and love you lots, sis!
There isn’t anything quite as uniquely special as the connection between human and dog, and today I am wishing mine a very happy birthday!
Happy birthday to my dear roommate who occupies a big part of my home and an even bigger part of my heart!

Have the absolute best day, dear!
One of my very first words was dada because of the important role you played, and you’ve only become more special to me over the years! Happy birthday, daddy!
It’s your special day, my friend!

I hope you have a blast today and enjoy your birthday to the fullest!
Near or far
Regardless of where we are
I will love you unconditionally
For always, my dear.

Happy anniversary to us!
Happy birthday to a remarkable person who always pushes their team to reach for the stars! All the best to you on your special day!
Happy first birthday to an adorably cute little princess!

I’m wishing you many happy years ahead full of precious moments, sweetie!
Our friendship is a thing of beauty,
much like you are, bestie!

I’m sending you all my love and
wishing you a fabulous birthday today!
Happy birthday, bestie! You are a genuinely lovely boy and an even lovelier friend! I hope this year ahead brings you unlimited happiness!
Happy birthday to my dear friend and sister at heart! You have a beautiful soul and I’m truly blessed to have such a sweet person in my life!
Happy birthday to a very special godmother indeed! 

You have brought so much happiness into my life and ensured that there has never been a shortage of love surrounding me. You’re a very unique and important person to me! 

I hope you enjoy your special day today!
Happy birthday to the coolest godson on the face of the planet! May your birthday this year bless you with all the joy and happiness your sweet heart can handle!
You honestly wouldn’t be able to tell that it’s your birthday today since you don’t appear to have aged a day over the past 10 years!

Happy birthday to you and may you keep your youthful looks for many more years to come, my dear!
Happy birthday, my sweetheart!

It’s so unfair that we aren’t able to share your special day together in person, so a romantic message from my heart to yours will have to suffice!

I’m sending all my love to you today!
Turning 20 today means that you’re just one year off becoming a full adult, so make the most of getting away with what you can until then! Happy 20th!
Happy birthday from your longtime
admirer! You must know by now that
you mean a lot to me and I care about
you very much.

My one and only wish for you on your
birthday this year is that you find
happiness in everything that you do!
You’re funny and cute,
You make me laugh
I could definitely see you
As my other half!

Happy birthday, gorgeous!
Many happy returns to you.

As you blow out the candles on your cake
today, may you be blessed with good luck
for your final school year.

I’m wishing you the happiest of birthdays
today and the best possible year ahead.
Happy birthday, old man!

If there was ever any doubt as to who’s older out of the two of us, well, your wrinkles say it all now!
Happy birthday to the light of my life
and partner in crime!

Tackling each day with someone as
wonderful as you by my side makes
me feel like anything is possible.

Thank you for making me the
happiest person in the world.
Your 70th birthday is big news and the perfect excuse for a huge party to celebrate! Here’s to you on this very special and momentous occasion!
A godfather who’s
Ever dependable
So wise and true
There aren’t many
As great as you!

I’m wishing you a
Wonderful birthday!
Happy birthday, my love.

I hope your special day brings
you many happy moments, as
your happiness is the most
important thing to me.
How incredibly lucky I am
To have a girlfriend like you
For all of the magnificent and
Wonderful things that you do.
The happiness you create
Is clear for everyone to see
And I’ve got the best view
Since I'm as happy as can be.

Happy birthday, my love.
My dear best friend, today is your special
day and I’m hoping that this touching
birthday message warms your heart in
the same way that your friendship has
warmed mine.

A true, loyal, and trustworthy friend like
you is the ultimate blessing a person
could wish for. I’m so lucky to have
found all of that in you and more.

Here’s to you, our friendship, and many
more long years of making wonderful
memories together.
Happy birthday to the one I love! There aren’t many men in the world as sweet and as sentimental as you, my love. I’m very lucky to have such a caring and kind-hearted man in my life.

Enjoy your special day, sweetheart. You deserve it.
I have only the best wishes
For the birthday celebrant: 
A girl who deserves the world
Simply for being so excellent!

May your birthday be like you
Sophisticated and elegant
A special celebration that is
Oh so fancy and decadent!

Happy birthday to you, my dear
Best friend and favorite gal pal!
Beautiful baby girl of mine
Today as you’re turning 2
A lifetime of happiness
Is all I ever wish for you.
I don’t know how to say thank you enough for all of the birthday wishes I got on my birthday. From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate each and every one of you.