Popular Birthday Wishes

Happy birthday, my beloved godson!

You are a true blessing and the light of my life - I can’t tell you how much joy you fill me with!
Happy birthday to a very special man!

There are a lot of guys in the world,
but none of them compare to you!

I’m wishing you a marvellous day today!
If wisdom and beauty come with age then you must be really wise and really beautiful by now, sis!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, my dear friend.

May you have a blessed birthday
today and I hope you create many
wonderful memories to cherish for
all the years to come.
It might not always feel like it
but I appreciate you dearly, mom.

Thank you from the bottom of my
heart for all that you do for me.
Happy birthday.
Happy birthday, my dear!

Not only is today your special day,
but it’s also an extra special one
as you’re turning eighteen!

I hope this magical birthday brings
nothing but happiness and joy to
your heart, and may it be the start
of a wonderful new chapter ahead.
Many congratulations on not only your birthday today but also on being a standout employee. May you have many more spectacular years ahead of you.
Happy 18th birthday to you, my dear niece!

You’re no longer a kid, sweetie! You’re now a smart, beautiful woman!
Happy birthday to the light of my life
and partner in crime!

Tackling each day with someone as
wonderful as you by my side makes
me feel like anything is possible.

Thank you for making me the
happiest person in the world.
Happy birthday and my very best wishes
to an outstanding member of the Catholic
Church. You are a true godsend who has
aided the growth of my faith, father.
Happy birthday to a truly wonderful woman!

You’re such a generous person whose
heart is always full. You give so much
and you are a true inspiration, miss.

May you have the most wonderful birthday
ever today, just as you deserve.
Happy birthday, little sis!

It must be so nice not ever having to worry about your age because at least you’ll always be younger than me! That’s possibly the best gift I could ever give to you!
My dear daughter, you are growing up
to be such a beautiful girl inside and out.
You’re a woman after my own heart!

Happy 18th birthday from mom!
Happy birthday to my wonderful son.

The older you get, the more of myself I see in you. You are a man after my own heart and I will always be so proud of you, my dear son.

Best birthday wishes from dad.
Happy 14th birthday to my dear grandson.

You truly are a gift sent from heaven, sweet boy. You are my godsend.
Happy birthday to you! 

On your special day this year, I want
you to know that I’m so lucky to have
you as a cousin.

Really you’re like a brother to me, but
the fact that you’re my cousin means
I don’t have to put up with you 24/7!
Happy almost birthday, bestie!

You’ve already had the most special wishes now you’ve heard from the best, so on your special day, you will hear from the rest!
Happy birthday from mom, daughter.
You are growing up so wonderfully
and I simply couldn’t be any prouder
of you than I already am.
My love for you flies high
It reaches as far as the sky
There simply is no limit
To the love I have for you.

Happy birthday, my most
Beautiful one.
Coach, from showing me courage to
teaching me determination, I have
learned so many life lessons from you.

That is why you’ll always be so much
more than just a sports teacher to me.
I’m sending you the very best birthday
wishes today.
I’m wishing the happiest of birthdays
to you on your special day today, my
dearest and closest friend. 

For me, your birthday brings about
a time for reflection to look back on
and appreciate all of the wonderful
memories that we have made
together over the years. 

I feel very privileged to have shared
so many heart-touching moments
with you, and I can only hope that
the journey our friendship still has
to take has a long road ahead filled
with many more opportunities to
share great experiences together. 
Many congratulations on turning 30
Cheers to everyone who sent
me messages and wishes on
my birthday this year. Each of
you contributed in making my
special day a memorable one.
Happy birthday and best wishes to you on your special day today, dad. If your birthday this year is even half as meaningful as you are to me, then you’re sure to have a magnificent day.
I thought of your son as one of a kind, but then I met you and I was glad to see that you were the same. Both of you are so gentle and loving. I could not wish for a better family than this. The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree.

I hope you have a fantastic day and a fantastic year to come!
Today is a very special day. Today is your birthday, boss!

Working under your leadership has been an amazing opportunity for us all to develop, both personally and professionally. Thank you for helping us be the best we could ever be.

May all of your desires come true! We wish you a very happy birthday, boss!
You deserve nothing but the best on your special day. We've been friends for all of our lives, and I'm so grateful for everything we have shared and experienced throughout the years.

I wish you the best birthday ever!
After all these years of marriage, my smile still reaches my eyes whenever I see you!

Happy birthday, my dear wife!
Happy birthday, my dear son!

It doesn’t make any difference how old you get, whether you are 20, 30, or even 50, you will always be my little boy! You are my child and I’ll always see that little kid I raised, even well into your adulthood!

Big kisses from your mother, and with all my heart have a fabulous day!
We may be around the same age,
but I have always looked up to you
ever since we were kids.

You’re smart, logical, dedicated and
passionate about so many things, such
great qualities that I’ve always aspired
to follow and have as my own.

You’re a great example of someone
who goes after what they want and
never gives up.

I’m so glad to have had you in my
life for so many years, and I know
for sure that we’ll be lifelong friends.

Wishing you the very best on your
birthday, my friend, and much
happiness for the future!
Wishing you a very happy 21st birthday,
my friend! 

Now that you’ve turned 21 years old, it’s
really not fair for you to continue being
the designated driver! 

Instead, we’ll give you a break and
someone else can have a turn!

Thank you for your years of service!

Enjoy this special birthday, and the little
bit of freedom that comes with it!
Happy birthday to my dearest cousin!

I can still remember all of the long
summers we spent together growing up!
What amazing times we had and they
are memories I will treasure forever!

We were always in each other’s pockets,
never apart from one another. We were
so very close, much more like sisters
than cousins!

You’ll always be special to me, despite
the busier schedules we have nowadays
that prevent us from seeing each other
as often as we’d like.

Wishing you as much happiness on
your birthday this year as we used to
have together growing up!
Happy sweet sixteenth to the
sweetest 16-year-old!

You have always been a
remarkable kid, and I have
no doubt that you’re going
to continue to blossom into
a remarkable adult, too! 

You’re on a great path and it’s
so lovely to see! I am so happy
for you and I hope everything in
life goes the way you want it to!

Enjoy this special birthday, dear!
Sorry that you have to work on your birthday this year, doc, but I guess saving lives and looking after people who need urgent care doesn’t take a day off!

Both your selflessness and contribution to society are admirable and I hope you know just how appreciated you are!

Happy birthday and I hope you can unwind and enjoy a celebratory drink soon!

Happy 30th birthday! You may be 30 in age, but you are definitely still 18 at heart!

Never stop being forever young, my friend!
Happy 17th birthday, my friend!

Enjoy your last few remaining
teenage years!
Happy birthday to someone who is lucky to have such a handsome and charismatic boyfriend: my girlfriend!

I hope you enjoy your day, my love!
Happy birthday to my hilarious
but loco friend!

You are barking mad but I love
you all the same!

Have an awesome day, bestie!
Happy birthday to your little one and a special congratulations to you both on the third birthday of your gorgeous toddler! 
Sending my best birthday wishes to the best workmate! Thank you for making each working day feel less like work and much more enjoyable!
I crave your hugs and kisses each and every day, but I’m craving them even more on this special day that is our anniversary!

I miss you loads and I can’t wait to give you a big kiss, my lovely!
On your birthday today, my very best friend, I wanted to send you some birthday wishes from the heart!

I thought long and hard for something heartfelt and meaningful to say, but really when it comes down to it all you need to know is that you are my favourite person and you mean the absolute world to me!

Happy birthday to you!
Wishing the very best motivational mentor the very best birthday today!

Your passion and drive push the whole team to want to achieve more and do better! Without your input, we wouldn’t be in the favourable position that we are in!
Wishing you a very happy birthday from a familiar faraway land! I hope all is well your end, buddy!
Happy birthday, best friend! I am truly gutted that we won’t be spending your birthday together this year, but the many miles between us are such a hindrance and make it almost impossible!

I won’t allow another year to pass where we don’t celebrate together, though!

I’m sending my very best wishes to you today, my dear!
Here’s to a truly wonderful manager!

Three cheers for you on your birthday today, and our very best wishes for a prosperous year ahead!
Happy birthday to a friend like no other!

People often mistake us for brothers, which is no surprise why! Our close-knit friendship has formed a bond so strong that it can only be likened to that which brothers possess!

Enjoy your day, man!
Happy birthday to you!

You’re a true inspiration to so many and the wisdom you impart is second to none!

Thank you for being the extraordinary lady that you are, and I hope you continue enchanting young minds for generations to come!
Mommy and daddy are celebrating your first birthday ever, our special son!

For the one whole year that you’ve been on this earth, you haven’t stopped spreading your love for a single minute! We love you so much, cute baby boy!
Happy birthday to the coolest godson on the face of the planet! May your birthday this year bless you with all the joy and happiness your sweet heart can handle!