Popular Birthday Wishes

For 6 years now you have been bringing light and joy into my life, little one!

I have no doubt that you will continue to do so for all the years to come, too!

Wishing you the cutest birthday, kiddo!
On your 3rd birthday, my gorgeous girl, I want you to know that I’ll love and protect you forever. You're my whole entire world. 
Happy birthday to a cheeky little nipper!

Today is your fourth birthday, my sweetheart! I hope you have a day full of fun adventures, lots of cool activities and a ton of joyful and playful moments with your little friends!
You touched my heart 
In so many different ways 
That I can’t let your birthday go by 
Without wishing you the best of days!

Happy birthday!
Being able to celebrate your birthday with you as my stepsister is such a great honour and privilege!

If you weren’t my stepsis I know that we’d still be good friends, but now that we’re family it makes it even more special to be celebrating with you!

I hope that your special day brings you much joy and lots of wonderful gifts! Happy birthday!
You likely won’t remember this very first momentous milestone in your life, baby boy, but today marks your very first birthday in this world!

Happy birthday, little one! I hope that it’s the beginning of a wonderful future ahead!
Happy birthday to someone who is
as spectacular as they are unique!

You are far more special than you
think you are, my dear!
I’m lucky that I found you, bestie, as friendships like ours come around but once in a lifetime! I’m wishing you the most fabulous birthday today!
I’m sending my biggest and very best
birthday wishes to you today, my
gorgeous goddaughter!

May you continue to grace the world
with your enormous heart and immense
beauty, and I hope the year ahead is
tranquil for you and free from worry!
Today, I am celebrating the birthday of the most loving, beautiful, and sweetest person in my life!

You may be my lover, but first and foremost you are my best friend and the person who brings so much happiness to my heart!

Happy birthday, my love!
Having their husband far away would be a dream come true for many women, but not me! I wish I had you here beside me today! Happy birthday, honey!
Happy birthday to the sweetest of nieces!

You really are the kindest and most caring
little girl so, from the bottom of my heart, I’m
wishing you the most fabulous of birthdays
today full of sweet and lovely surprises!
I didn’t get you a gift this year
but what’s better than a lunch
break spent in my company
for your birthday!

Now that’s priceless!

Happy birthday, my friend!
Many happy returns to you, my dear! I’m
wishing you the happiest of birthdays today!

On your special day, it must be said that
you’re my very best friend, my constant
source of happiness and joy. I can’t even
imagine my days without you in them!

Grateful and blessed doesn’t even begin to
describe how I feel for having a true friend
like you in my life!
Happy birthday to a truly precious
human and an incredibly pretty girl
who, in my eyes, is simply perfect.

I hope you know just how very special
you are to me and that you always will
be no matter what, my dear.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
This poem is my way of revealing
That I really like you!

Happy birthday, gorgeous!
I miss you more the farther apart
we are. I can’t wait until the day I’ll
see your beautiful face in person again.

I hope you’re still able to enjoy
your birthday without me there today.
I promise we’ll have our own celebration
when we’re together again.
It’s that special time of year again when we get to celebrate the wonderful person that you are.

Happiest of birthdays to you, my dear.

Your birthday always leaves me feeling emotional, as you’re such an important person in my life.
On your special day this year, I wish to thank you for your many wonderful years of service to your country. Happiest of birthdays to you, sir.
Happy birthday to you today, my dear. You must know that to me, you are nothing short of perfect.

You really are my everything and somebody so very special in my life. Without you around, my days would certainly be a lot less wonderful.
Happy birthday to you! I’m sending my very best wishes your way on what is a very special day, as your 21st birthday has finally come around!

I hope you have a truly fabulous day and celebrate in style, girl!
Happy birthday!

You are a remarkable person who
so many aspire to one day become.

You truly are a blessing to our society,
and if all our future doctors are half as
incredible as you are, we’ll be in very
good hands.
You might be out of sight on your birthday this year, but you're certainly not out of mind as you couldn’t be any closer to my heart, my dear.

I hope your birthday is still as wonderful as can be, given that you're not able to spend it with me.
You’re already getting so big
Now that you’ve turned 2
I’m so excited to see all of
The fantastic things you’ll do!

Happy 2nd birthday!
Happy birthday to my wonderful son.

The older you get, the more of myself I see in you. You are a man after my own heart and I will always be so proud of you, my dear son.

Best birthday wishes from dad.
Your birthday is fast approaching and so while I’m thinking about it, let me wish you a happy birthday now before I forget!
Never ending beauty
To me, that’s what you are
Providing joy and happiness
Whether you’re near or far.

So on your special day
I just want you to know
That you are very dear to me
And that feeling will only grow.

I’m sending you sweet wishes,
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you! 

On your special day this year, I want
you to know that I’m so lucky to have
you as a cousin.

Really you’re like a brother to me, but
the fact that you’re my cousin means
I don’t have to put up with you 24/7!
Happy almost birthday, bestie!

You’ve already had the most special wishes now you’ve heard from the best, so on your special day, you will hear from the rest!
Happy birthday to my most beautiful one! I’m wishing for your special day to be as truly lovely as you are!
You truly are a shining example of
everything good in this world, my love.
You brighten each day as it comes.

Advance happy birthday, sweetie!
Happy birthday and best wishes to you on your special day today, dad. If your birthday this year is even half as meaningful as you are to me, then you’re sure to have a magnificent day.
There are so many things I would like to say to you, but I’m afraid that words will always fall short of the meaning needed to convey the message.

So I will just thank you for being the spectacular and wonderful man you are and for everything you have ever given to me.

May the Lord bless you with richness, health and love.

Happy birthday!
Today is a very special day. Today is your birthday, boss!

Working under your leadership has been an amazing opportunity for us all to develop, both personally and professionally. Thank you for helping us be the best we could ever be.

May all of your desires come true! We wish you a very happy birthday, boss!
Happy birthday, my dear son!

It doesn’t make any difference how old you get, whether you are 20, 30, or even 50, you will always be my little boy! You are my child and I’ll always see that little kid I raised, even well into your adulthood!

Big kisses from your mother, and with all my heart have a fabulous day!
An employee like no other, your efforts
within our company are unparalleled!

Wishing you a very happy birthday
today on behalf of the whole company!

We are truly blessed to have such a
dedicated and strong-minded individual
as part of our team, and it’s obvious
that you have a very bright future in
this company!

Enjoy your special day and all the
very best for the future!
I may be early this year in wishing you a
happy birthday, but as I won’t be able to
wish you well on the day, I thought it was
better to be early rather than late!

I hope that you have a smashing day,
and enjoy celebrating with all of your
wonderful family and friends!

You deserve a wonderful day! Cheers and
happy birthday, my dear friend!
Happy 2nd birthday, kiddiewink!

Now that you are walking all on your
own, it’s such a delight to see what
a curious, sometimes mischievous,
little explorer you are! There are few
greater joys in life than seeing a little
tot like you discovering the world
around them!

Never stop exploring and always keep
that adorable inquisitive nature you
have, little one!
Sorry that you have to work on your birthday this year, doc, but I guess saving lives and looking after people who need urgent care doesn’t take a day off!

Both your selflessness and contribution to society are admirable and I hope you know just how appreciated you are!

Happy birthday and I hope you can unwind and enjoy a celebratory drink soon!

It’s your 30th birthday and that calls for some seriously extravagant celebrations!

So, on the evening of your very special day, we will be doing just that! Put on your party outfit and let’s go celebrate!

Congrats and cheers, my dear!
I didn’t get you a gift this year,
girlfriend, because I figured
I’m enough of a gift every day!

I guess I’m the kind of gift
that keeps on giving!
Happy birthday to a new friend who will inevitably be an old friend someday! I have no doubt that you’ll be a friend for life!
Wishing you the best birthday today as you turn the funny age of 27!

All the best to you and I’m hoping that you enjoy your special day!
The everlasting memories and sweet moments we shared will see me through the darkest of days and even put a smile on my face.

Love and miss you always, mom.
Happy birthday to my favourite twin brothers! Wishing you the best for the year ahead and I hope you guys enjoy your special day today!
Happy birthday to a friend like no other!

People often mistake us for brothers, which is no surprise why! Our close-knit friendship has formed a bond so strong that it can only be likened to that which brothers possess!

Enjoy your day, man!
There are but a few sweet nephews like you, and I am so incredibly proud and lucky to be your aunt!

Happy birthday, little one!
Today is your birthday
Yet I’m the one with the gift
For you’re the most precious
Present that keeps on giving.

To say I’m lucky to have you
Would be an understatement
As you are the biggest, most
Beautiful blessing in my life.

Happy birthday to you,
My darling.
Happy birthday!

As you turn seven today
I want to remind you to
always dream big, kid.

You can achieve anything
that your heart desires!
If wisdom and beauty come with age then you must be really wise and really beautiful by now, sis!

Happy birthday to you!