Popular Birthday Wishes

Birthdays have got to be pretty boring
at your age, seeing as how you’ve had
so many already!

Perhaps we can liven it up this year
with some party games like limbo
dancing or something! Just be careful
not to break a hip or anything!
Some people in the world are just born with a certain special something about them which is simply unexplainable, and you’re one of those people, my dear. Happy birthday!
Having someone as incredible as you around at any point in my life would be wonderful, but to have had you around since we were kids is sensational!

Happy birthday!
True friendship is a beautiful thing,
and I am so incredibly lucky that I
found that with you.

You are the gold standard of friends
and I count my blessings each day
that you came into my life!

I’m wishing you the happiest of
birthdays today, my friend!
The only reason that you’re my cousin
and not my sister is because God knew
that the world wouldn’t be able to cope
with us as siblings!

Still, you’ll always be a true sister to
me at heart!

I hope you have the most magnificent
birthday today!
Happy birthday to you!

I can’t sing your praises enough or speak
more highly of you, my dear!

I appreciate and respect you for all that
you are, and what you are is a wonderful
person with a heart of pure gold!
Happy birthday to a special someone
I care for deeply and, who in truth,
I’m infatuated with completely!
You have touched my life in more ways than one. You brighten my days, warm my weeks, and fill my years with so much joy.

I will be forever grateful for having someone as truly extraordinary as you in my life.

Happy birthday to you.
Having you so far away from me
on your special day is less than
ideal, but I want you to know that
I’m thinking of my favorite gal pal
and sending good wishes your way.

Happy birthday to you, bestie!
Today, I’m sending out the most special birthday wishes to someone super special!

I hope your birthday is a truly great one this year!
Today is kind of a big deal as it’s the birthday of my dear elder brother! I’ll never get tired of seeing you turn older than me every year!
May you have an a-door-able birthday today! I hope this year ahead brings you many windows of opportunity that unlock lots of doors that lead to success!
Today is your 1st birthday, my princess, but it’s us who are blessed with the greatest gift of all: you.

May you have the happiest life ahead.
My lovely mom is turning 70 today!

May this very special birthday of yours fill your heart with all the love, joy, and happiness that a special lady like you deserves, and here’s to many more beautiful years ahead!
Someone like you deserves the gold standard of birthday wishes, and that’s exactly what I’m sending to you this year! Happy birthday!

You're such a special person in my life and a dear friend to me. I'm very lucky to have you around.
Happy 18th birthday, daughter!

Today is a super special milestone
that sees you enter adulthood, my
beautiful girl, so I’m sending my
very best wishes to you.

No longer are you just a girl, you’re
a beautiful young woman now.
Happy birthday!

Your guidance, leadership, and
determination are admirable and
so inspirational.

Thank you for all that you do and
for being such a wonderful boss!
Today is a momentous occasion and a truly wonderful turning point in your life which sees you become a woman but know that no matter how old you get, you will always be my sweet little girl.

Happy 18th birthday to you, my dear.
Congrats on your bundle of joy
With bright eyes and tiny toes
How can someone be so adorable
Honestly, God only knows!
Today is a very special day as it’s the chance to celebrate yet another year of your life, my dear father. Happy birthday to you.

I can only hope that someday I will be as great of a father as you have been to me.
Happy birthday to my favourite husband!

There are lots of good things that come
with age, but the very best part of getting
older is that each year the cake has to get
bigger to accommodate the extra candles!
Happy birthday, girl!

In another lifetime we must’ve been sisters, as we are true soul sisters and our eternal bond is so strong!
Happy birthday, my dearest gal pal.

We have been the greatest of friends for a long, long time now and it's so important to me that you know just how meaningful your loyal friendship is to me. I might not tell you enough as when I think about it it makes me emotional, but I don’t know what I would do without an incredible friend like you.

So for all that you are, may you have a truly fabulous birthday this year, girl. You deserve it.
Your birthday is coming around fast, and since you’re such a special friend of mine I’m sending your birthday wishes in advance!

After all, the earlier you receive your messages, the longer your celebrations will last! I hope you have a great day!
Happy birthday, my handsome lover!

I was thinking long and hard about a gift to get you that was both heart-touching and romantic when I realized that you already have me! I am the gift that will forever warm your heart!
While no caption can truly capture my love for you, I want you to know that I’m already counting down the days until your special day arrives.

I can’t wait to celebrate you for the wonderful person that you are, all the good that you do, and the happiness that you bring.
A leader isn’t simply someone in charge; a leader is a person who inspires, motivates, and encourages greatness. You are all of that and more. Happy birthday to you.
Thank you to all of my wonderful
family and friends who wrote me such
lovely birthday messages this year.

You are all amazing and so very dear
to me, and each of your wishes truly
touched my heart.
If you’re lucky, at some point throughout your life you’ll find a very special person who turns out to be the most incredible friend you could ever wish for. You are that special someone to me.

I want you to know how truly grateful I am for having a best friend like you around to always keep me smiling. I owe much of my happiness to you.

Happy birthday, my wonderful best friend. 
Happy birthday to my all-time favorite gal pal. I hope you know that day or night, you will always have a best friend in me to support you, girl.
Happy birthday, my sweet nephew.

Today you turn 2, and I couldn’t
be more proud to be the aunty of
a wonderful baby boy like you.
You truly are a little miracle and
the most beautiful blessing.
Happy birthday, little one! May your 2nd birthday be as brilliant and as beautiful as the wonderful little boy that you are.
To my aunty,
the best of all
aunts, I wish a
joyous birthday,
full of smiles and
lovely surprises.
Happy b-day!
Am I the favourite child or are you? Who cares, you're my favourite… and my only brother. Just kidding, lots of love on this special day!
For a long time, you were number two,
But slowly you started to catch up
And started beating me at most things.
But there is one dispute I will never lose.
No matter how hard you try
And with the years that go by
I will always be older than you.

Happy birthday, baby brother!
Happy birthday to my wise old uncle!

Your infinite knowledge never stops astounding me!
Happy birthday to my dear,
sweet sister-in-law!

I can’t tell you how over the
moon I was when you and
my brother started dating,
at the prospect that one
day you might become a
permanent part of the family
and my sister-in-law.

My wish came true when you
married my brother, and since
then I have been filled with
content from having the sister
I always wanted!

Have a fabulous birthday,
my dear, and I hope that
each and every day of your
life is always filled with joy!

Lots of love!
Happy birthday, big sis!

Thank you for always
watching over me and
keeping me safe! Luv ya!
Wishing the happiest birthday ever to a top nephew and an all-round top lad!

Hope you have an awesome one today!
Happy birthday to my dear boyfriend who, unlike his jokes, never falls flat!

I’m kidding, of course! I love your sense of humour! If your parenting skills are half as good as your dad jokes, then you’re going to make a fantastic father someday!

All my love to you on your special day, my dear, and here’s to many more years of making each other laugh!
Happy birthday, teacher!

Something I never thought I would
ever say, but you make class fun! I
actually look forward to your lessons!

And before you ask, no, I don’t have a
concussion - I’m being totally honest!

Have a great birthday!
Happy birthday, cousin!

I have always counted on you as a
brother, looked up to you as a brother,
and confided in you as a brother.

We may be cousins, but you will always
be so much more like a brother to me!

I want to wish you the very happiest
birthday today and an absolutely
fantastic year ahead, bro!
Happy birthday to a phenomenal teacher!

Your teaching methods may be
unorthodox, but no one ever became
a revolutionary by playing it safe and
sticking to the norm!

I think that your teaching style works
great for the smart kids with the capacity
to grasp your concepts, so naturally, I
understand everything perfectly!

Enjoy your special day!

An exceptional teacher deserves an
equally exceptional birthday!
Wishing the coolest, most down to earth
doctor the most awesome birthday ever! 

You are so approachable and you always
make me feel at ease that I never get
nervous about having a check-up!

Thank you for making the extra effort
and being such a superb doctor!

I hope that you have many more years
of doing what you do best ahead!

You rock, doc!
You twin girls share such a special
bond, almost telepathic with one
another if you will!

I know that you two will be the best
of friends until the end of time!

Sending all my love and best wishes
to you both on your special day!
Today I’m wishing one of my best buds a very happy birthday!

Just as I would do for my best human friend, I’ve got a very special gift for my best dog friend! I hope you love it!

I’ll do everything I can today to make your birthday fun and exciting and you can bet that it’ll include lots of treats and playtime!

Happy birthday, poochie!
Wishing you a very happy birthday, mom!

Thank you for continuing to be the
consistently sweet and caring mother that
I’ve known and loved since childhood.

I hope you know that it doesn’t matter how
old I get, I’ll always be mommy’s little boy!
Sending you 3 big hugs, lots of
kisses, and wishing you all the joy
and laughter possible on your third
birthday today, little one! 
There are fantastic coworkers who are a joy to work with and will go out of their way to support their peers and help their colleagues, and then there’s you!

Just kidding, my friend! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Today might mark our anniversary, but I fall in love with you all over again each and every day. Love you always, my dear!