Popular Birthday Wishes

Happy 13th birthday, my dear!

They say thirteen is unlucky for some, but whether or not you are superstitious, I think that this thirteenth year of your life will be the best and most exciting yet!

I hope you enjoy this first year of your adolescent life!

Sending my very best wishes to you on this special milestone birthday of yours!
Today I have the absolute pleasure of wishing a super 6-year-old a truly super birthday! I hope your day is as charming and as adorable as you are, my sweet kid!

You deserve a lifetime of happiness and joy, and today should be no different!

I’m sending my biggest hugs and kisses to you on your 6th birthday, my dear!
Happy birthday, gramps.

I miss you each and every day, but
I find solace in the knowledge that
you are resting peacefully in heaven.

I hope your soul is content roaming
through the tranquil clouds in the
skies above.

Love you always, grandpa.
Happy 5th birthday to the big birthday boy! I hope that your party is loads of fun and it’s as cool as you are, my man!
Happy birthday to the most wonderful friend! Here’s to another year of laughing at each other’s terrible jokes!
Happy birthday to you! You are a never-ending source of inspiration and a wonderful superior!

I’m grateful to have such an inspiring person who supports and encourages me to push for success!

I am wishing you a wonderful birthday full of happiness!
Today is the day that I get to recognize and show my appreciation for a very special stepdad! I hope your birthday this year is as magnificent as you are!
Happy birthday to someone who has it all!

You’re funny, smart, and you’re pretty easy
on the eye too! No wonder all the girls are
crazy about you!

Sending lots of love to you on your special
day today, stud!
Happy birthday, my one true love!

You are my rock and everything that is good in my life. I love you so very much!
A friendship is like a flower
Blossoming slowly over time
But after being nurtured
The results are quite sublime!

Happy birthday to you today,
My friend!
On your special day this year, it must
be said that there are few men in the
world as remarkable as you, my friend!

From your wonderful personality to
your caring nature, you really are one
astonishing human being. I’m truly
blessed to have someone so very
special in my life.

Enjoy your special day today because
you deserve it more than anyone!
Happy birthday, little bro!

Each year, just when I think you couldn’t
get any better, you go and surprise me
by becoming even more magnificent!
Happy birthday to the best daddy in the
whole entire world!

When I was little you would pick me
up and put me on your shoulders, and
although nowadays I might be too big
for that, the very same fact remains that
you’re still able to lift me up whenever
I’m in need of a little boost!

Sending you love and hugs today, daddy!
Not all children are created equal! God truly unveiled one of his most magnificent masterpieces to date when he presented you to the world!

I hope you have a wonderful birthday today and are blessed with many lovely moments, my dear!
My darling child, if every kid was as
sweet and kind as you are the world
would be a much more beautiful place!

Happy birthday!
Today we are celebrating the 29 glorious
years that you have been on this earth for!

You’ve touched many hearts during that
time, especially mine!

Happy birthday to you!
Looks like your birthday is going to be a hot one today, pal, as there will be more than enough heat coming from all the candles on your cake to warm up the entire room! Happy birthday to you!
Many friends throughout life
They come and they go
But with you, it’s the opposite
As I couldn't get rid of you if I tried!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, my sweet niece!

You can count on your dear aunt
to spoil you rotten all the time, but
even more so on your special day!
Congratulations to a prize student! You simply are a lovely kid and a genuine pleasure to teach!

I hope you enjoy your special day today!
Today the birthday
Boy turns eight,
And I hope you have
A fantastic day, mate!

Happy bday, lil’ buddy!
There simply are not enough words in the dictionary to accurately describe how passionately and strongly I feel about our friendship. All I can tell you is that it truly means everything to me!

Have a wonderful birthday today, bestie!
We must be related because you have so
much style and sophistication just like me!

If people didn’t know any better or that
we’re cousins, they would definitely think
that we’re sisters!

Happy birthday, my dear! I hope you enjoy
your special day today!
Happy birthday to a 27-year-old who doesn’t look their age, nor do they act it!

Have the best birthday today!
Thank you for being someone I can always call upon.

You truly are a wonderful friend and one I’m lucky to have just around the corner.

Happy birthday.
For my absolutely amazing
daughter-in-law, I’m wishing the
most spectacular birthday today.

I hope you know that you’re such
a cherished part of this family.

May your special day be as truly
beautiful as you are and filled
with all things fabulous.
Happy birthday to my dear niece who
turns eighteen today!

Funny, beautiful, and oh-so-glamorous -
it’s like looking into a mirror and seeing
myself when I was your age!

May you continue to grow to be as
gorgeous as your aunt is now!
Officially you’re my cousin, but my heart
says you’re my sister. Luckily for you, I
always listen to my heart!

Happy birthday to you, my dear. I
hope you have a truly wonderful time
celebrating your special day today!
I wanted to be first in line this year to wish you a happy birthday, my dear!

Yours is a birthday I could never forget and, in fact, one I always remember early! I hope your special day this year is a truly wonderful one.
Today you’ve hit the milestone that so
many dread, but yours is going to be
such a great celebration that in fact,
it’ll be a birthday you’ll actually want
to remember forever!

Wishing you a very happy 40th birthday!
Happy birthday!

There’s never a dull moment
With a best friend like you
You’re always full of fun
As you’re totally cuckoo!
Happy birthday to the loveliest, sweetest,
and kindest lady who must be an angel
sent from heaven!

I hope your special day is as truly special
as you are, miss!
A very special lady is celebrating 70 years
of life today!

I’m wishing you a very happy birthday
and sending huge congratulations to you!
Happy 12th birthday wishes
to the coolest tween around!

May the exciting years ahead of
you hold amazing adventures and
many magical moments for you!
Happy birthday to the loveliest godfather in the world. I’m a lucky godchild to have you always watching over me as my guardian angel.
Happy 12th birthday to
a very special little lady!

May this special day of
yours be filled with lots
of delicious cake and big
balloons, all covered with
glitter that twinkles and
sparkles the same way
that you do in my heart!
I’m so lucky that not only did I gain another family member when you became my sister-in-law, but I also gained a dear friend and a true sister.

Happy birthday to you today, and may your day be as truly fabulous as you are.
Dearest employee,
Happy birthday
From all of us here,
We’re wishing you a 
Truly wonderful year.
A man as wonderful as you
There simply are very few
Which is why I’m twice as lucky
To also have a godfather in you.

Many happy returns to you.
Happy birthday to the sweetest sister ever. I can’t thank you enough for all of the love, devotion, and affection you’ve shown me since we were just kids.

You truly are the most incredible sister and one who I’ll always look up to.
Fourteen today and what more can I say, other than wish you the most incredible birthday! Happy 14th to you, my friend!
Your 18th birthday
Is very special, son
As you celebrate it once
You have but only one.

Happy birthday. May you
Enjoy it to the fullest.
Happy birthday and best wishes to a very
sweet and special lady: my mother. You
quite simply are like no other. Any daughter
would be lucky to have a mom like you.
A proven friendship that has already stood the test of time will continue to last a lifetime. We are truly blessed that we found that in one another.

Happy birthday to you, my dear best friend. May there be many more memories to make and wonderful years left in our friendship yet to come.
Happy birthday from the luckiest man on the planet, to the most wonderful lady in the world.
As your special day comes around
this year, I thought it would be the
perfect time to tell you how special
you are to me too.

Your incredible friendship has touched
my heart in so many wonderful ways,
and knowing I have someone who is
always there for me is a blessing. I’ll
always be grateful to you for that.

I hope you have the best celebrations
and the most amazing birthday today,
girl. You deserve it. 
Unique wishes for a special friend
Thanks to all who reached out and wished me a happy birthday yesterday - they were well received and very much appreciated!
I have only the sweetest and most romantic
birthday wishes in advance for you, my love.
Let’s start celebrating your birthday early
this year, my dear.
To you, my beautiful and loving daughter, I wish a wonderful birthday! May your life always be happy and full of nice surprises.

In me, you’ll always find the truest of loves and all the comfort and care you’ll ever need. All I want is for you to find happiness, no matter what. So never stop searching, never stop fighting for what you believe in and always follow your dreams.

I’ll be here to celebrate your victories and I’ll also be here to pick you up when you’re down. Love you more than life itself!