Popular Birthday Wishes

11 today! Hooray!

As today you turn
The grand age of eleven
May all your birthday wishes
Be sent straight from Heaven!
Daughter, on your very special day this
year, we simply can’t tell you enough how
blessed we are to be the parents of such
a wonderful girl. You are our pride and joy.

Happy birthday from mom and dad.
May your birthday this year be as truly special as the person you are. Wishing you a wonderful day.
Happy birthday and best wishes to a lady many aspire to become. You truly are an inspiration, mam.
For a fabulous aunty
From a lovely niece
May your birthday be
A true masterpiece!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, my beautiful wife.

Each year my heart grows and I fall deeper and deeper in love with you.
Belated happy birthday to you. I hope you know that I would never miss the birthday of a good friend like you on purpose.
My dear brother,

Earth has travelled once more around the sun, which means it’s time to celebrate again.

Many orbits ago I was an only child, but one brilliant day, on this drifting space rock, a new baby was born.

He was blessed with stardust and I was blessed to hold him in my arms. Your eyes were brighter than a thousand supernovas, deeper than the deepest black hole and as powerful as the big bang.

You were a tiny little star, which grew to amass a galaxy of your own. Nevertheless, little brother, you will always be the sun to me.

Have a stellar year!
You bring out the best in all of those around you. You are an inspiration to all. Have a great birthday!
I want to welcome you into adulthood. You're too old to hang out with your parents, but not too old to still let them make your bed! Happy 18th birthday!
The number of years that go by don’t make a difference, to me you will always be number one! You are the best and the greatest of all, big brother!

I wish you an amazing birthday and many more great years to come!
My lovely twin sister, no other person on the face of this earth understands us like we do. You know me inside and out and I know you just as well.

We knew each other even before we were born and we'll continue to be the perfect pair throughout our lives.

This is our grand day and I hope you have the most fun you’ve ever experienced!
I want to wish a happy birthday
To a great colleague of mine.
You have never been late,
You are always on time.

If I was in charge,
Seeing you work as hard as you do,
I would give you a raise
And offer you a promotion too.

So I wish you a great birthday
And many blessings on your day!
Your special day only comes around once a year, but this is the day on which you were born and the happiest day of the year for me.

When you were a little boy, you liked comic books so much that you wanted to be Superman. You may not have gained any superpowers, but you are still my superhero.

I hope you have a powerful birthday!
With a best friend like you, I am never really alone. But I want you to know that for as long as my heart beats, you’ll never be alone either.

I hope you have an amazing birthday and many more years to come, best friend!
Happy birthday to the most gorgeous man, soon to be my husband!

Have a fabulous day, my lovely fiancé!
Happy birthday to our darling granddaughter, the light of our lives.

You mean so very much to us, it’s impossible to put into words. We simply adore you, and your parents for giving us such a precious gift.

We hope you have the most incredible birthday, the happiest one yet!

Lots of hugs and kisses from your ever-loving grandparents, our sweet princess!
16 years ago today the most fabulous little girl was born: you!

That makes today your sweet sixteenth, a very special birthday indeed!

I wish only amazing things for you on your birthday: happiness, laughter, love and everlasting friendships. You are a beacon of joy to all those around you, so it’s only right that today it’s reciprocated to you!

Happy birthday, sweetie! Sending you all my love on your special day!
Every parent deserves a son like you;
you are simply a delight, my dear!

I was lucky enough to be blessed with
you as a stepson, and when you came
into my life you instantly made it better
and brighter.

Thank you for making my life whole,
dear stepson!

Wishing you a very happy birthday
today, just as you deserve!
To me, you don’t feel like my stepson,
and I don’t feel like a stepparent at all.
I just feel like a regular parent who has
a regular son.

I know that’s not the case with every
stepson and parent relationship, but
we share a special bond that is
stronger than the rest!

I hope you have a fabulous birthday
today, my dear, and enjoy it to the fullest!
Happy birthday to you, principal!

You play the most pivotal role in keeping this school running smoothly!
Wishing my niece and all-time favourite person the very best birthday today!

Love you lots, dear!
Wishing my beautiful dog a howling great birthday today!

You continue to bring light and happiness into my life, my precious pooch!
Happy birthday, my man! I hope that your 7th birthday bash is awesome and filled with endless fun and games!

You deserve a day full of happiness because you are the kindest, most genuine kid that I know!

Enjoy your special day, my dear!
May the first day of this new chapter in your life be incredible and pave the path for a fantastic year ahead!

Happy birthday to you today!
Happy birthday to the birthday princess who isn’t just the belle of the ball on her birthday! You’re the most magnificent of them all at any event!
You’re more than just a sports coach as your lessons reach much further than that.

What you teach us can be applied to almost any challenge we face!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to my older sis who, in truth, most people think is actually my younger sis!

Wishing you an awesome day today!
A very happy birthday to you today, my dear friend! Having such an amazing person like you in my life is nothing short of a blessing!

I hope that today is but the first of many marvellous days to follow this year! 
Happy birthday to our lovely boss from your whole team! We just want to take this opportunity to thank you for your constant efforts in keeping our workplace a happy and efficient one!

Here’s hoping your special day is a spectacular one!
Happy birthday to a funny little guy I’m blessed to call my godson! I hope you have an awesome day today!
I don’t want you to think that I forgot your special day, so please don’t look at this as a late birthday wish! Instead, just look at it as a super early one for next year!

I’ve already started counting down the days and I hope you have a fab year leading up to it!

All the best to you, my friend!
It is a pleasure to know such a sweet, kind, and well-mannered child like you, my dear!

You truly are a credit to your parents who I know are so proud of you!

I’m wishing you a spectacular birthday today and the most wonderful party!
Happy birthday to the best sister in the world! You’ve always meant a lot to me and, in you, I know that I’ll always have a best friend and someone I can count on.

Your birthday is just another excuse for me to show my appreciation for you!
Happy birthday
To my love,
An angel sent
From above.
I hope your special
Day this year
Brings you happiness
And joy, my dear!
My boy is all grown up as today he
is celebrating his 25th birthday!

No matter how old you get though,
son, I will always see you as the
little man I raised!

Happy birthday and lots of love
from mom!
Happy birthday, girl!

I like to think that I know you pretty well seeing as we grew up together, but that doesn’t make it any easier when it comes to picking out a gift!

At least having a friend like me truly is a gift that keeps on giving!
I must be the most blessed daughter in the world to have ended up with parents like you!

Your love and commitment to each other continue to make me happy and fill my heart with joy.

Happy anniversary and may you enjoy many more joyous years together!
Happy birthday to the cutest, sweetest, most adorable little girl in the whole wide world! I hope your special day today is just as fabulous as you are!
Happy birthday and many congratulations to somebody quite remarkable who can perfectly balance being both a friend and a leader all at the same time!
Happy birthday to you!

If I had to give just one reason why you’re more like a sister to me than a cousin, it would be that growing up together you would annoy me just as much as any sister would!
Don’t worry about getting older, my
dear cousin!

It happens to us all but luckily for us,
we have great genes that should see
us age more gracefully than others!
How fortunate are we!

I hope you have a birthday that’s as
beautiful and fabulous as you are!
Many happy returns to you today!

Your mentorship truly is a gift to the world, and I feel very blessed to be guided by you!
It’s far from ideal
It’s a little unfair
That on your special day
I cannot be there.

Instead, I’m sending you 
All my love, kisses, 
Hugs, and birthday wishes.
Happy birthday to one of my
most supportive friends.

You’ve been a constant source
of support throughout our studies,
making the more difficult periods
so much easier.
Happy birthday, my dear.

May you continue to grow up to be
the strong, beautiful woman you are
already becoming. There’s no limit
to what you can achieve.
Every daughter is special to their father in their own way, but there truly must be few heart-touching daughters like you. You are my happiness, my pride, and my endless joy.

I hope you have the wonderful birthday that you so deserve, my sweet girl.
I just wanted to tell you ahead of your
birthday that with each year that you grow
older, you only become more and more
awesome! Happy birthday to you, buddy!
A friend like you is more than just a friend. We share a brotherly bond that makes our friendship so wonderful and unlike any other.

My life is great because I have you in it, as I’m truly blessed to have a best friend like you.

Happy birthday, buddy.
I hope everything you wish for comes true for you today, cousin, but really what more could you want other than a wonderful family member like me!

Happy birthday, girl!