Popular Birthday Wishes

Wishing the happiest of birthdays
to the loveliest of moms!

I hope your day is as lovely as
you are, mom!
Happy 13th birthday, my dear!

I want you to know just how proud I am
of you for growing up so fantastically.

You are blossoming into such a
wonderful and mature person and it
truly is a pleasure to see!

Keep on going as you are, my dear!

Sending lots of love your way on your
very special day this year!
You twin sisters are far from two of a kind!

Sure, you may look alike, but that’s where your identicalness ends! Each of you are your own person with very different personalities, interests and characteristics!

I’m wishing you both the happiest of birthdays today, my dears!
You’re ten today! Happy birthday!

Wishing you a year filled with joy and a lifetime of happiness, my dear!
Happy birthday to an outstanding role model and an incredible person in general!

Your efforts in shaping this country that we live in are unsurpassable and you are such a fantastic role model for this generation and those to come!

Your contribution to society is huge and I for one just want to thank you for everything! Many happy returns to you!
I’m celebrating your birthday today, kitty!

You certainly live up to the expectation of being a great little companion, and that’s exactly why I’m going to spoil you with lots of treats today! It’s only what my best friend deserves!

Happy birthday, sweetie!
Today you turn 5-years-old, little one!

Over the past 5 years, you have grown more and more adorable and I hope you continue getting cuter and more charming as the years go on!

Wishing you a fun and delightful birthday today, my dear!
Happy birthday to the birthday princess who isn’t just the belle of the ball on her birthday! You’re the most magnificent of them all at any event!
You just keep getting more and more beautiful with each passing year!

My heart is so full of love for you today on our anniversary, my sweetheart! 
Happy birthday to you today!

I must say that your focus and drive are truly inspiring, my friend! If you continue on this path then you will surely be destined for greatness!

Sending my very best wishes to you on your special day!
On paper you’re my stepsister, but in my heart you are simply my sister. Sending you lovely wishes to warm your heart on your birthday today, sis!
Birthdays come around each and every
year, but close friendships like ours
come around but once in a lifetime!
Wishing one of my very closest a fantastic birthday today! You’re a truly wonderful friend and I am so lucky to have you in my life. I hope your special day is filled with big laughs and joyous moments, my friend!
Happy birthday for today, girl! It must be
said that there aren’t many female friends
in the world as wonderful as you!

I just want you to know that I am truly
blessed and so incredibly grateful for the
close friendship that we share!

I hope you have the very best day today,
full of sensational celebrations!
Happy birthday for today and thank you for making my mom so happy! There’s been a twinkle in her eyes ever since she met you!
Happy birthday to the perfect gentleman!

Your kindness and presence in my life have touched my heart in more ways than one and more than you will ever know.
On your special day this year, I just wanted to tell you that to me you're perfect and always have been.

All my love to you today! 
Happy birthday! You remind me a lot of another handsome and funny guy: me! It’s almost as though we’re brothers, just from other mothers!
Happy first birthday ever, little man!

You may not remember this special
day, baby boy, but I can assure you
that I will cherish your first birthday
in my heart forever!

Sending lots of cuddles and kisses
to you today, sweetheart!
They say that guys and girls are from different planets, but with you, I feel like we're anything but worlds apart!

You understand me better than most and I know that I can talk to you about anything.

Thank you for being the incredible and supportive friend that you are, and I’m wishing you a marvellous birthday today!
Another year older yet you appear more radiant and more beautiful than ever, my dear godmother!

Sending you lots of love and big birthday hugs on your special day today!
I was honored and touched to be chosen as your godparent and I’ve cherished the privilege ever since!

Happy birthday to you, my sweet boy!
Happy birthday to you today, father.

May God’s love shine brightly on you each and every day, but especially so today.
You have touched the lives of many, so today it is our turn to warm your heart with our kind messages. Happy birthday to you, our dearest priest!
Happy birthday to a wonderful man!

However you choose to spend your special day this year, I hope that it’s filled with lots of love, lots of laughter, and many magical moments that leave you with everlasting memories of your day!
I wanted to put the exact number of candles on your cake this year, but the store told me they didn’t have that many in stock! Happy birthday, uncle!
There isn’t any other sister quite like you.

You truly are such a special person and
I’m very blessed to have you in my life!

Happy birthday to you today!
Your twenties may almost be over, but from next year you have your thirties to look forward to instead! I hope that it’s the best decade of your life to date!

Sending lots of love and good wishes to you on your 29th birthday today!
Old guys rule and you’re a perfect example
of that! You don’t let age get you down,
you just take it in your stride!

Happy birthday to you!
For you, I have 
Nothing but endearment, 
You’re one of my 
Closest loved ones, 
My nearest and dearest. 

I wish the best for you 
Each and every day, 
But even more so today, 
On this particularly 
Special occasion. 

Happy birthday, my dear.
Listen to your heart and stick to what
you believe in. Your beautiful soul will
always guide you right, my sweetheart.

Happy birthday to you!
Today, my wonderful son turns
a quarter of a century old!

To say I am proud of you as you
reach this magnificent milestone
would be a huge understatement.

May you continue to fill my heart
with pride by being the inspirational
person that you are, and here’s to
the next 25 years being as great
as the first have been!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to you today,
my model student!

I wish everyone in my class
was as focused and devoted
as you are to your work as it
would certainly make teaching
much more blissful!

I’m wishing you all the best for
another great year of learning!
Happy anniversary, mom and dad!

Thanks to the two of you, I grew up
knowing what a happy and healthy
relationship should look like.

I’m sending my best wishes to you
both and may your love and
happiness continue for many more
years to come!
Happy birthday to a spectacular someone who can brighten anyone's day in a flash!

You have the most infectious personality with the remarkable ability to put a smile on anyone’s face at any given time! Bless you for being you!
Happy birthday to a true angel!

I have no doubt in my mind that you were sent straight from heaven to bless us all!
Happy twentieth birthday, son!

This special milestone feels like the perfect
time to tell you how incredibly proud I am
of the wonderful young man that you’re
becoming. You truly are my pride and joy!

I hope you have a spectacular day and a
fab year ahead!
Even though I can’t be with you
to make you feel like the birthday
queen that you are, I’ll do my
best to celebrate you from all
the way over here!

Happy birthday, my dear! I hope
your special day is fabulous, just
the way you deserve it to be!
It doesn’t matter where in the world we each are, it could be wherever. For you mean so much to me, you’re my best friend forever! Happy birthday, bestie!
Happy birthday to you!

If I had to give just one reason why you’re more like a sister to me than a cousin, it would be that growing up together you would annoy me just as much as any sister would!
Happy birthday, my rock!

Wherever you are in the world at any
given time, you’re always there for me.

It’s qualities like that which will make
you an incredible husband!
Having your presence and support
with me along this journey provides
assurance that I’m following the
righteous path.

I have but sincere appreciation and
best wishes for you today.
A very happy birthday to you!

You are a truly remarkable person who has so many wonderful and admirable qualities, all of which you should be proud of!

I hope you have a smashing birthday today, my dear!
I laugh at all your jokes even if they aren’t very funny and I pretend to look interested in everything you have to say.

I don’t think I could be any more obvious that I like you even if I wrote it on my forehead!

Happy birthday to you, sweet crush!
Thank you for being the only teacher
whose homework doesn’t feel like a
chore. To me, it’s just as enjoyable
as your classes!

Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday, my love!

Nothing in this world is sweeter than you, not even the sweetest cake consisting mainly of frosting.

You are a sweet treat that delights each and every day, one of which I’m very lucky to have in my life.
My dear, it brings me great pleasure to
be wishing you a happy birthday today.

Watching you turn eighteen and cross
the threshold from girl to woman is a
truly beautiful and emotional moment
to be a part of.

Always remember that you have my full
love and support in everything you do.

With all my love, your ever-adoring aunt.
Happy birthday to you, sir.

You are an essential part of this
school and a huge contributing
factor to its great reputation.
You're nothing short of amazing.

May you have the heartfelt birthday
that you’re so deserving of today.
Happy birthday, honey!

I always thought you’d get more handsome with age and luckily for me I was right!
Happy birthday, ma’am!

On your special day this year,
I have to confess that you are
my favorite teacher by far.

Although it’s not much of a contest
when I start to think about the teachers
I like and how few there actually are!