Popular Birthday Wishes

Happy birthday to you, sir.

You are an essential part of this
school and a huge contributing
factor to its great reputation.
You're nothing short of amazing.

May you have the heartfelt birthday
that you’re so deserving of today.
Happy birthday, honey!

I always thought you’d get more handsome with age and luckily for me I was right!
Happy birthday, ma’am!

On your special day this year,
I have to confess that you are
my favorite teacher by far.

Although it’s not much of a contest
when I start to think about the teachers
I like and how few there actually are!
Celebrations are in order today, for my
dear niece is turning eighteen!

Congratulations, my sweetheart. I’m an
even prouder auntie than usual today!
Happy birthday to you, girl!

True friends know all of each other's
flaws and their deepest, darkest secrets
and yet continue to be friends anyway!

I’m truly grateful to have a great gal pal
and dear best friend like you!
I’m sending the biggest, brightest, most brilliant birthday wishes your way today, my dear stepson!

I hope your special day warms your heart as much as you’ve warmed mine.
This is just an advance warning to let you all know that my birthday is coming up, so there’s no excuse not to wish me a happy birthday this year!
Happy birthday to you today, teacher!

I’m so grateful for you as you never gave up on me. You believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself, and you continued to care even when I couldn’t really have cared much less!

You truly are a very special teacher and one in a million!
Happy birthday, girl! You might be far away from me right now but you can be sure that deep within my heart, you’re closer to me than you’ve ever been.

I’m wishing you the most amazing day from afar, my very special friend.
Happy birthday to one of the most elegant
golden oldies around!

I’m wishing you but the very best as you
turn the glorious age of 70 today, my dear.
May it bring a spectacular year ahead and
an even better decade with it.
Happy birthday, dear godfather.

Your birthday is the perfect time
To recognize everything that you do
So from the bottom of my heart to yours
A great big thank you, from me to you.
It brings great joy to my heart to be wishing you a happy birthday today, as you are so much more than just my godfather. To me, you’ll always be a friend, a mentor, and a father-figure.

You play such a vital role in my life and, on your special day, I just want you to know how much I appreciate everything that you do.
This birthday wish
Is my love letter to you
To tell you just how much
I appreciate all that you do.

You mean the world to me
And you always will do,
I am so well and truly
In love with you.

Happy birthday, my dear.
Happy birthday to you, my dear.

I am praying that God not only showers
you with blessings on your special day
today but for each and every day of the
year ahead. You deserve every bit of
God’s kindness. 
Happy birthday, my dear!

A friendship like ours is so rare and
unique that in the whole world, I am
sure there are only a few.

I never knew it was possible to have
a friend like a sister until I met you!
Happy birthday, brother! Your birthday cake is definitely going to present a fire hazard this year, what with all the candles that’ll be on top of it!
I couldn’t let the birthday of someone as special as you pass by without saying happy birthday! I’m sending my very best wishes your way!
On your special day this year,
I want you to know that to me,
you are so dear. I couldn’t wish 
for a more meaningful or better 
best friend than you, girl.
Happy birthday, my sweetheart. Celebrating another birthday with you fills my heart with joy. I am so grateful for all of the sweet memories we have made this past year.
Thankyou to everyone who took a little time out of their day to brighten mine with their sweet wishes and kind messages. I simply can’t show my appreciation enough!
For someone who is as special to me as you are, I’m sending warm and hearty birthday wishes for a truly wonderful day. You deserve all the happiness in the world to touch your heart and brighten your day today, my dear.
Thankyou for the birthday wishes.
Hearing from you meant the world to
me and made my day extra special.
I had the best birthday celebrating with the best people! There are too many of you to tag, but you know who you are! Thanks for celebrating my birthday with me!
Every year when my special day
comes around, it always amazes
me when I’m reminded how many
wonderful people I have in my life.

Thank you all for taking a little time
out of your day to brighten mine, 
it means a lot.
As I reflect on this past year, I can’t help but feel grateful for all of the wonderful moments and people I have in my life. I’m feeling very blessed on my birthday today.
Happy 70th birthday, uncle!

As you blow out your birthday
candles today be careful that
your teeth don’t also come out!
For a person who needs few words
Someone I find truly honorable
These short birthday wishes
Are to say you’re phenomenal!
Happy birthday! Here I am with many wishes for you, of love, health and joy, pretty much anything that doesn’t cost me a dime.
Happy 18th birthday! Look at you, looking all grown up, but really you’re still just a sweet child at heart!

This is the beginning of your adult years and of your life. Cherish every moment and enjoy every experience, so that one day, you can look back and appreciate every moment you have lived.

But don’t try to live it too fast, there's plenty of time to do everything that you want. You still have your whole life ahead of you.

Have an amazing birthday!
Today is the perfect day to tell you how much we all appreciate you and your work. You are indispensable to our team and to this company.

We all appreciate your can-do attitude and we want to wish you an awesome birthday!
Your special day only comes around once a year, but this is the day on which you were born and the happiest day of the year for me.

When you were a little boy, you liked comic books so much that you wanted to be Superman. You may not have gained any superpowers, but you are still my superhero.

I hope you have a powerful birthday!
I don’t know what a life without you would be like, big brother, but I know how wonderful it is for having you in it. Happy birthday!
My dear darling niece,
I know I may be biased,
but it’s clear for anyone to see,
that you’re simply fantastic
and a true gift to the world!

Have a day full of greatness,
extravagance, and much joy!

Happy birthday, my dear!
My darling granddaughter turns
another year older today, and
another year more beautiful!

Have a magical birthday, sweetie!
First my own child then along came you,
who'd have thought I could be so
beautifully blessed twice!

Happy birthday, my dear granddaughter!
Wishing the happiest birthday ever to a top nephew and an all-round top lad!

Hope you have an awesome one today!
Happy birthday, stepson!

I hope you know that I
have always seen you
as one of my own!

Enjoy your special day!
I have something that will make you
smile on your birthday this year:
I know someone who likes you! 

So as not to reveal who your secret
admirer is, they asked me to wish
you a happy birthday on their behalf,
and they send you lots of kisses!

Have a fantastic birthday and enjoy
the feeling of being highly desired!
Wishing a happy birthday to an ex who
is better than the rest!

It’s not unusual to lose contact with
your ex, which is the case with most of
my other exes, but I am so glad that
we’ve kept in touch!

You were a very big part of my life and
I’ll always be grateful to you for that.

I hope that your special day this year
brings you much happiness!
Seventeen kisses and big
birthday wishes! 

Happy 17th birthday today!
Happy birthday, my friend!

I knew it was your birthday before
Facebook even reminded me it was!

Have a great day!
Happy birthday to a newly established
teen who is more like 13 going on 30!

You are well beyond your years, my
dear, as you are so much more mature
than any other teenager I know!

I hope you enjoy your very special
birthday this year!
Happy birthday to you, bro!

I got you a nice hat for your gift this year, you know, to cover up those emerging bald spots and all the grey hair!

Thankfully, I think I’ve still got a few years before I have all of that to look forward to!

I hope you enjoy your day today, my dear elder brother!
Happy birthday to my loving mom!

As a mother, you have always shown me so much love! That’s why, for today, I want to return that love and show you how much you mean to me, your son!

I have always felt safe and cared for thanks to your motherliness character, and for that, I will be eternally grateful.

Sending you all my love on your special day, mom!
For my loving pooch on your birthday this year, I have plenty of belly rubs, snacks and lots of treats reserved for you!

Happy birthday!
Happy 13th birthday to a youngster who isn’t so young anymore! You are growing up so beautifully and it truly is a pleasure to witness!

I hope you continue to grow so splendidly and I am very hopeful that many amazing opportunities await you!
Happy birthday to the person who brought me into the world and nurtured me from day one!

I hope you have a wonderful day, mom!
Happy birthday, daddy-o!

All my friends are jealous that I have such a cool, young, hip guy for a dad! It doesn’t surprise me that some people don’t believe you’re old enough to be my father!

I hope you have an awesome day today!
Happy birthday to a prize student that we all adore!

I hope your birthday is just as special as you deserve it to be, my friend!

Wishing you all the very best for this new year of your life that starts today!
Happy birthday to the man who has
nurtured me and kept me safe ever
since my first day on this earth!

I love you, daddy!