Popular Birthday Wishes

Friendship is a choice but when it
comes to family it’s all down to chance!

Thankfully, I was lucky enough to
end up with a sister like you!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to my friend who
does a super job of keeping me
sane in a workplace that tends
to turn most people crazy!

Wishing you all the best today!
Although I can’t be with you on your
special day, you can be sure that I’m
thinking of you anyway!

Sending you big, bright, and brilliant
birthday wishes today!
To my globetrotting friend who has a deep meaning in my life, may you have a wonderful birthday today wherever you’re choosing to spend your special day!
Since we’re not spending your
birthday together in person this
year, I’ve had to find other ways
of celebrating your special day.

So, you can be sure that you’re
on my mind and in my thoughts,
and of course in my heart.

Happy birthday to you, my
handsome husband-to-be!
Happy birthday to you!

Some people are simply destined to lead
and I can say with confidence that you are
one of those people!

It must be in your DNA as it’s just
something that comes so naturally to you!
For someone who is so much more than
merely a brother to me, I am wishing the
most spectacular birthday today!

May this special day of yours reward you
with all that is great in this world as you
truly deserve it, brother.
More often than not, stepparents and stepkids don’t seem to gel right away.

The odds were always against us and no one expected us to get along, but we just clicked so naturally from the moment we entered each other’s lives.

I’m so grateful for you and the happiness that you’ve brought to me ever since day one, my amazing stepson! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you, my friend!

Remembering all of the wonderful times we shared together as kids puts the biggest smile on my face!

I hope your special day today has the same effect and makes you as happy as we were back then!
I’m wishing you the happiest of birthdays today, sis, but I have to admit it really saddens me that we’re not able to celebrate your birthday together in person this year.

We’ll just have to make up for it next year with twice the amount of celebrations!
Being away from you is hard at the
best of times, but even more so on
a special occasion like today.

Happy birthday. I’m sending you all
my love, sweetheart.
Happy birthday, lovely lady.

It never ceases to amaze me how you
seem to continuously defy age. It’s almost
as though time has stood still for you.

I can only hope I look as good as you do
when I reach your age.
My dear best friend, today is your special
day and I have to tell you that you are the
kindest, most loyal, and funniest person I
know but above all, you're so very unique.

It couldn’t be truer that friends like you
there are few, there quite simply aren’t
many others quite as remarkable as you.

I’m wishing you the most wonderful
birthday today, bestie.
18 incredible years and counting,
my dear! Happy birthday to you!

You are so special to me and I am
so incredibly proud of the wonderful
woman you have become.

Keep shining as brightly as you
do, my beautiful niece.
Happy birthday, girl! We’ve been through the best of times and the worst of times together, but the main thing is that we were always there for each other.
Happy birthday to you, my love!

Since it’s your birthday today, I’ll let you have the final say for a change! But remember, this very generous offer is only for today so make the most of it and enjoy it while you can!
From you to me
From me to you
Today’s my birthday
And it’s yours too!

Happy birthday, twin bro!
Happy birthday to the sweetest, kindest, and most genuine guy friend a girl could have! You truly do brighten my days in the most incredible of ways!
Happy birthday to my favorite guy!

If they’re lucky, every girl has that one
special male friend, and I’m sure you
already know that you’re mine!

You’re like a brother to me, and I’m
so very thankful to have someone
like you in my life.
Today you turn 10, birthday boy!

So, for the most wonderful little man around I’m wishing you an awesome day packed full of fun!
I looked for a gift at the shopping center for you but didn’t have any luck. I didn’t try any others because once you’ve seen one you’ve seen ‘em mall!
On your birthday of all days,
I wish you weren’t so far away
But know that if it was possible,
I’d walk a thousand miles to
Celebrate with you, to make
Sure you have a great day.

Happy birthday, my love.
My love for you is vast 
It runs so very deep
I think about you when I’m awake
I’m dreaming of you in my sleep.
To me, you’re as magnificent as
The greatest depths of the ocean
I was allured and enchanted by you
As if under a magic spell or love potion.

Happy birthday to you, my sweet love.
There’s no one else like
My sweet eldest brother
You’re funny and unique
Simply unlike any other!

Happy birthday from your 
Younger sister who loves 
You lots and lots!
You’re in my heart 
And in my prayers
You’re the one I can count on
The one who always cares.
You’re constantly on my mind
Even when you’re far away
And more so than ever 
Today on your special day.

Happy birthday, my love.
Happy birthday to my lovely big sister!

May your special day touch your heart as
deeply as you do mine each and every day.
Happy birthday to someone who has bean such an important figure in my life. I cannot espresso how much you mean to me, but it’s a latte!
Today is the first birthday of our baby boy!

Our hearts couldn’t be more full of love and we couldn’t be happier to be celebrating this special day!
Happy birthday, my love. 

As much as this distance tests my heart, I know that it’s for the greater good. I can’t wait to see you and celebrate properly.
To the best principal that
This school has ever seen
We’re wishing you a birthday
That’s lovely and serene!

We can’t thank you enough
For everything that you do
We’re just so lucky to have
A school principal like you!
A super cool kid is turning 12 today! I hope your 12th birthday is full of fun and may your cake be as sweet as you are, my dear!
Happy birthday, my perfect man!

Sometimes I think you’re too good to be
true, but then you go and do something
that brings me back down to earth!

I’m just kidding, I really am very lucky to
have ended up with a husband like you!
Congratulations, you made your very own little human!

Raising a baby is no easy task and you no doubt have a challenging journey ahead, but after all is said and done the smile alone from your beautiful newborn will make it all worthwhile.
I’ll always be grateful to have had you
in my life, as it’s better to have loved
and lost than never to have loved at all.

Happy birthday to you.
Today’s a very special day as it’s the
Birthday of someone super special!
Happy birthday to you, cousin!

A cousin, best friend, and brother
Who means so much to me
Deserves many wonderful gifts
Not just one, not two, but three!
I’m not only lucky to be a part
of the same family as you, I’m
extra lucky that I have you as a
sister. You make the world a
better place simply by being you.

I’m wishing you a birthday that’s
full of love and joy, sis.
You can always count on me to be the first to wish you a happy birthday! I hope your day is a truly great one!
There is beauty in simplicity, so I’ll keep my birthday wishes to you this year short and sweet. Happy birthday, my friend.
Happy birthday, my gorgeous girlfriend!

Today is that one special day of the year that you’ll find me being romantic, so I hope you savor it and make the most of it!
Happy birthday to a super amazing, truly wonderful, and hilariously funny person who reminds me a lot of myself: my wife! We’re a perfect match, my love!
I promise I didn’t mean to be late with
your birthday wishes. With so much
going on right now it just slipped my
mind... I hope you can forgive me!
Happy birthday to the greatest father who has shaped me and taught me everything I know. I am the man I am today because of you, dad.
Another year spent by your side is
another year to be grateful. I am so
blessed to be celebrating you, my one
and only, on your special day today.

Happy birthday, my love.
My only wish for you on your birthday this year, my lovely wife, is that your special day brings you a smile and that it stays around for a while!

Happy birthday!
Happy 2nd birthday to my dear grandson. May you continue to grow up happy, healthy, and keep becoming the beautiful boy that you are.
I just wanted to say a special thanks to everyone who sent me birthday wishes on my special day. Every word contributed to making my day more magical than I ever could’ve imagined.

Thanks, guys. I truly appreciate it.
Today may be your special day, but I want you to know that you are always in my heart and forever in my thoughts. Few people in this world are as important to me as you are.

I’m wishing you the most wonderful birthday and a year of happiness to follow. 
Happy birthday, son!

Once you were a tiny baby,
now you are a big boy and
one day I hope you’ll be a
great man. That’s the path
I’ll be glad to see you take,
but nonetheless, wherever
you go, whoever you
become, I will always love
you and be proud of you.

Have a wonderful day!
You’ve been making me proud and filling me with joy since the day you were born. But this will remain our little secret because if others were to find out how great it is to have a nephew like you, no one would ever want to be a parent and humanity would come to a halt.

I hope you have a fantastic day and a fantastic year to come!
This is the most special day for the most special man in my life: you. I carry you in my heart everywhere I go and every day the world seems prettier because of your love.

When life gets me down or I happen to go through a rough patch, you make everything easier.

I wish you a day as special as you are, my love!